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Sampoorna Grameen

Rozgar Yojana (SGRY)

ID NO:601-09-009
Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar
Yojana (SGRY)

EAS(Employment JRY(Jawahar
Assurance Scheme) Rozgar Yojna)

“Sampoorna Grameen
Rozgar Yojana (SGRY)”


1. To provide additional wage employment in rural

2. To provide food security.
3. To create durable community, social and economic
infrastructure in rural areas.
4. Special emphasis to provide Wage Employment to :-
a. Women
b. Scheduled caste
c. Scheduled Tribes.
d. Parents of children withdrawn from hazardous
Evolution of SGRY

Was anounced on 15th August 2001.

launched on 25th September2001
annual out lay of Rs.10,000 crores.
Under the Scheme,
 50 lakh tonnes of food grains ( Rs.5,000 crores) (at economic
cost) will be provided every year free of cost to the State
Governments and Union Territory Administrations.
 The remaining funds will be utilized to meet the cash
component of wages and the material cost.
 Under the Scheme, about 100 crore man days of wage-
employment are envisaged to be generated
Salient features of SGRY

a. Centrally sponsored Wage Employment Scheme.

b. 75% Cash Component as central share .
c. Food grain Assistance also provided by the Central
d. On an average approximately 20.00 lakhs man days
of employment to be generated every year in the
e. A minimum of 5 Kgs of food grains per man day to
be provided as part of wages.
f. Balance of the wages to be paid in cash Minimum
25% wages to be paid in cash.
g. Cost of foodgrains to be worked out at BPL rates or
APL rates or anywhere between the two by the State
h. Works to be taken as per the felt need of the area
within available funds
i. 50% of the funds to be earmarked to the Village
Panchayats for infrastructure development work in
SC/ST localities.
j. 30% of the employment opportunities reserved for
k. 22.5 % of the annual allocation (inclusive of food
grains) allocated both at the district level and
intermediate level shall be earmarked for the
individual group beneficiaries of SC/ ST families
living below poverty line.
Monitoring And Evaluation

a. Regular monitoring and evaluation through impact

b. Monitoring by Govt. of India on monthly/Annual
basis through Progress Reports.
c. Monitoring through Vigilance Committees at the
State and District Levels.
d. District Level and National level monitors appointed
by Govt. of India to carry out selected verification of

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