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Mass, force and torque

Mass (weight) measurement
• Electronic load cell (electronic balance)
• Pneumatic/hydraulic load cells
• Mass-balance (weighing) instruments
(i)Beam balance (equal-arm balance)
(ii)Weigh beam
(iii)Pendulum scale
(iv)Electromagnetic balance
• Spring balance
Electronic load cell (electronic balance)
The electronic load cell uses the physical principle that a force applied
to an elastic element produces a measurable deflection. Load cells exist
in both compression and tension forms. In the compression type, the
measured mass is placed on top of a platform resting on the load cell,
which therefore compresses the cell. In the alternative tension type, the
mass is hung from the load cell, thereby putting the cell into tension.
One problem that can affect the performance of load cells is the
phenomenon of creep. Creep describes the permanent deformation
that an elastic element undergoes after it has been under load for a
period of time.
Pneumatic/hydraulic load cells

Pneumatic and hydraulic load cells translate mass measurement into a

pressure measurement task. Application of a mass to the cell causes
deflection of a diaphragm acting as a variable restriction in a nozzle–
flapper mechanism. The output pressure measured in the cell is
approximately proportional to the magnitude of the gravitational force
on the applied mass. The instrument requires a flow of air at its input of
around 0.25m3/hour at a pressure of 4 bar.
In hydraulic load cell, the gravitational force due to the unknown mass
is applied, via a diaphragm, to oil contained within an enclosed
chamber. The corresponding increase in oil pressure is measured by a
suitable pressure transducer. These instruments are designed for
measuring much larger masses than pneumatic cells, with a load
capacity of 500 tonnes being common. Besides their much greater
measuring range, hydraulic load cells are much more accurate than
pneumatic cells, with an inaccuracy figure of 0.05%.
Mass-balance (weighing) instruments
Beam balance (equal-arm balance):
In the beam balance, standard masses are added to a pan on one side
of a pivoted beam until the magnitude of the gravity force on them
balances the magnitude of the gravitational force on the unknown
mass acting at the other end of the beam. This equilibrium position is
indicated by a pointer that moves against a calibrated scale.
One serious disadvantage of this type of instrument is its lack of
ruggedness. Continuous use and the inevitable shock loading that will
occur from time to time both cause damage to the knife edges, leading
to problems in measurement accuracy and resolution.
Weigh beam
The weigh beam, sketched in two alternative forms operates on similar
principles to the beam balance but is much more rugged. In the first
form, standard masses are added to balance the unknown mass and
fine adjustment is provided by a known mass that is moved along a
notched, graduated bar until the pointer is brought to the null, balance
point. The alternative form has two or more graduated bars. Each bar
carries a different standard mass and these are moved to appropriate
positions on the notched bar to balance the unknown mass. Versions of
these instruments are used to measure masses up to 50 tonnes.
Pendulum scale
The pendulum scale is another instrument that works on the mass-
balance principle. The unknown mass is put on a platform that is
attached by steel tapes to a pair of cams. Downward motion of the
platform, and hence rotation of the cams, under the influence of the
gravitational force on the mass, is opposed by the gravitational force
acting on two pendulum type masses attached to the cams. The
amount of rotation of the cams when the equilibrium position is
reached is determined by the deflection of a pointer against a scale.
The shape of the cams is such that this output deflection is linearly
proportional to the applied mass.
One potential source of difficulty with the instrument is oscillation of
the weigh platform when the mass is applied. Where necessary, in
instruments measuring larger masses, dashpots are incorporated into
the cam system to damp out such oscillations. A further possible
problem can arise, mainly when measuring large masses, if the mass is
not placed centrally on the platform. This can be avoided by designing a
second platform to hold the mass, which is hung from the first platform
by knife edges. This lessens the criticality of mass placement.
Electromagnetic balance
The electromagnetic balance uses the torque developed by a current-
carrying coil suspended in a permanent magnetic field to balance the
unknown mass against the known gravitational force produced on a
standard mass. A light source and detector system is used to determine
the null balance point. The voltage output from the light detector is
amplified and applied to the coil, thus creating a servosystem where
the deflection of the coil in equilibrium is proportional to the applied
force. Its advantages over beam balances, weigh beams and pendulum
scales include its smaller size, its insensitivity to environmental changes
(modifying inputs) and its electrical form of output.
Spring balance
Spring balances provide a method of mass measurement that is both
simple and cheap. The mass is hung on the end of a spring and the
deflection of the spring due to the downwards gravitational force on
the mass is measured against a scale. Because the characteristics of the
spring are very susceptible to environmental changes, measurement
accuracy is usually relatively poor. However, if compensation is made
for the changes in spring characteristics, then a measurement
inaccuracy less than 0.2% is achievable. According to the design of the
instrument, masses between 0.5 kg and 10 tonnes can be measured.
Force measurement
• Use of accelerometers
• Vibrating wire sensor
Use of accelerometers

The technique of applying a force to a known mass and measuring the

acceleration produced can be carried out using any type of
accelerometer. Unfortunately, the method is of very limited practical
value because, in most cases, forces are not free entities but are part of
a system (from which they cannot be decoupled) in which they are
acting on some body that is not free to accelerate. However, the
technique can be of use in measuring some transient forces, and also
for calibrating the forces produced by thrust motors in space vehicles.
Vibrating wire sensor
This instrument consists of a wire that is kept vibrating at its resonant
frequency by a variable-frequency oscillator. The resonant frequency of a
wire under tension is given by:

where M is the mass per unit length of the wire, L is the length of the
wire, and T is the tension due to the applied force, F. Thus, measurement
of the output frequency of the oscillator allows the force applied to the
wire to be calculated.
Torque measurement
• Reaction forces in shaft bearings
• Prony brake
• Measurement of induced strain
• Optical torque measurement
Reaction forces in shaft bearings
Any system involving torque transmission through a shaft contains both
a power source and a power absorber where the power is dissipated.
The magnitude of the transmitted torque can be measured by cradling
either the power source or the power absorber end of the shaft in
bearings, and then measuring the reaction force, F, and the arm length
L. The torque is then calculated as the simple product, FL. Pendulum
scales are very commonly used for measuring the reaction force.
Inherent errors in the method are bearing friction and windage
Prony brake

It is used to measure the torque in a rotating shaft and consists of a

rope wound round the shaft. One end of the rope is attached to a
spring balance and the other end carries a load in the form of a
standard mass, m. If the measured force in the spring balance is Fs,
then the effective force, Fe, exerted by the rope on the shaft is given
If the radius of the shaft is Rs and that of the rope is Rr, then the
effective radius, Re, of the rope and drum with respect to the axis of
rotation of the shaft is given by:

The torque in the shaft, T, can then be calculated as:

Measurement of induced strain

Measuring the strain induced in a shaft due to an applied torque has

been the most common method used for torque measurement in
recent years. It is a very attractive method because it does not disturb
the measured system by introducing friction torques in the same way
as the last two methods described do. The method involves bonding
four strain gauges onto the shaft, where the strain gauges are arranged
in a d.c. bridge circuit. The output from the bridge circuit is a function
of the strain in the shaft and hence of the torque applied. It is very
important that the positioning of the strain gauges on the shaft is
precise, and the difficulty in achieving this makes the instrument
relatively expensive.
The technique is ideal for measuring the stalled torque in a shaft before
rotation commences. However, a problem is encountered in the case of
rotating shafts because a suitable method then has to be found for
making the electrical connections to the strain gauges. One solution to
this problem found in many commercial instruments is to use a system
of slip rings and brushes for this, although this increases the cost of the
instrument still further.
Optical torque measurement

Two black-and-white striped wheels are mounted at either end of the rotating
shaft and are in alignment when no torque is applied to the shaft. Light from a
laser diode light source is directed by a pair of optic-fibre cables onto the
wheels. The rotation of the wheels causes pulses of reflected light and these
are transmitted back to a receiver by a second pair of fibre-optic cables.
Under zero torque conditions, the two pulse trains of reflected light are in
phase with each other. If torque is now applied to the shaft, the reflected light
is modulated. Measurement by the receiver of the phase difference between
the reflected pulse trains therefore allows the magnitude of torque in the
shaft to be calculated. The cost of such instruments is relatively low, and an
additional advantage in many applications is their small physical size.

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