Aerial Lifts and Elevated Platform Safety

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Aerial Lifts and

Elevated Platform Safety


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measures to effectively control exposures
and assure compliance.

This program is neither a determination

that the conditions and practices of your
organization are safe, nor a warranty that
reliance upon this program will prevent
accidents and losses or satisfy local,
state, or federal regulations.


This course will introduce you to aerial lift and elevated platform safety.

Aerial lifts provide a simple means of performing tasks that would otherwise be out
of reach. However, if used without proper training and precautions, they can also
offer the potential for severe injury or death.

The following slides contain:

• An outline of personnel responsibilities.

• The different types of lifts you may use.

• Common hazards and preventative controls.

• Inspection and operation best practices.

! Approximately 30 Americans lose their life each year as a

result of aerial lift accidents.

Course Overview

1. Personnel Responsibilities

2. Types of Aerial Lifts

3. Hazard Assessment and Inspections

4. Hazards and Controls

Personnel Responsibilities

What you need to know:

1. Operator responsibilities

2. Management responsibilities

3. Responsible party responsibilities

1 Personnel Responsibilities


Lift operators must assure that they are using aerial lifts safely and following all

• Completing proper training and demonstrating knowledge before using an
aerial lift

• Reading and understanding the applicable operator manuals

• Adhering to guidelines, practices for safe use, and manufacturer


For each individual type of lift, operators must be separately qualified and
1 Personnel Responsibilities


Management is responsible for the development of aerial lift safety programs.

Management must assure that the following documentation tasks are complete:
• Documenting the safety programs

• Distributing all appropriate manufacturer documentation and including it in weatherproof

containers on the platform or mobile unit

Appropriate documentation includes the following:

• Operator’s manuals

• Maintenance manuals

• Any safety documentation from the manufacturer

1 Personnel Responsibilities


Management must assure the following work practices are followed:

• Operators follow the safety program, all safety documentation, and other
outlined responsibilities.

• Regular pre-operation inspections occur.

• Any hazards found during inspections are addressed.

• Platforms are subject to regular preventative maintenance.

• Any lift repairs or modifications done by an entity other than the

manufacturer require written authorization from the manufacturer or a
nationally recognized, ANSI-compliant testing laboratory.

* These practices should be documented in the safety program.

1 Personnel Responsibilities

Responsible Party

The employer appoints a responsible party to write and implement the aerial lift safety program.

Lift operation responsibilities: Training responsibilities:

• Selects and authorizes operators, based on experience and physical • Assures that all operators’
qualifications training is current

• Assures that unauthorized persons do not operate lifts • Schedules training and retraining

• Assures that the lift is only used for intended applications as defined in the
operating manual

• Assures that recognized safety practices are followed

1 Personnel Responsibilities

Responsible Party

Inspections and maintenance responsibilities:

• Schedules and oversees inspections and preventative maintenance

• Assures that lifts are equipped with required safety equipment (e.g.,
overrides, back-up beepers, and anchor points for fall protection)

• Assures that lifts are not operated if they are out of compliance with their
applicable maintenance schedules

Administrative responsibilities:
• Maintains training and inspection records
Types of Aerial Lifts

What you need to know:

1. Types of aerial lifts

2. Criteria for lift selection

2 Types of Aerial Lifts

Articulating Boom Lifts

• They have two or more hinged boom sections.
• The platform moves many directions:
‒ Outward from the base
‒ Up and down
‒ Left and right

• Only use these lifts on a level operating surface.

• Use fall protection.

2 Types of Aerial Lifts

Elevated Work Platforms

• Designed to elevate a platform on a vertical axis

• Stationary after setup

They contain fall protection in the form of guardrails.
Additional fall protection is not required, but it is highly
recommended as a best practice.
2 Types of Aerial Lifts

Extensible Boom Platforms


Extensible boom platforms have extending, telescopic booms and personnel

platform attachments.

• Only use these lifts on a level operating surface.

• Use fall protection.

2 Types of Aerial Lifts

Scissor Lifts

• They are typically able to lift more than one person at a time.

• Scissor lifts can be moved while the platform is raised.

• The platform only moves on a vertical axis.

Scissor lifts include guardrails to minimize the risk of falling. Additional fall
protection is not required but is highly recommended as a best practice.
2 Types of Aerial Lifts

Trailer-Mounted Aerial Lifts

Characteristics: This boom is both articulated

and telescoping.
• Trailer-mounted lifts include extendable or folding outriggers.

• The lift boom may be articulated, telescoping, or both.

• They are towed to worksites.

• Un-hitch the lift before use.

• Engage the outriggers during use.

• Use fall protection.

2 Types of Aerial Lifts

Vehicle-Mounted Aerial Lifts


• Vehicle-mounted lifts typically have a bucket for one person.

• The lift boom may be articulated, telescoping, or both.

This boom is
articulated but not
• Use fall protection. telescoping.

• During operation:
‒ Engage brakes.
‒ Chock wheels.
‒ Extend outriggers.
2 Types of Aerial Lifts

Selecting the Correct Lift

To select the right lift, consider the needs and hazards of the job.
• Lifting height and capacity: Know the maximum height to comfortably
perform the task and the weight of all personnel and equipment.
• Worksite and equipment dimensions: Make sure that your worksite
can to accommodate the lift and that your platform is large enough for the
required personnel and equipment.
• Terrain type: Make sure that the lift can safely traverse the worksite’s
terrain and remain stable.
• Power source: Verify that you will be able to adequately power the lift
and that the power source is compatible with the work area (e.g., no gas-
powered units in a confined space).
• Transportation: Verify that the lift can be easily delivered to the work

! Aerial lifts may only be used per the manufacturer’s specifications.

Hazard Assessment and Inspections

What you need to know:

1. The site hazard assessment

2. Pre-operation inspections

3. How to properly test lifts

4. Tagging defective lifts

3 Hazard Assessment and Inspections

The Site Hazard Assessment

Prior to beginning work, examine the site to assure that conditions allow for the
safe use of an aerial lift.

Safe conditions:

• Terrain is level, stable, and strong enough to support the lift.

• The area is free from obstructions.

• Pedestrian and traffic access is controlled.

• The area is not exposed to strong wind or weather.

• The area is free from exposed electrical hazards.

• The area is not subject to any other hazardous conditions that may cause
injury or damage to personnel or equipment.
3 Hazard Assessment and Inspections

Pre-Operation Inspection

Prior to each use, operators must perform a visual inspection of the lift.

Required conditions: Frequency:

• Operation and maintenance manuals are located in • The frequency of
the lift’s weatherproof storage compartment. inspections is
determined based on
• Fuel and other fluids are at recommended levels. environment and
• There is no structural damage or loose parts. severity of use.

• Tires are properly inflated and in good condition.

• Inspecting daily or prior
to operation is best
• Hoses and lines have no leaks or other defects. practice.
• Outriggers and raising, lowering, or rotating
components are in good condition.
Additional inspections:
• All components of the crew platform or basket,
Additional inspections
including guardrails, gates, and fall protection anchor
performed by qualified
points, are in good condition.
mechanics may be needed.
3 Hazard Assessment and Inspections


Prior to use, test the functionality of the lift’s controls.

Test the following: If functioning properly:

• Driving controls • The platform or unit will move in
the direction of the control.
• Platform manipulation controls
• Each control will automatically
• Emergency controls return to its neutral position
when released.
• Foot controls

• Every function on each panel, both from the platform and the
unit body
3 Hazard Assessment and Inspections

Defective Lifts

If you discover damage or Include the following information

defects: on the tag:
• Do not use the lift. • The name and department or
position of the employee
• Report the defect immediately to responsible for tagging the lift
your supervisor.
• The date and time of tagging
• Immediately remove the lift from
service. • The contact information for the
person responsible for repairs
• Tag the lift.
• All reasons for the lift’s removal
• Retain the keys to the lift. from service

If the tag does not allow enough room to list all deficiencies, you
may attach a photocopy of the inspection form to the lift to
assure that all deficiencies are noted.
Hazards and Controls

What you need to know:

1. Best practices

2. Hazards of aerial lifts

3. Safety controls
4 Hazards and Controls

Mounting the Lift

When mounting a lift:

• Keep your body squared with the gate.

• Maintain three points of contact.

• Do not use any control surfaces or levers as hand-holds when mounting or


• Always close lift gates.

4 Hazards and Controls

Preparing the Travel Path

Inspection: Safe practices:

Prior to using a lift, inspect your planned travel path for • If any overhead cranes
the following hazards: are in your path, assure
that they are locked
• Holes, curbs, slopes, drop-offs, or other uneven and tagged as out of
surface features service.
• Ground that is unstable, soft, or incapable of • If using a boom lift,
supporting the weight of the lift make sure to plan for
the boom’s swing
• Overhead obstructions, including cranes radius, and assure that
personnel is clear.
Choose a path that is free of these hazards. • If working near traffic,
set up work-zone
warnings (e.g., cones
or signs).
4 Hazards and Controls

Moving the Lift

• Drive slowly: Maintain a safe travel speed.

Always face the direction of travel.

Stay aware of surroundings: Watch for any blind spots, and use a
safety spotter whenever necessary.
* Make sure that all
components of the lift are
properly secured before
transport to the worksite.

• Avoid obstacles: Maintain a safe distance from holes, ramps, drop-offs,

and any other features that could cause the platform to overturn.

• Lower the platform: When traveling between work areas, lower the
platform to increase stability. If this is not possible, proceed slowly and
always keep the travel surface in view.

• Be aware of platform orientation: Stay aware of changes in the

platform’s orientation (e.g., if on a pivoting boom).
4 Hazards and Controls

Moving the Lift

Backing up:

In order to protect the other employees in the area, do not

back up the lift unless one of the following is true:

• The driver has a clear rear view.

• The lift has a back-up alarm.

• Another employee serves as a spotter.

4 Hazards and Controls

Destabilizing Factors
• Exceeding the load capacity: Do not overload the lift with excess
personnel, tools, or other materials. This may result in tip-over of the lift or
structural failure.

• Uneven terrain: Setting the lift on uneven terrain may also cause tipping.

• Horizontal load capacity: Do not exceed your platform’s horizontal load

capacity. This is any force applied to the platform from the side that could
affect balance.

• Entanglement: Ropes, cords, or hoses hanging outside of the platform.

Excessive horizontal load may

knock the lift off-balance and
cause it to tip over.
4 Hazards and Controls

Destabilizing Factors

Best practices for maintaining stability:

• Be sure that the lift’s capacities for weight and horizontal load are not

• Assure that no ropes, cords, or hoses are hanging outside of the

platform. (Do not move the lift if they are.)

• When raising or lowering the lift, do not allow the lift to contact or
catch on any objects (e.g., exposed piping or wiring, walls, ceilings, or
other vehicles).

* A platform’s horizontal load and weight capacities can be found

in the operator’s manual and may also be indicated on the
platform’s data plate or warning labels.
4 Hazards and Controls

Destabilizing Factors

Best practices for maintaining stability (continued):

• Watch for overhead obstacles.

• Do not hoist items from an elevated platform.

• Do not use the lift as a crane or rigging device unless such activity is
approved by the manufacturer.

• If the lift includes outriggers, they must be properly set prior to use, unless
the manufacturer’s recommendations indicate that the lift can be used
safely without them.

• Keep outriggers in view while setting and make sure that all objects or
personnel are clear from their motion.
4 Hazards and Controls


Electrical structures, such as overhead power lines or extension cords, can present
electrical hazards to workers in aerial lifts.

• Do not allow equipment or materials to form a conduit between an electrical structure
and an aerial lift while a worker is in the basket.

• Maintain a safe distance from power lines.

Voltage Up To
Most manufacturers recommend at
and Including
least 10 feet of safe distance.
50,000 Volts

Above 50,000 volts, safe distances increase as

Voltage Above voltage increases. Consult the operator’s
50,000 Volts manufacturer or the National Electric Code for
information on appropriate distances.
4 Hazards and Controls


Hazard assessments: Distance:

• Conduct a hazard assessment. • For non-electrical

workers: Stay at least
• The assessment will assist in the establishment of 10 feet away from
minimum approach distances (MADs), which are overhead power lines.
based on the specific electrical sources and magnitude,
altitude, and worker qualifications. • For electrical
workers: Follow
established MADs.
• Whenever possible, de-energize or insulate power
lines. If that is not possible, use proper PPE and other
electrical safety gear based on your hazard

• Use insulated buckets near power lines, and regularly

inspect the bucket insulation.
4 Hazards and Controls


Using fall protection: Falling hazards:

• Fall protection is required when using articulated or • Personnel or equipment
telescoping boom lifts. falling from an elevated
• Fall protection is a best practice when using any lift,
including scissor lifts. • Ground-based personnel
or equipment being
• Refer to your employer’s policies and procedures to struck by falling objects
verify when fall protection is required.

• When using fall protection:

‒ Prior to use, inspect all components of the
harness, lanyard, and anchor points.
‒ Only connect to designated anchor points
provided or approved by the manufacturer.
‒ Never tie off outside the platform.
4 Hazards and Controls


To avoid falling from the lift:

• Always stay inside the basket.

• Keep both feet firmly planted on the floor.

• While in motion, keep arms and hands inside the basket at all

• While elevated, do not transfer to other platforms.

• Do not strain to reach items: if something is out of your reach with

both feet planted, including overhead objects, position the lift closer
to the item.

Avoiding struck-by hazards:

• Use barriers and signs to keep personnel out from under lifts.

• Personnel working around potential falling objects should wear

necessary PPE, such as hard hats.
4 Hazards and Controls

Environmental Hazards

Employees in aerial lifts may encounter environmental hazards, such as

toxic or asphyxiating gases, high winds, lightning, or storms.

Managing weather hazards:

• Avoid operating lifts outside in inclement weather.

Atmospheric controls:

• Limit the use of gas-powered devices indoors unless proper

ventilation eliminates the risk of employee exposure to combustion

• Do not perform tasks with equipment that may react with the
environment, e.g., welding in a combustible environment.

• Hazardous environments may require ventilation and respiratory

aids. Follow your organization’s respiratory protection program.
4 Hazards and Controls

Personal Protective Equipment

Appropriate PPE for working in an aerial lift typically

includes the following:

• Hard hat

• Eye protection

• Non-slip protective footwear

• Fall protection

• Any additional task-specific PPE


• Aerial lifts are inherently dangerous.

• Each have responsibilities.

• Different types have different requirements.

• Consider all needs and hazards.

• Complete training.

• Know the required safety practices.

• Assure you are properly qualified.

• Conduct a thorough inspection.

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