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Data Warehouse Components Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence

Data Warehouse
Samuel I. G. Situmeang

Modified slides provided by: Michael A. Fudge, Jr.

Data Warehousing, Syracuse University, 2017
Data Warehouse Components Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence

Lecture Objectives

• CIF Components

Data Warehouse Components Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence

Recall: Inmon’s CIF

The CIF is a
reference architecture

Data Warehouse Components Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence

Understanding the Diagram

Stores Applications


The CIF is a
reference architecture

Data Warehouse Components Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence

CIF Components

Data Warehouse Components Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence

External World & Applications

The CIF is a
reference architecture

Data Warehouse Components Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence

External World & Applications

• External World – the people and systems that generate operational

• Applications – the systems which provide the source for the
operational data.
• Examples: ERP’s, Business Applications, Internet data, external data
• These are the inputs and data sources for the CIF.
• OLTP Systems – Operational data, transaction-oriented.

Data Warehouse Components Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence

Integration & Transformation Layer

The CIF is a
reference architecture

Data Warehouse Components Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence

Integration & Transformation Layer

• I&T layer – takes un-integrated data from multiple sources and

integrates and consolidates it.
• Computer programs are written to transform data from the external
world into corporate data.
• The data come from a variety of sources and in both structured and
un-structured formats.
• Today’s Database Management Systems provide tooling to assist with
this process.
• This is the most difficult and time-consuming component of the CIF.
• Two approaches: ETL and ELT.

Data Warehouse Components Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence

ETL – Extract Transform Load

• The data transformation occurs over staged data.

• The source data is not stored in the warehouse.

Data Warehouse Components Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence

ELT – Extract Load Transform

• The data transformation occurs over warehoused data.

• The staged data is stored in the warehouse.

Data Warehouse Components Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence

Operational Data Store

The CIF is a
reference architecture

Data Warehouse Components Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence

Operational Data Store

• Integrated, detailed, and current data from the External World and
• Consolidated from disparate sources.
• Does not grow over time.
• Performs similarly to a transactional database.
• Structured differently than a data warehouse, and therefore should be
stored as a separate database.
• Receives data from I&T layer sends data to the data warehouse.
• The data warehouse can populate it, too.
• Think of it as a consolidated operational database.

Data Warehouse Components Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence

Enterprise Data Warehouse

The CIF is a
reference architecture

Data Warehouse Components Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence

Enterprise Data Warehouse

• Subject-oriented, integrated, summarized, and current data from

the External World and Applications.
• Optimized for query performance.
• Structured differently than operational data, typically in a
dimensional model.
• Receives data from I&T layer and the ODS.
• Use as a source for data marts and decision support systems.
• Grows in size over time due to historical data.
• The heart of the CIF.

Data Warehouse Components Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence


No Characteristic Operational Data Store Data Warehouse

1 Primary Purpose Run the business on a current basis Support managerial decision making

2 Design Goal Performance throughput, availability Easy reporting and analytics

3 Primary Users Clerks, salespersons, administrators Managers, business analysis,

4 Subject-Oriented Yes Yes

5 Integrated Yes Yes

6 Detailed Data Yes Yes

7 Summary Data No Yes

8 Time of Data Current data Historical snapshots

9 Updates Frequent small updates Periodic batch updates

10 Queries Simple queries on a few rows Complex queries on several rows

Data Warehouse Components Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence

Why No ODS in the EDW?

I need fast

I need query

You can’t have both! (Think of the Index!)

Data Warehouse Components Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence

Data Marts

The CIF is a
reference architecture

Data Warehouse Components Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence

Data Marts

• A collection of data tailored to the informational needs of a

department or business process.
• Easy to control, low cost, and customizable due to their limited
• Receive their inputs from the Enterprise Data Warehouse.
• Are source data for Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) engines.

Data Warehouse Components Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence


• Uses a Relational Database • Uses a Multi-Dimensional
Management System Database Management System
• Data design is the Star Schema • Data design is the Cube
• Built on well-known relational • Highly flexible, includes
concepts Metadata.
• In the EDW. • Data Marts

Typical implementations have the

ROLAP star schema feed the MOLAP cube

Data Warehouse Components Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence

ROLAP – Star Schema

• Stored in a
relational DBMS
• Fact table is M-M
relationship among

Data Warehouse Components Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence

MOLAP - Cube

• Stored in a Multi-
Dimensional DBMS
• Facts are pre-
aggregated across all
dimensions for
• Metadata: Drill down
hierarchy and
Identified Facts

Data Warehouse Components Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence

DSS Applications

The CIF is a
reference architecture

Data Warehouse Components Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence

Decision-Support Systems

• Business Intelligence.
• Front-ends to ROLAP and MOLAP Engines.
• Help us explore and visualize information at a high level.

Data Warehouse Components Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence

Cross-Media Storage

The CIF is a
reference architecture

Data Warehouse Components Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence

Cross-Media Storage Manager

• Stores historical data which is infrequently accessed.

• Moved out of the EDW, which has high-end, performant storage into
more affordable storage with less performant access times.
• A process exists to enable some transparency in the retrieval process.

Data Warehouse Components Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence

In Summary…

• The CIF is a reference architecture for building out an information

• Applications from the external world are inputs into the CIF.
• The Integration & Transformation Layer transforms transactional
data into corporate data.
• The Operational Data Store contains consolidated, non-historical
• The Enterprise Data Warehouse contains consolidated historical
• Data marts are tailored to the informational needs of a department
or business process.

Data Warehouse Components Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence



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