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Anoestrus (Definition)

• Lack of expression of oestrus or failure of its detection

1. Anestrus (American) Anoestrus (British)
2. Anestrus = An & Estrus
3. Cow/buffalo is not showing estrus signs at expected

• Anoestrus is observed in post pubertal heifers, during

pregnancy, lactation and in early postpartum period in
adult animals

• More in buffalo than cows

Incidence of Reproductive Disorders in Buffaloes
(16087 cases during 1989-99 & 17200 cases during 1972-85)
• Uterine origin 45.1 (51)
• 1st degree endometritis 56.5 (56)
• 2nd degree endometritis 15.4 (16)
• 3rd degree endometritis (Pyometra) 03.4 (3)
• Puerperal metritis 23.5 (24)
• Mucometra/hydrometra 01.2 (1)
• Ovarian origin 38.0 (36)
• True Anestrus 55.8 (59)
• Silent heat 32.2 (33)
• Immature genitalia 09.2 (8)
• Cystic ovaries 02.8
• Obstetrical problems 16.9 (13)
• Genital prolapse 41.8 (42)
• Prepartum vaginal prolapse 66.2 (65)
• Postpartum vaginal prolapse 22.4 (23)
• Postpartum uterine prolapse 11.4 (12)
• Retention of Placenta 23.4 (24)
• Dystocia 21.6 (21)
• Uterine torsion (77:23) 56.5 (57)
• Uterine inertia 28.2 (28)
• Fetal dystocia 15.3 (15)
• Abortion 13.2 (13)
1st type of Classification

• (A) On the basis of corpus luteum (CL)

• (i) Presence of functional corpus luteum (functional anoestrus or apparent


• • Anoestrus due to pregnancy

• • Anoestrus due to pyometra
• • Anoestrus due to mummified foetus
• •Silent heat or weak heat
• (Management (ED failure), Nutrition (↓ minerals & scarcity of fodder), suckling &
Hereditary), Temp & Humidity

• (ii) Absence of functional corpus luteum (true


• The ovaries are quiescent, inactive and do not have

any functional CL. This may be due to:
• Malnutrition.
• Lactational stress.
• Seasonal stress.
• Chronic wasting disease.
2nd type of Classification
• (B) On the basis of reproductive stage of the animal

1. Prepubertal anoestrus
Delayed puberty - due to undernutrition
Nutrition (Weight more important than age, heifers must attain ⅔ of adult wt.)
Bos taurus = 8-13 months
Pathological conditions of Reproductive tract
• Freemartin
• Hermaphrodite
• Aplasia
• Blue Tongue (oophoritis and ovarian atrophy)
• BVD-Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (oophoritis and ovarian atrophy)
General debilitating diseases (Chronic Pneumonia)
• Faulty management, mixed age group (early < 8 & late > 13 both dangerous)
• Estrus detection failure
2. Postpartum anoestrus
• Physiological anoestrus for 2-3 weeks after parturition.
• PP anestrus duration is mostly directly proportional to the
status of uterine involution
• This duration is influenced by age, breed (local), environment,
genetic & delayed puberty
• Lactational stress
• Nutritional effects
• Uterine diseases RFM, metritis, pyometra etc.
• Chronic debilitating diseases such as leg injuries, displaced
abomasum or hardware disease.
3. Post service anoestrus (Postbreeding Anestrus)
• Pregnancy.
• Pyometra.
• Luteal cyst.
• Silent oestrus.
3rd type of classification
a) Persistant CL (Due to Pregnancy & Uterine abnormalities,
e.g., Pseudopregnancy-bitch, Pyometra, Mummification,
Maceration, lack of endometrial glands & segmental aplasia
of uterus)
b) Failure follicular development on the ovary (Due to
ovarian abnormalities, e.g., Hypoplasia, COD, Freemartin,
ovarian tumours)
c) Deficiency of Gonadotrophic Hormones (Season (↑
temp & daylight length), lactation (↑Prolactin), nutrition
(scarcity of fodder) & age)
Possible reasons of acyclicity in cows other than
• Visual encounter with the offspring
• Olfactory encounter with the offspring or
• Auditory encounter with offspring
• Combination of all of above
Anoestrus (Diagnosis)

• By Rectal palpation / trans-rectal U/S

• Identify corpus luteum (CL)

• True: ovaries smooth, serum P4 (0.5-1ng/ml), same at 11

days later, no CL

• Sub: Serum P4 >1ng/ml suggests suboestrus, presence of CL

Treatment of Anoestrus

• Rule out pregnancy

• Management tools
-Improve heat check
-Provide nutritional supplements
- Calf removal or once a day milking
• Hormonal
• E2, GnRH, hCG, PMSG
• Insulin 0.25 i.u/kg s/c for
5 days (causes GnRH & LH release)
• Melatonin
Treatment of Anoestrus

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