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Teams and leadership

A team may be defined as a group of individuals who join
together either temporarily or permanently to attain a
specific goal. In the workplace, there are several types of
teams that are segregated based on their own characteristics
Leadership may be defined as the ability of an individual to
guide or have control over an individual or a set of teams. In
simple terms, it is the art of motivating other individuals to
get the desired job done.
Critically discuss the importance of teams and team leadership in organisational
Importance of a team:
• Unity is motivated when the work is done as a team.
This is because teamwork not only helps to gain
friendship and loyalty in a workplace but also helps to
motivate and support each other that fills the
negatives into positives. Work individually focuses
only on promoting self achievements that may not
propel a healthy working environment.
• An appropriate team structure provides different set
levels of perspectives and problem-solving
approaches that allow the team to get more
brainstorming items and solutions for the problems.
For example, An individual may be good at
communication and another may be good at
technical details. As a team, they can be able to
convince an unsatisfied customer to solve a particular
problem that may be related to his purchase.
Importance of a Leadership:
Leadership is an important factor as it sets a clear
vision and directs the team to get the job done
effectively. A good leader helps the team to realize
the organizational goal as a team effort as it is a vital
factor for the organization.
Leadership aids authority with which tangible results
can be achieved from the team when appropriately
motivated. The only factor that needs careful
attention to be paid is that the authority cannot be
imposed on an individual or the team more than a
Leadership helps in managing tough situations and to
take appropriate decisions. A good leader will be able
to take critical decisions and communicate with the
team in such a way that the team agrees unanimously
to the decisions prescribed by the leader.
Distinguish between workgroups and teams and the leadership thereof.
Workgroups Teams

The individual has their own The accountability is both on the individual
accountability in workgroups. and the whole team.

Workgroups focus on individual goals and Shared goals are focused as a team

Individual work products are produced in Collective work products are produced in
the workgroups the team.

The goals and objectives are shaped by The goals and objectives are set or shaped
the manager of the workgroups by the leader within the team

The individuals in the workgroups meet The individuals of a team meet very
periodically together to share frequently to discuss various factors such
information and their own perspectives as decision making, planning, problem-
solving, etc.
Leadership plays an important role especially at the performing stage

to support and motivate the team towards the goal. All the attributes

of the leadership are needed to be implemented in order to maximize

the effectiveness of the team. Apart from the technical and managing

skills, the leader should possess a proper communication trait in such a

way that desired performance and decisions are communicated

effectively and ensured that the team is clear on their expected tasks.
Critically compare and contrast formal and informal groups within organisations
and within wider society.
Formal group Informal group

In a formal group task accomplishment is In an informal group personal satisfaction is

the main objective. the main objective
The structure of the formal group is The structure of an informal group is not
predefined and is well defined well defined
In a formal group, importance is given In an informal group, importance is given
based on the position. based on the individual person
The relationship between one another The relationship between one another in
within the group is mostly professional the group is mostly personal where the
where the communication moves in an communication moves in all the directions.
appropriate direction.
The life of the formal group depends on The life of the group depends on the
the type of group individuals involved in the group

The size of the formal group is usually The size of an informal group is relatively
large small
Critically discuss the stages of group and team development and the role of
leadership in maximizing group and team performance.

It is necessary to develop the team appropriately in order to achieve the desired target. According to
Bruce Tuckman, there are four stages involved in developing a group. They are:
• Forming - The forming stage is the initial stage of the group development that involves bringing the
individuals having a different set of skills altogether
• Storming - In the storming stage, the team members need to be informed with the set of goals and
objectives that are expected from the team. During the storming stage, the members of the team
share their perspectives on how the goals and objectives can be achieved.
• Norming - When then the purpose of the team is clearly defined, the team now focuses on shared
values on how the work will be done and when and through which medium they need to be
• Performing - The performing stage is the final stage of the team development in which the team
actually performs the defined tasks. Motivation is required at this stage to drive the team successfully
towards the goal.

• Rachel Smith; Strategic Leadership: The 10 Characteristics Of A Good Leader

• Walter Isaacson, The Real Leadership Lessons of Steve Jobs
• Mind Tools Content Team, Understanding the Stages of Team Formation

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