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Answer the following

questions correctly!
1. The following are essential skills for
leadership in the 21 century except for

a. contribute uniqueness
b. act efficiently
c. be resilient
d. stay grounded
2. What is the descriptor of a general
average of 73% under the classroom
assessment for the k to 12 basic
education program?
a. Satisfactory
b. Fairly satisfactory
c. Failed
d. Did not meet expectations
3. Accepting donations, gifts, bequests and grants
for the upgrading teachers’ learning facilitators’
competencies, improving and expanding school
facilities and providing instructional materials and
equipment provided such donations or grants must
be reported to the appropriate officials except for?
a. District supervisors and Division superintendents
b. Division superintendents and EPS
c. Regional Director and COA
d. SGOD chief and CID chief
4. Effective managers are of course, required to
have the basic management skills in order to be able
to manage an organization. Any managers has to
possess certain __________ which allow them to
perform specialized task, particularly those first-
line managers as they spend more time helping
employees to solve work-related problems.
a. Human skills
b. Technical skills
c. Interpersonal skills
d. Conceptual skills
5. To be an effective manager, one must
possess _________ as well. Managers have to
be able to think in the abstract, examine
different situation and see beyond the
present situation to recognize new market
opportunities and threats.
a. Human skills
b. Technical skills
c. Global Management skills
d. Conceptual skills
6. An effective manager must provide him/herself
with the ability to compete in a global
environment. As businesses becoming more
diversified, an effective manager should posses
certain capabilities in understanding international
operations and most significantly, cultural
a. Human skills
b. Technical skills
c. Global Management skills
d. Conceptual skills
7. The impact you deliver is dependent
upon how you integrate Leadership
behaviors and implement on your
a. Personal/Professional Growth Management skills
b. Networking skills
c. Messaging skills
d. Communication and Connection skills
8. As leaders, it is imperative that our
communication is consistent and credible. We
must be able to consistently create safety for
dialogue and confidently confront issues.
a. Personal/Professional Growth Management skills
b. Networking skills
c. Messaging skills
d. Communication and Connection skills
9. Your Desire & Intent as a Leader is very
important to those you lead. It is critical to
your success, and the success of others, that
you are skillful in creating and articulating
a clear vision.
a. Personal/Professional Growth Management skills
b. Networking skills
c. Messaging skills
d. Communication and Connection skills
10. The following statements are true
about cooperation between staff and
management except for one?
a. division of labor and responsibility between managers
and workers;
b. managers were responsible for planning the work.
c. employees were responsible for following that plan
d. Treating workers like machines as they completed the
11. A manager’s authority rests on workers’
acceptance of his right to give orders and to
expect compliance. There are a few reasons
for this expectation except for one:
a. Workers will be terminated for being lazy
b. There will be discipline for non-compliance
c. Workers respect the manager for his experience
d. Workers will be rewarded for compliance
12. The principal shares information and
passes along special information to trusted
subordinates who would not ordinarily have
access to it. He transmits information even to
others especially those outside the
organization. What roles does the principal
have in the first and second sentence?
1. Monitor role
2. Disseminator role
3. Figurehead role
4. Spokesperson role
a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 2 and 4
d. 3 and 4
13. The ________ states that the person tends to
repeat behavior that is accompanied by desirable
consequences and tend not to repeat behavior that is
accompanied by undesirable consequences.
a. Operant conditioning
b. Law of effect
c. Negative consequences
d. Positive consequences
14. Behaviors that are rewarded are often repeated,
and those behaviors that are not rewarded are less
likely to occur in the future. It is translated into a
theory of employee motivation which clarifies as a
theory that looks at the relationship between
behavior and its consequences.
a. Expectancy theory
b. Reinforcement theory
c. Negative reinforcement
d. Positive reinforcement
15. A reinforcement theory is used to reward
desired behavior with the intent of increasing
the likelihood that the pleasing behavior will be
repeated. Examples of positive reinforcement
include pay raises, bonuses, promotions, awards,
public recognition.
a. Expectancy theory
b. Reinforcement theory
c. Negative reinforcement
d. Positive reinforcement
16. A reinforcement theory, or avoidance, is
used by managers to show an employee what
the consequences of unacceptable behavior will
be. The goal is to get the employee to avoid the
unacceptable behavior.
a. Expectancy theory
b. Reinforcement theory
c. Negative reinforcement
d. Positive reinforcement
17. This consequence is used by managers to
decrease the probability of an inappropriate
behavior being repeated by employees.
a. Punishment
b. Extinction
c. Negative reinforcement
d. Disciplinary actions
18. A _________ are positive outcomes that
are earned as a result of an employee’s
performance. They are aligned with
organizational goals.
a. Power
b. Incentives
c. Rewards
d. Citations
19. A motivation that is internal to the
person is something that you have to offer
yourself and is driven by personal interest
or enjoyment in the work itself.
a. Extrinsic
b. Incentives
c. Rewards
d. Intrinsic
20. A motivation that is based on tangible rewards.
This motivation is self-administered, and is external
to the individual and is typically offered by a
supervisor or manager who holds all the power in
relation to when these rewards are offered and in
what amount.
a. Extrinsic
b. Incentives
c. Rewards
d. Intrinsic
21. They are evaluation systems that are assigned to
employee using a rating or a score for performance
and behavior. This method works well for this level
of employee because their positions are task-oriented
rather than people-oriented.
b. Rating Scales
c. Performance rating
22. This Appraisal system is an essay-type assessment
that offers positive and negative comment about an
employee. This system of evaluation contains much
information for the employee to use to better do his
job. It is also written by one person.
a. Performance rating
b. 360 degree appraisal
c. Narrative appraisal
d. Rating scale appraisal
23. It is a physical observation of employee
performance. This occurs while the employee is
performing his or her work tasks. The manager
may observe the employee throughout the workday
or observe only certain tasks to determine whether
the employee is proficient in performing the job.
b. 360 degree appraisal
c. Employee observation
d. Rating scale appraisal
24. Hersey-Blanchard’s contends that leaders
must adjust their leadership style according to
the maturity of their ‘followers’ or employees.
The maturity of the employee directly
influences as their readiness to work.
a. Situational leadership
b. Delegating leadership
c. Participating leadership
d. Directive leadership
25. Leadership style where challenging goals
are set, high performance is expected and
management has a high level of confidence in
the employee’s ability to achieve the goals
a. Situational leadership
b. Delegating leadership
c. Achievement-oriented leadership
d. Directive leadership
26. This person believed that if a choice had
to be made between being loved or being
feared, being feared was a better choice. It
also details the correlation between
manipulation, control and personal gain.
a. Edward Thorndike
b. Niccolo Machiavelli
c. Robert J. House
d. Frederick Herzberg
27. They are policies that address employee
behaviors and performance. This also
involves corrective action steps to redirect
behavior or enhance the performance of
employees who are not meeting goals.
a. Punishment policies
b. Discipline policies
c. Administrative policies
d. Disciplinary actions
28. The major functions that a manager
completes can be categorized into four
different functions except for one?
a. Planning
b. Organizing
c. Delegating
d. Controlling
29.One of the most beautiful traits of
a leader can posses is:
B.Self reliant oriented
30. It is the process of setting directions for an
institution to realize what it wants to achieve
and to go where he wants to go.
A. Contingency planning
B.Strategic Planning
C.Operational Planning
D.Tactical Planning
Correct Answer:
1.b 10.d 19.d 28.c
2.d 11.a 20.a 29.a
3.a 12.a 21.b 30.b
4.b 13.b 22.c
5.d 14.b 23.c
6.c 15.d 24.a
7.a 16.c. 25c
8.d 17.a 26.b
9.c 18.c 27.b

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