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 Distinction between Assessment, Evaluation and Measurement.

 Purpose of Assessment

Present by:
Habeeb basheer (bsf1902965)
Hidayatul haq (bsf1903069)

B.Ed. (hons) 4th semester evening

• Evaluation may be defined as a systematic process of determining the extent to

which educational objectives are achieved by pupil. “Dandekar” .

• “Evaluation is the process of gathering & interpreting evidence on changes in the

behavior of the students as they progress through school”. – Quillen & Hanna.

• Evaluation is a wider concept than testing & measurement.

• Evaluation is the combination of quantitative estimation + qualitative judgement

of one’s behavior.
Evaluation In Education:

 Help in modify the objectives in the light of needs of the individual & of society.

 Help in judging the effectiveness of the methods of teaching.

 helps in finding out the psychological logical soundness of the material. Tests the

all – around development of the child. 

 Helps in the improvement & modification of the evaluation tools & techniques.
Types of Evaluation:

On the basis of the purpose and the time involved, the evaluation can be classified


  Diagnostic Evaluation.

 Formative Evaluation.

 Summative evaluation.
Diagnostic Evaluation

Diagnostic Evaluation Done in the beginning of the teaching learning process.

Help to find out the specific weaknesses in individual or whole. 

 Helps in designing of the courses & curricula according to the capabilities of the

Formative Evaluation

Formative Evaluation Decision – making process for students development &

formulation of the curriculum for particular class or examination.

Help in making changes in the curriculum, teaching strategies & learning environment.
Summative Evaluation Judgement 

Judgement – making process.

Terminal examination.

Cumulative assessments for the purpose of selection, promotion, prediction,

recording or other administrative purposes should be considered as a series of

summative evaluation.
Steps in Evaluation Process

o  Formulating & selecting objectives.

o Defining the objectives.

o Developing the learning experiences

o  Devising & Adopting assessment procedures.

Characteristics Of Good Evaluation 

A good evaluation has following characteristics.

 Validity


 Usability

 According to Norman E Ground(1985):

Measurement is the process obtaining a numerical description of the degree to which an

individual possesses a particular characteristic.

According to Ebel & Frisbie (1991):

Measurement is the process assigning numbers to individuals or their characteristics

according! to specified rules.


 Measurement is the process by which a characteristic of an object, person or

activity is perceived and understood on specific standards and is described in
standard words, symbols or definite units.

Generally, to measure and show the weight, length and volume of an object in
definite units is called measurement; for example, to show the weight of a person
in kilograms, length of cloth in meters and volume of milk in liters. But the field of
measurement is very wide. It includes to define any characteristic of any object or
person or activity in words, symbols or units
Types of measurement

Two types of measurement.

1. Qualitative Measurement

2. Quantitative Measurement
Qualitative Measurement

Perceiving the characteristics of an object, person or activity in the form of a quality

is called qualitative measurement; for example, describing a student as

very intelligent, or dull is qualitative measurement

Quantitative Measurement

• Measuring the characteristics of an object, person or activity in the form of

quantity is called quantitative measurement; for example, to measure the I.Q

(Intelligence Quotient) of a student as140, 120 or 110 is quantitative

Types of Measurement

 Nominal Measurement

 Ordinal Measurement

 Interval Measurement 

 Ratio Measurement
Need for Measurement

The needs of measurement are as follows

For Measure the ability of students, finding out their interest sand aptitude at the
time of admission, and admit than on its basis.
For measure their intelligence and personality after admission and accordingly
divide them into specific classes, and to assist in their personality development.
For find out from time to time the effect of teaching on the students (educational
achievements or change of behavior), and to guide the students on its basis and
to inspire them to learn.

For measure and evaluate the educational achievements of students from time

to time and to provide them feedback.

For find out the hindrances in the educational progress of the students and

remedy them.
Steps of Measurement in Education.

1. Determination and Defining the Measuring Traits or Aims and Objectives

2. Selection of Suitable Measurement Tools or Methods


3. Use or Administration of Measurement Tool or Technique

4. Results and Records

The word ‘assess’ comes from the Latin word ‘assidere’ meaning ‘to sit with’. In

assessment one is supposed to sit with the learner. This implies it is something we

do ‘with’ and ‘for’ students and not ‘to’ students.

(Green, 1999).

Assessment is a systematic process of gathering, interpreting, and acting upon data

related to student learning and experience for the purpose of developing a deep

understanding of what students know, understand, and can do with their

knowledge as a result of their educational experience.


  Assessment is the process of documenting, usually in measurable terms,

knowledge, skill, attitudes, and beliefs.

 Assessment in education is the process of gathering, interpreting, recording, and

using information about pupils’ responses to an educational task.

(Harlen, Gipps, Broadfoot, Nuttal,1992)

Assessment should

1.  Relate to regular performance

2.  Gather from interdisciplinary sources 

3. Consider all aspects of the student's life

Principles of Assessment

Assessment should be aimed at improving student performance.

Assessment should be based on an understanding of how student learn.

 Assessment should be an integral component of course design and not

something to add afterword.

 Good assessment provides useful information to report credibility to parents on

student achievement.

Good assessment requires clarity of purpose, goals, standards and criteria.

Good assessment requires a variety of measures.

 Assessment methods used should be valid, reliable and consistent .

 Assessment requires attention to outcomes and processes.

 Assessment works best when it is ongoing rather than episodic Assessment for

improved performance involves feedback and reflection

Type of Assessment 

Two types of assessment.

1. Formative Assessment

2. Summative assessment
Formative assessment

 The goal of formative assessment is to monitor student learning to provide

ongoing feedback that can be used by instructors to improve their teaching
and by students to improve their learning

To help students identify their strengths and weaknesses and target areas
that need work –help faculty recognize where students are struggling and
address problems immediately.
Summative assessment

 The goal of summative assessment is to evaluate student learning at the end of

an instructional unit by comparing it against some standard or benchmark.

 Examples of summative assessments include: –a midterm exam –a final project –

a paper
Factors Inhibiting Assessment

 A tendency for teachers to assess quantity and presentation of work rather than
quality of learning.

 Greater attention given to marking and grading, much of it tending to lower self
esteem of students, rather than providing advice for improvement.

 A strong emphasis on comparing students with each other, which demoralizes

the less successful learners.
Values and Attitudes about Assessment

 Teachers value and believe in students.

Sharing learning goals with the students.
 Involving students in self-assessment.
 Providing feedback that helps students recognize their next steps and how to
take them.
 Being confident that every student can improve.
 Providing students with examples of what we expect from them.
Implications for classroom practice 

 Share learning goals with students.

Involve students in self-assessment.

Provide feedback that helps students recognize their next steps and how to take


Be confident that every student can improve.

Purposes of Assessment

• Assessment for Learning (Formative) 

• Assessment for Certification (Summative)

• Protect Academic Standards

•  Feedback for Teaching

Advantages of Assessment.

Helps in knowing the position of a student when they enter a course.

 It provides data on student learning.

 It provides a large view of students’ need and assessment.

 In accordance to the students’ achievement, the curriculum and teaching

methods can be adjusted

Disadvantages of assessment.

 It limits the potential of a student to a mere ‘test’.

 Under supervision and pressure and supervision, creativity and performance is


 Though assessment aims at bringing out the latent knowledge, it often conceals
it by the pressure it creates.

The parameter to judging knowledge is just a test score.


• Evaluation (

• Measurement (

• Assessment ( )
• Purpose of assessment ( )


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