GROUP 4 - Consumer Behavior in Tourism

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Consumer Behavior
in Tourism
1. Syela Agustin P.W (12203183286)
2. XXX
Consumer Behavior in the Term of
• One of “official” definition of customer behavior is the study of individuals, groups,
or organizations and the process they use to select, secure, use, and dispose of
products, services, experience, or ideas to satisfy needs and impacts that these
processes have on the customer society.
• Tourist behavior can be defined as the activities directly involved in obtaining,
consuming and disposing of tourist products and services including the decision
processes that precedes and follows these action.

In the term of tourism, the process by which consumer decides to buy or

use product or service of tourism place is defined as a process of consumer
behavior. Consumer behavior represents those activities that are directly
involved in obtaining, consumption and disposal of products and services,
including the process of decision which preceded and followed the
Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior in
Consumer behavior is one of the most researched areas in
tourism. This paper will focus on why a tourist chooses a
particular destination and what are the driving factors that
influence his decision for travelling. The following factors
immensely alter tourist behavior are such as:
1. Geographical Factors
2. Social Factors
3. Place of Origin
4. Tourism Destination
5. Education of Tourist
6. Psychological Factors

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