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Use of «It»

by Brikunenko D.
 It is a third-person, singular neuter
pronoun (nominative (subjective)
case and oblique (objective) case) in
Modern English.
 Cases of use of “It”
1. Замінює згаданий раніше іменник-
неістоту та перекладається залежно від
його граматичного роду.

 Where is my book? – It is on the table.

Де моя книга? – Вона на столі.
2. Використовується як підмет чи додаток,
перекладається як це.

 It is a magazine. – Це журнал.
 I am going to do it. – Я збираюся це зробити.
3. Використовується як формальний або безособовий
підмет (не перекладається).

 It is spring now. – Зараз весна.

 It is getting dark. – Стає темно.
 It is five o’clock now. – Зараз п’ята година.
 It is dangerous to drive so fast. – Небезпечно їздити
так швидко.
 It often rains in late autumn. – Наприкінці осені
часто йде дощ.
4. Емфатична конструкція It is (was) + визначальне
слово + that (who, which, when). Перекладається як
саме, це, як раз.

 It was yesterday when I met her at the concert. – Як

раз учора я зустрів її на концерті.
 It was in Kiev that I ran into my old friend. – Саме у
Києві я випадково зустрів свого старого друга.
 It is our group, which will participate in the
competition. – Це (Саме) наша група братиме
участь у змаганні.

Translate the following sentences.

1. Where is my suit? – It is in the wardrobe. 2. It is the book of a

well-known English writer. 3. Have you watched this film? –
No, I have not. But I am going to do it. 4. Look at this building.
It is the highest building in our city. 5. It is important to learn
new English words every day. 6. It is hard to learn this subject
in a short time. 7. It is known that new railway will connect two
big cities. 8. It is no use missing lessons. It would be difficult to
pass the exam. 9. It was the railway that became the shortest
way from Europe to Asia. 10. It is the railways that are the most
popular means of travel. 11. It was only yesterday when we
discussed the plan of work at the project. 12. It gets dark early
in winter. 13. It was raining cats and dogs. 14. It got colder.

Paraphrase the following sentences using the emphatic

construction It is (was) … that (who, which).

1. The Cherepanovs constructed the first steam locomotive

in Russia.
2. Climatic conditions made the construction of this line
3. In 1891 the construction of Trans-Siberian railway
4. The first steam trains opened up a new era in
5. Railways are the safest and the most popular means of

Complete the sentences. Use it’s + A + to + B.

difficult, dangerous, easy, see you again, wear, save,
impossible, nice, stupid, easy understand him, meet people,
go out alone, sleep,

Example: It’s easy to understand him because he speaks very

1. ..., Jill. How are you? 2. ... at night. There is always a lot of
noise. 3. A lot of cities are not safe. ... at night. 4. If you
haven’t got a well-paid job, ... money. 5. ... warm clothes in
hot weather. 6. Everybody is very friendly in this town. ... .

What does it refer to in the following sentences?

Example: It’s very interesting. I’ve just read Chapter 10.

(it = a book or a novel)
1. We stood on it and looked down at the river. 2. It landed
ten minutes ago. 3. It’s next Saturday in St. Mary’s
Church. Then the reception’s in the Bedford Hotel. 4. It
isn’t very sharp. I can’t cut the meat. 5. I can’t see my face
in it. It’s cracked. 6. It barked and ran after us. 7. Can I
have it well done, please, with chips? 8. I like it dry and
white. 9. I need a new bulb for it. 10. I don’t take it in tea,
but I take one spoonful in coffee.
 This, these
 That, those
This / These

 для людей або речей поруч з нами:

These shoes over there are mine;

 для позначення ситуацій у наступному або

майбутньому часі:
I’m going to Disneyland this month;
This / These

 коли знаходимося у місці, про яке говоримо:

This room is very untidy (The speaker is now in
the untidy room);

 для того, щоб познайомити людей

одного з одним або представитись по
‘John, this is Ann.’ ‘Hello? This is Pam
That / Those

 для людей або речей, які знаходяться

на відстані від нас:
That chair over there is broken;

 для позначення ситуацій у минулому

We had a wonderful Christmas that
That / Those

 для того, щоб відіслати до чогось, що

згадувалось раніше:
‘She failed her exams.’ ‘That’s bad’;

 коли, розмовляючи по телефону, ми

запитуємо, хто говорить з нами:
‘Hello? This is Jo. Who’s that speaking?’.

Put this, these, it or they into the gaps.

Example: A: Bob, this is my mother.

B: Hello, Mrs Smith.

1. Take ... bags into the kitchen. 2. I don’t like ...

music. 3. Is ... book John’s? – Yes, ... is. 4. Are ...
books Mary’s? – Yes, ... are. 5. How much are ...
glasses? – ...’re very cheap. 6. ... exercise is very
easy. – No, ... isn’t. ...’s difficult.

Put that, those, it or they into the gaps.

1. Is ... your brother over there? 2. Look at ...

beautiful flowers! 3. What’s ... In your bag? 4.
Is ... house Ann’s? – Yes, ... is. 5. Are ... boys your
brothers? Yes, ... are. 6. How much is ... hi-fi?
– ...’s $350. 7. Do you like ... shoes? – No, I
...’re horrible.

Translate the following sentences.

1. Зараз зима. 2. Йому було важко перекладати цю

статтю, бо він не знав багато слів. 3. Так дивно, що йому
не сподобалось подорожувати. 4. У кімнаті дуже темно і
я не бачу, що знаходиться у дальньому кутку. 5. Нам
цікаво поговорити з ним. Він вчора повернувся з Англії.
6. Зараз шоста година. Гадаю, дуже рано будити його. 7.
Вам буде приємно подивитись на наше місто. Воно дуже
змінилося. 8. Я знаю, що йому важко вчитися в інституті
і працювати на заводі. 9. Студентам було легко
розмовляти з ним англійською. 10. Тут дуже спекотно,
чи не так?

1.Look at            newspaper here.

2.           are my grandparents, and            people over there are
my friend's grandparents.
3.           building over there is the Chrysler Building.
4.           is my mobile phone and            is your mobile phone
on the shelf over there.
5.           photos here are much better than            photos on the
6.           was a great evening.
7.Are            your pencils here?
8.           bottle over there is empty.
9.           bricks over there are for your chimney.
10.John, take            folder and put it on the desk over there.

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