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Lovely Aguio Tomas

Your Teacher
What was your discussion last

Luksong Baka



They were presented an activity and games which
they were never played and experienced before. We
call it Laro ng Lahi or the Traditional Filipino Games.
These games are commonly played by children,
usually using native materials or instruments
Luksong Baka

Luksong Baka originated from

the province of Bulacan, in the
Central Luzon Region of the
Philippines. This game involves
a minimum of 3 individual
boys and a maximum of 10.
Although kids may adjust the
maximum number of players,
especially when there are
many participants.
No equipment is required in
playing Luksong Baka, except for
these three skills: Mobility, or the
player's ability to move easily and
freely. The more agile the player
is, the higher he can push himself
up. Stability – it's the player's
ability to keep his body parts
steady, especially on his waist

a. All players are to

jump over
the baka until all the c. the Baka player's position
players have jumped. will slowly rise-up after
b. Once the first set jumping over the Baka player.
of jumping over d. Only the hands of the
jumper may touch the back of
the baka is done,
the person who is bent over
Luksong Baka originated from the province

a. Iligan
b. Bunawan
c. Baguio
d. Bulacan
D. Bulacan
Patintero is derived from Spanish word tinte ("tint" or "ink") in reference to the drawn lines.
Another name for it is tubigan, tubiganay, or tubig-tubig ("water [game]"), due to the fact
that the grid lines are also commonly drawn by wetting the ground with water. ... "block and
catch"), referring to the game mechanics

a. Chalk or paint

b. Scoreboard


d. Stop watch
Patintero is derived from Spanish
word tinte

Piko is unbelievably old. When ancient
Roman cities were dug up, drawings of
hopscotch lines were found on the stone
floors. Everywhere it is played for one
aim: to win a place to call one's own. In
the Philippines, the game is also known
as kipkip, pikuba, laban ang segking

Marker (chalk or crayons)


1. Throw the stone on the marked area. Try to aim for

number five. The player whose stone is nearest to the
number five is the first to play and the stone furthest is
the last one.
2. The first player will throw the stone at the first box.
Then, he will jump across the area without stepping in the
first box.
3. Beforehe returns, he should pick up his stone, still,
without jumping on the first box.

4. It’s
the next player’s turn. He will only do what the first
player did.
5. After all players get to turn. The first
player will now throw his stone on the
second box and repeat the procedure,
now not stepping on the second box.
6. If a player steps on a line, they stop
and let the next player try. They have to
wait until their next turn to try again.
7. The first player to reach the last box
The game Piko is also known as kipkip,
pakaba, laban ang segking

Tumbang Preso

Tumbang Preso is a unique traditional game in the Philippines that is favorite

among Filipino children. The name of this sport is derived from the Filipino
words Tumba, which means 'to fall' and preso, which means 'prisoner',
translating to 'fallen prisoner'. The game is played on backyards, streets, and
open areas.

1.Can--Use as the main material.

2.Slipper/Stone--use as the thrown.

3.Chalk--to make a circle.


a. The one to guard the tin can (preso) is called It, and he/she is chosen by all the players
throwing the pamato to the toe-line. The one who throws the farthest from the toe-line
becomes the It.
b. The other players will then get at the back of the toe-line, and the game starts at a signal
from the It.
c. Immediately the milk can is knocked down, and the pamato is retrieved. The It then
starts putting it up inside the circle, and the tagged player becomes the new It.
In any case, the can is hit and fall outside the drawn circle but remains to stand, then the It
has all the rights to tag the hitter once he/she leaves the toe-line.
d. The can may be kicked or knocked down under when it is outside the circle.
e. Supposing a hitter is unable to retrieve his/her pamato, the other hitters can save
him/her by hitting the can.

a. Players must have slippers. The slippers serve as the throwing

objects that will be used to precisely hit the can.

b. The It and the hitter must never cross over to each other's zones
unless under the following conditions. If the It will tag a player without
slipper and the player throws the slipper
c. Everyhitter must throw the slippers. If not, he or she will be the IT
in the next round.
d. In case all the players miss the presso, and none of them is in the
player zone with his or her slippers, the It will tick the presso three
e. The It will never tag a player if the can is knocked out.
Rule of Playing the game.
Every hitter must throw the slippers. If not, he or she
will be the IT in the next round.

Sungka - was first described by the
Jesuit priest Father José Sanchez in
his dictionary of the Bisaya language
(=Cebuano) in 1692 [manuscript] as
Kunggit. Father José Sanchez who
had arrived on the Philippines in
1643 wrote that at the game was
played with seashells on a wooden,
boat-like board.

a. Empty egg carton.

b. Glue (or tape/staples)

c. Marbles, shells, stones,
glass beads, seeds, lentils, dried beans.

1. Sungka is always played by two people.

2. Each players fills up his seven smaller bowls with 7 "Sigay" each. 
3. Both players start at the same time.
4. The object of the game is to put as many "Sigay" as possible in the large bowl
as to cause the opponent to lose one or two of his smaller bowls in the
succeeding games which means he losses.
5. If at the end of 15 minutes, nobody has been declared as winner, the game
will be called off. Each player counts the number of "Sigay" in the opponent's
large bowl.
6. The player with the most number of "Sigay" wins.
Any Questions or
Choose the letter of
the correct answer
1. How many individual boys involve in playing
luksong baka?

a. 4
b. 3
c. 2
d. 5
B. 3
2. What are the three skills in playing Luksong

a. Mobility, ability to move easily and freely, Stability

b. Mobility, Freely, Stability

c. Stability, Consistency, Mobility

d. none of the choices

a. Mobility, ability to move easily and freely,
3. The game is also known as kipkip, pikuba, laban
ang segking

a. Luksong Baka
b. Patintero
c. Piko
d. Sungka
4. How many smaller bowls in playing

a. 8
b. 6
c. 9
d. 7
D. 7
5. A time limit of two minutes is given to each team to score.
This mechanics belong to?

a. Piko
b. Patintero
c. Sungka
d. Tumbang Preso

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