Amplitude Modulation Transmission and Reception

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Amplitude Modulation

Transmission and Reception

 Theory of AM
 AM envelope
 AM transmitter
 Double-side band
 Demodulation
 AM receiver
Principle of AM
 Amplitude modulation
 a process of changing the amplitude of relatively
high frequency carrier signal in proportion with
instantaneous value of the modulating signal

 inexpensive, low quality of modulation

 used for commercial broadcasting (audio & video),
2 way mobile radio communication
AM Envelope
 AM double-sideband full carrier (DSBFC)
 most commonly used
 conventional AM
 the carrier -
Vc sin[2 f c t ]
 the modulating signal - Vm sin[2 f mt ]
 the modulated wave - Vam [t ]
AM Envelope

AM Frequency Spectrum and
 AM – nonlinear device
 non linear mixing occurs
 the output envelope is complex wave, made of:
 dc voltage, carrier frequency, sum and difference
AM Frequency Spectrum and Bandwidth

 AM signal contains – frequency components spaced f m Hz

on either side of the carrier
 modulated wave does not contain a frequency component
that is equal to the modulating signal
 the effect of modulation – to translate the modulating signal
in the frequency domain so that it is reflected symmetrically
about the carrier frequency
AM Frequency Spectrum and Bandwidth

 AM spectrum
 fc – fm(max) to fc + fm(max)
 fc – fm(max) – lower sideband (LSB) – lower side frequency
 fc + fm(max) – upper sideband (USB) – upper side frequency
 Bandwidth (B) – the difference between the highest upper
side freq. and the lowest side freq. B = 2 f m(max)
AM Frequency Spectrum and Bandwidth

 AM DSBFC modulator
 carrier frequency, fc = 100 kHz
 maximum modulating signal frequency, fm(max) = 5 kHz
 determine:
a) Frequency limits for the upper and lower sidebands
b) Bandwidth
c) Upper and lower side frequencies produced when the
modulating signal is 3 kHz tone
AM Frequency Spectrum and Bandwidth
AM Transmitter

 Low level transmitter

 Source of modulating signal:
 Microphone, magnetic tape, CD, phonograph record
 Preamplifier – sensitive, high impedance
 To raise the amplitude of the source to a usable level
 Producing minimum nonlinear distortion
 Adding as little thermal noise as possible
AM Transmitter

 Modulating signal driver

 Linear amplifier
 Amplifies the information signal to an adequate level
to sufficiently drive the modulator
 RF oscillator
 Any oscillator configurations
 Crystal-controlled oscillator
AM Transmitter

 Buffer amplifier
 Low-gain, high input impedance linear amplifier
 Function:
• to isolate the oscillator from high power amplifiers
 Modulator
 To combine the modulating signal with the carrier
AM Transmitter

 Low-level transmitter
 Used for low power, low-power, low capacity systems
 Wireless intercoms, remote control units, pager, short
range walkie-talkie
AM Transmitter

 High-level Transmitter
 Modulating signal process – as same as low level
 Power amplifier
• Because the carrier is at full power at the modulation
 Additional carrier power amplifier
AM Transmitter

 High level modulator

• Provides the necessary circuits for modulation to occur
• Final power amplifier
• Frequency up-converter
 Translate the low frequency signal to radio frequency
 To be efficiently radiated from an antenna
AM Demodulation

 Reverse process of Am modulation

 The receiver simply converts a received AM wave
back to the original source information
 The receiver must capable of band-limiting the total
radio freq. spectrum – tuning the receiver
AM Demodulation

 Reverse process of Am modulation

 The receiver simply converts a received AM wave
back to the original source information
 The receiver must capable of band-limiting the total
radio freq. spectrum – tuning the receiver
AM Demodulation

 RF section – detecting, band-limiting and amplifying the

received signal
 The mixer/converter – concerts the the received RF freq.
to intermediate freq (IF)
 IF section – amplify the intermediate freq.
 AM detector – demodulates the AM wave
 Audio section – amplify the recovered information

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