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Research Report Writing

Concluding part of the research activity……

The Oxford Dictionary defines a report as “a record of
ascertained facts.”
Research Reporting means presentation of report to the
sponsoring authority.
“To convey the interested persons the whole result of the
study in sufficient detail and so arranged as to enable each
reader to comprehend the data and determine for
himself/herself the validity of conclusion.” – American
Marketing Society
“It is a statement of results, events, conditions, progress or
interpretation of information”.
A detailed description of what has been done and how it
has been done with respect to a particular area or research
Importance / Role / Adv./Functions
Present data, conclusions and
recommendations in an organized form
Reflects the quality of research work
Facilitates policy decisions and follow-up
Acts as a permanent record
Reference value
Gives publicity to research work
Acts as a communication channel
Provide base for further research
Types of reports
Oral Report Written Report
No rigid standard format Standard format can be adopted
Remembering all that is said is This can be read a number of times
difficult and clarification can be sought
Tone, voice, modulation, Free from presentation problems
comprehensibility and other
communication factors play an imp.
Correcting mistakes if any is difficult Mistakes can be corrected
Audience has no control over the Not applicable
speed of presentation
Audience does not have the choice of Reader can pick and choose relevant
picking and choosing from the parts of the report
Types of Written Reports
On the basis of Time interval:
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly
 Quarterly
 Yearly
 On the basis of nature:
 Short
 Long
 Formal
 Informal
 Government
 Technical / Non-technical
Format of Research Report
Title Page
Title of topic
Name of institution to which the report is submitted
Degree or exam for which report is submitted
Name of the candidate
Month and year in which report is submitted
Title page
Investors’ Attitude and Behavior Towards New
Issues – A study with reference to Mumbai City

Class……Semester…..Div……Roll no…….

A project Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the

examination of the subject Research Methods in
Business in Usha Pravin Gandhi College of
March 2010
Format of Research Report
Title Page
Preface including acknowledgement (if necessary)
Table of contents
List of Tables
List of Figures and Illustrations
Certificate from the guide

The Preliminaries or Prefixes

Format of table of contents
Section Description Page no.
I Background, Purpose of study 1-3
II Methodology 4-8
III Analysis and Interpretation 9-10
IV Findings 11-12
V Recommendations 13
VI Conclusion 14
VII Appendix
a) Questionnaire 16-25
b) Bibliography 26-30
Format of Research Report
The Text or The body

Conclusions and Recommendations
Format of Research Report
The reference Materials
Bibliography (Name of the author, title of book,
publisher’s details, year of publishing, page no.)

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