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Foundations of Control

What Is Control?
• Controlling
▫ The process of monitoring activities to ensure that
they are being accomplished as planned and of
correcting any significant deviations.
• The Purpose of Control
▫ To ensure that activities are completed in ways
that lead to accomplishment of organizational

Why Is Control Important?

• As the final link in management functions:
▫ Planning
 Controls let managers know whether their goals and plans
are on target and what future actions to take.
▫ Empowering employees
 Control systems provide managers with information and
feedback on employee performance.
▫ Protecting the workplace
 Controls enhance physical security and help minimize
workplace disruptions.

The Planning–Controlling Link


The Control Process

• The Process of Control
1. Measuring actual
2. Comparing actual
performance against a
3. Taking action to correct
deviations or inadequate

The Control Process


Measuring: How and What We Measure

 Sources of  Control Criteria
Information (How) (What)
▫ Personal observation ▫ Employees
▫ Statistical reports  Satisfaction
▫ Oral reports  Turnover
▫ Written reports  Absenteeism
▫ Budgets
 Costs
 Output
 Sales

• Determining the degree of variation between
actual performance and the standard.
▫ Significance of variation is determined by:
 The acceptable range of variation from the standard
(forecast or budget).
 The size (large or small) and direction (over or
under) of the variation from the standard (forecast
or budget).

Defining the Acceptable Range of Variation


Taking Managerial Action

• Courses of Action
▫ “Doing nothing”
 Only if deviation is judged to be insignificant.
▫ Correcting actual (current) performance
 Immediate corrective action to correct the problem at once.
 Basic corrective action to locate and to correct the source of
the deviation.
 Corrective Actions
 Change strategy, structure, compensation scheme, or training
programs; redesign jobs; or fire employees

Taking Managerial Action (cont’d)

• Courses of Action (cont’d)
▫ Revising the standard
 Examining the standard to ascertain whether or not
the standard is realistic, fair, and achievable.
 Resetting goals that were initially set too low or too

Managerial Decisions in the Control Process


Controlling for Organizational

• What Is Performance?
▫ The end result of an activity
• What Is Organizational
▫ The accumulated end results of all of the organization’s
work processes and activities
 Designing strategies, work processes, and work activities.
 Coordinating the work of employees.

Organizational Performance Measures

• Organizational Productivity
▫ Productivity: the overall output of goods and/or
services divided by the inputs needed to generate
that output.
 Output: sales revenues
 Inputs: costs of resources (materials, labor expense,
and facilities)
▫ Ultimately, productivity is a measure of how
efficiently employees do their work.

Types of Control

Tools for Controlling Organizational

• Feedforward Control
▫ A control that prevents anticipated problems before
actual occurrences of the problem.
 Building in quality through design.
 Requiring suppliers conform to ISO 9002.
• Concurrent Control
▫ A control that takes place while the monitored activity is
in progress.
 Direct supervision: management by walking around.

Tools for Controlling Organizational

• Feedback Control
▫ A control that takes place after an activity is done.
 Corrective action is after-the-fact, when the problem has
already occurred.
▫ Advantages of feedback controls:
 Provide managers with information on the effectiveness
of their planning efforts.
 Enhance employee motivation by providing them with
information on how well they are doing.

Information Controls
• Purposes of Information Controls
▫ As a tool to help managers control other
organizational activities.
 Managers need the right information at the right
time and in the right amount.
▫ As an organizational area that managers need to
 Managers must have comprehensive and secure
controls in place to protect the organization’s
important information.

Information Controls
• Management Information Systems (MIS)
▫ A system used to provide management with needed
information on a regular basis.
 Data: an unorganized collection of raw, unanalyzed facts
(e.g., unsorted list of customer names).
 Information: data that has been analyzed and organized
such that it has value and relevance to managers.

Benchmarking of Best Practices

• Benchmark
▫ The standard of excellence against which to measure and
• Benchmarking
▫ Is the search for the best practices among competitors or
noncompetitors that lead to their superior performance.
▫ Is a control tool for identifying and measuring specific
performance gaps and areas for improvement.

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