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NSW Police

State Crime Command

Drug Squad
National Drug Strategy 1985
3 Pillars
NSW Police Drug Squad Charter

Mission Intelligence

To lead and drive the NSW Police Provide an expert intelligence resource
response to illicit crime at all levels. base within the NSW Police
development and implementation of
strategic policy Deliver sound intelligence products
intelligence products (tactical and strategic) to clients
provision of specialist investigative
services. Policy

Operations/Investigations Develop intelligence based policy

advice and reform recommendations to
Investigate and prosecute individuals
and groups who organise, direct or
finance drug crimes.

Alert Local Area Commands and

related stake holders of emerging illicit
drug issues
NSW Police Operational Response

State Crime Command Organised Crime Directorate (State


Drug Squad (State Resource)

Drug Investigations
Chemical Operations Unit
Cannabis Team
Intelligence Team

Regional and Local Area Command Resources

Major Drug Operations

Specialist Investigation
Drug Supply

Undercover Operations

Physical / Electronic
Cannabis Crops
Clandestine Drug Laboratories
Drug Use in Australia – A Snapshot

14.7 % of population use illicit drugs

Highest proportion of recreational drug users in the World

Most Common
Cannabis, Meth, Pharmacuticals (Non medical), Cocaine,
Most prevalent in 20-29 age group (24 – 30%)

Tobacco still most preventable cause of death / ill harm

Excessive alcohol consumption major risk mortality /

Methyl amphetamine
Current research estimates that
during 2013-14 there were
268 000 regular users
160 000 dependant users

Rate of dependant use

increased from 0.74% in

Highest rates of dependence

25-34 age group

Use of ‘Ice’ doubled from

22% in 2010 to 50% in 2013

Anecdotal evidence of first

Border Detections
Number, weight and percentage change in national ATS
(excluding MDMA) seizures

Total number of % Change from Total weight of % Change from

seizures previous period seizures (g) previous period

2009-2010 10,543 -20.7% 671,866 -59.0%

2010-2011 11,212 6.3% 1,008,716 50.1%

2011-2012 15,191 35.5% 1,572,628 55.9%

2012-2013 21,056 38.6% 6,453,736 310.4%

Cocaine Prices
Families destroyed
Lives Ruined
Overview of Major Drug
Can be Hallucinogenic at
high levels
Grown in outdoor crops or
Diacetyl Morphine
Opiod analgesic produced
from Opium Poppies

Lowest rate of use
Highest mortality rate

Users develop
physical dependence

Generally injected
Most associated with blood
borne diseases (HIV / AIDS)
90% currently produced in
Followed by Myanmar
and Sth East Asia

Annual World demand

estimated at 340 tonnes
Australia 2-5 tonnes
Opium production and heroin flow
Prescription Medication
Addiction reached epidemic
proportions in USA
Opioids / Benzodiazapines

Oxycodone aka “ Hillbilly


Oxynorm®, OxyContin®,
Endone®, Proladone®,

Once addicted users often

move to Heroin
Pill Mills
Stimulant produced from the
Coca bush
Cultivated in Bolivia,
Columbia and Peru
671 tonnes seized globally
in 2012

Generally snorted
Use in Australia rose from
1.6% in 2007 to 2.1% in 2010
1 kg purchased for $2000 in
Columbia can be sold for
over $200000 in Australia
Case Study 1 – Cocaine Supply

Identified a 63 year old

male on Nth Beaches was
supplying large
commercial quantities of

Male obtaining Cocaine

from a Columbian National
in Australia on Student
Case Study 1 – Cocaine Supply

5 February
Monitor 5kg exchange
between Nth Beaches
male and 2
Columbians in
Bunning's Carpark

Target in a different
Case Study 1 – Cocaine Supply
10 February

Identify further 5kg

transaction at
Broadway Shopping
Centre Glebe

Conduct Surveillance
Case Study 1 – Cocaine Supply
10 February

• Columbians place white

bucket into the targets

• Intercepted in at
• Target Arrested
Case Study 1 – Cocaine Supply
Case Study 1 – Cocaine Supply
Case Study 2
•Covert Operation focussed on
Colombian Nationals
•Cocaine purchased from initial
•Upper level supplier is seen
nearby during transactions and
Ecstasy ‘ MDMA’

Psychoactive Stimulant with euphoric
May not contain any MDMA
paramethoxyamphetamine (PMA)
methylone or other substances.

Use in Australia higher than global

average at 2.9%
Tablet Design
Tablet design constantly
Mimics pop culture
Branding no guarantee
of composition or purity
Tablet Presses
Most common in NSW
TDP tablet press from the
Shanghai Pharmaceutical
Machinery Co., China.

Capable of producing 6000


Retail value - $1500

Black Market value – up to $20


Supplied with upper & lower

punch, die, work plate, feeder
shoe and hopper.
Tablet Presses
Large multi station pill
presses can produce
between 10000 and
1000000 pills per hour
Ecstasy (MDMA) & Cannabis Seizure at St Marys
April 2015
MDMA effects
Feeling happy, energetic and confident

Large pupils 

Jaw clenching and teeth grinding

Heightened senses (sight, hearing and


Excessive sweating and skin tingles

Muscle aches and pains

Nausea and reduced appetite

Fast heart beat 

Dehydration  Heat stroke 

Drinking extreme amounts of water (can

cause death)
Indoor Enhanced Cannabis Cultivation
Synthetic Drugs
Synthetic Drugs
Situation prior to 2013

Methods of production and distribution

constantly evolving
Rapid expansion of online suppliers

Many compounds sold as ‘ Legal Highs’

Legality surrounding drug analogues was a grey

area for LEAs, consumers, suppliers and

OC groups exploiting opportunities presented by

the drug analogue market.

Limited research / knowledge about the health

Case Study
Central Coast truck driver
purchases white powder
“ Smokin Slurrie” from a
sex shop
Injects with girlfriend in
the cabin of truck
Scales a barbed wire fence
and becomes involved in
altercation with security
Overheated / Catastophic
organ failure
Impetus for change
Put the spotlight on NPS and problems
in NSW

Heightened community awareness and

raised expectation of government action
Teens’ death sparks call to ban
synthetic drugs (ABC – 7 June, 2013)
Henry Kwan jumps to his death in a
synthetic psychosis (Daily Telegraph,
7 June, 2013)

Created an impetus to respond to the

Parliamentary Inquiry
Government was critical of inaction
Environment of urgency
Legislative Change
In October 2013 a Parliamentary
Inquiry was held

NSW Government outlawed synthetic

drugs with psychoactive properties.

Laws are the most comprehensive and

wide-ranging in the country:
45 Substances added to the DMTA
Analogue amendment
NSW will adopt Schedule 9 of
Offences will be added to DMTA
(Section 25B)
Offences will be added to DMTA
Forms of Methlyamphetamine

Powder - cut to street quality

Paste / Base – mid level purity in

wet gluggy form

Tablets – mixed with other

compounds or drugs

Recrystallised – large crystals of

high purity (Ice)

Fake ice – mid level purity cut

with dimethylsulfone or
(otherwise known as MSM)
Methlyamphetamine Oil
insoluble in water and can
only be dissolved in a
Is the true “ base” form of
Is in its purest form.
Transported in this way to
avoid detection
Methamphetamine Powder
 Generally low in purity.

 Cut with glucose.

 Snorted, injected or
taken orally.
 Ranges in colour from
white to brown
Crystal Methyl Amphetamine ‘ Ice’

Methylamphetamine in
salt form
hydrochloride (HCL) or
crystalline methyl

“ICE” or “Crystal Meth”

is created through a
simple purification
/refining process,
resulting in crystals
which are larger and of
high purity
Clandestine Laboratories
Lab Seizures
2008 55

2009 67

2010 96

2011 93

2012 95

2013 115

2014 92

2015 107

2016 (YTD) 20
Case Study 3 - Methylamphetamine

Investigation into Central

Coast based drug syndicate

Used encrypted

Aware of police
Case Study 3 - Methylamphetamine

Clandestine Laboratory at
Over 40kg
seized (oil, paste,block)
Several tonnes of
precursor chemical
$1.3 Million cash seized
10 persons arrested an
charged Large
Commercial Drug
Case Study 3 - Methylamphetamine
Proceeds of Crime
Case Study 4
Cannabis / Methylamphetamine supply

Investigation into Italian

Organised Crime
Syndicate operating from
Far South Coast

Principal Offender 63
years old

40 pounds Cannabis and

25 pound pure
Amphetamine seized

6 males arrested
Masking Techniques
Recent seizures of black
coloured ‘ Ice” & Cocaine
at borders and rural areas

Drug chemically altered to

evade detection

Initial presumptive testing

of drugs produces a
negative result
What most people think of when they imagine
a drug Laboratory
The reality of a Clandestine Drug Laboratory
Mobile Labs
What we wear.
When things go wrong.
Chemical Hazards

Fire / Explosion

Death / Serious injury

Pollution /
Environmental damage
Chemical Hazards
Other Social harms of Drug Trade
Consequence of the Drug Trade

Other effects of drug trade


Talk about different levels

of the drug trade
Street users
Mid Level
High Level
Organised Crime
Size & Scope of organised crime
International market

Emergence of new international players

Encrypted Communications
Anonymous Markets
NPS and Synthetic Cannabinoids
NPS ( Legislation)
Size and Scope of Organised
Anonymous Markets
Difficult to assess the
size / scope of market
Effects of Drug Use
Questions ?

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