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External Commercial Borrowings

ECB refer to cross border commercial loans

(bank loans, buyers’ credit, suppliers’ credit, securitized instruments)

availed by permitted eligible borrowers from permitted non-resident

lenders with minimum average maturity of 3 years.
Route for availing ECB
•Automatic Route i.e. no Reserve Bank of India (RBI) approval is
required (however registration is required)
•Approval Route i.e. RBI approval is required.
•ECB for investment in industrial sector, infrastructure sector and
specified service sectors such as Hotel, Hospital and Software sector
is included under Automatic Route.
Eligible Borrowers
• Corporate including those in hotel, hospital, sofware,
Infrastructure Finance Companies registered under the
Companies Act.
• SEZ units – for their own requirement. Cannot transfer
or on lend ECB funds to sister concerns or DTA units
• NGO’s engaged in microfinance activity – subject to
satisfying the requirements specified by RBI
• Entities that are excluded:
• financial intermediaries such as banks, financial
institutions (FIs), housing finance companies and NBFCs.
• Individual, Trusts and Non Profit making organizations
•International Recognized Sources:
•International Banks
•International Capital Markets
•Multilateral Financial Institutions(such as IFC, ADB, CDC
•Export Credit Agencies
•Suppliers of Equipment
•Foreign Collaborator
•Foreign Equity Holder (other than OCB)
 For investment such as import of capital goods, new
projects, modernization/ expansion of existing
production units) in real sector - industrial sector
including small and medium enterprises (SME) and
infrastructure sector and specific service sector in

 Infrastructure sector is defined as (i) power, (ii)

telecommunications, (iii) railways, (iv) road including
bridges, (v) sea port and airports, (vi) industrial parks
and (vii) urban infrastructure (water supply, sanitation
and sewage projects).

 ODI in JV/WOS abroad

 First stage acquisition of shares in the disinvestment
process and also in the mandatory second stage offer
under GOIs disinvestment program

 Payment for spectrum Allocation.

 For lending to self help groups or for micro credit by


 IFC’s can avail ECBs equivalent to 50 per cent of their

owned funds for on-lending to the infrastructure sector as
defined under the ECB policy,.
 Working capital
 General corporate purpose
 Repayment of existing Rupee loans
 On lending
 Investment in capital market or acquiring a company in
India( including investment in SPV or Money Market
Mutual Funds)
 Real Estate
• Guarantee
• Issuance of guarantee, standby letter of credit, letter of
undertaking or letter of comfort by banks, Financial
Institutions and Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs)
from India relating to E C B is not permitted.
• Security
• The choice of security to be provided to the lender is left
to the borrower. However, creation of charge over
immoveable assets and financial securities - can be done
only after obtaining ‘no objection’ from Authorized Dealer
bank. Incase of enforcement – property will be transferred
only to person resident in India.
•Up to USD 500 million - subject to compliance with the
minimum average maturity as applicable to the Loan.

•Possible with the fresh ECB subject to the condition that
the fresh ECB is raised at a lower all-in-cost ceiling and
outstanding maturity of the original ECB is maintained.
•Conversion of ECB into equity is permitted subject to the
following conditions:
The activity of the company is covered under the
Automatic Route for FDI or FIPB approval for foreign
equity participation has been obtained by the company,
whichever applicable,
The foreign equity holding after such conversion of debt
into equity is within the sectoral cap, if any,
 Pricing of shares is as per the SEBI and RBI guidelines as
may be applicable for listed / unlisted companies.

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