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Nursing Research Design –

Quasi And Pre-Experimental

Research Design


I. Experimental Design II. Nonexperimental Design III. Other Additional

research Design
1. Descriptive design
1. True experimental 2. Quasi experimental 3. Pre-experimental 2. Correlational/Expost facto design
design design design 3. Developmental research design
 Post-test only control 4. Epidemiological designs
design 5. Survey research design
 Nonrandomized
 Pre-test – post test  One-shot case design
control design
control group design  One-group Pre-test –
 Time-series
 Solomon four group post test design 1. Methodological studies
design 2. Meta-analysis
 Factorial design 3. Secondary data analysis
 Randomised block 4. Outcome research
design 5. Evaluation studies
 Crossover design 6. Operational research
• It involves the manipulation of
independent variable to observe to effect
on dependent variable
experimental BUT
• It lacks at least one of the two
characteristics of the true experimental
design; randomization or a control group.
• Quasi-experimental designs are generally
used to establish the causality (effect of
independent variable on dependent
variable) in situations where researchers are
Research not able to randomly assign the subjects to
Design groups or for various reasons no control
group is available for an experimental

• Manipulation of the independent variables

to observe the effects on the dependent
Research • Lack of at least one of the two other
Design essential characteristics of the true
experiment, i.e. random assignment of
subject or a control group.
Experimental Research Design
Quasi Experimental Design

a. Nonrandomized b. Time-series
control design design
a. Nonrandomized Control Group Design

This design is identical to

the pretest-posttest
It is also known as the control group design,
‘nonequivalent except there is no
control group design’. random assignment of
subjects in experimental
& control groups.
Nonrandomized Control Group Design

In this design, experimental & control groups are selected

without randomization, & dependent variables are observed in
experimental as well as control groups before the intervention.

Later, the experimental group receives treatment & after that

posttest observation of dependent variables is carried out for
both the groups to assess the effect of treatment on
experiment group.
b. Time-series Design

The experimenter would

This design is useful when
continue to administer the
the experimenter wants to
treatment & measure the
measure the effects of a
effects a number of times
treatment over a long
during the course of the
period of time.
b. Time-series Design

• Generally it is a single-subject research, in which

the researcher carries out an experiment on an
individual or on a small number of individuals, by
alternating between administering & then
withdrawing the treatment to determine the
effectiveness of the intervention.
b. Time-series Design
• Eg:A researcher assess low back
pain levels of a group of patients
for 3 weeks.

• After pain assessment, subjects are

taught special exercises to reduce
that pain.

• Next 3 weeks, pain levels would

again be measured.
Advantages of Quasi-experimental Design
Quasi-experimental designs are more frequently
used because they are more practical & feasible to
conduct research studies in nursing, where in the
absence of a large sample size, randomization &/ or
availability of control groups are not always possible.

This design is more suitable for real-world natural

setting than true experimental research designs.
Advantages of Quasi-experimental Design

It allows researchers to evaluate the impact of quasi-

independent variables under naturally occurring

It may be able to establishing casual relationship.

Wherein some of the hypotheses are practically
answered through this design only.
¢ There is no control over extraneous
variables influencing the dependent
Disadvantages variables.
Quasi-experimental ¢ The absence of a control group or
Design lack of control over the research
setting makes the results of this
design less reliable & weak for the
establishment of casual relationship
between independent & dependent


I. Experimental Design II. Nonexperimental Design III. Other Additional

research Design
1. Descriptive design
1. True experimental 2. Quasi experimental 3. Pre-experimental 2. Correlational/Expost facto design
design design design 3. Developmental research design
 Post-test only control 4. Epidemiological designs
design 5. Survey research design
 Nonrandomized
 Pre-test – post test  One-shot case design
control design
control group design  One-group Pre-test –
 Time-series
 Solomon four group post test design 1. Methodological studies
design 2. Meta-analysis
 Factorial design 3. Secondary data analysis
 Randomised block 4. Outcome research
design 5. Evaluation studies
 Crossover design 6. Operational research
Experimental • This research design is considered
Research very weak, because the researcher
Design has very little control over the
Experimental Research Design
Quasi Experimental Design

a. One-shot case b. One-group

design Pre-test – post
test design
a. One-shot case design

• In this research design, a single experimental group is exposed to a

treatment & observations are made after the implementation of that

• There is no random assignment of subjects to the experimental

group & no control group at all.
B. One-group Pretest-posttest Design

• It is the simplest type of pre-experimental design, where only the

experimental group is selected as the study subjects.
B. One-group Pretest-posttest Design

• A pretest observation of the dependent variables is made before

implementation of the treatment to the selected group, the
treatment is administered, & finally a posttest observation of
dependent variables is carried out to assess the effect of treatment
on the group.
B. One-group Pretest-posttest Design

Some researcher also argue

this design as sub type of This design ethically can
quasi-experimental not be placed under the
research design. However classification of quasi-
in absence of both experimental research
randomization & control design.
Very simple & convenient
to conduct these studies
in natural settings,
Advantages of especially in nursing.
Design Most suitable design for
the beginners in the field
of experimental research.
• Considered a very weak experimental
Design design to establish casual relationship
between independent & dependent
variables, because it controls no threat to
internal validity.

Disadvantages • It has very little control over the research.

Design • It has a higher threat to internal validity of
research, & may have a selection bias,
which can be very serious threats for in
using this particular design.


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