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What is TTLM?

 Teacher-made printed instructional aid that

supplements the teacher’s oral and visual
 Designed by the teacher to fit local condition
and appropriate to intended trainees.
 Provide a system of learning that the trainee
have more active involvement.
 Directly related to the occupational
standards and the curriculum.
 Provide a system of learning that the
trainee have more active involvement.
 Useful when contents are not available in
textbooks, manuals, etc.
 Helpful in ensuring that the trainee/learner
remember the required information.
 Useful in providing a permanent record of
the content of the training program.
 Useful as a critical component of an
individualized instructional system.
 Helpful when trainee/learner missed a lesson.
Teacher’s Guide
Learning Guide
Assessment Packet

 What is an effective teacher?
 How can I become an effective teacher?
  Based on your experienced as a teacher, how
would you define an effective teaching?
  What are some of the teaching practices used by
effective teacher?
  How will I know if I am an effective teacher?
 Self-contained or resource –
based packet of information and
learning activities.
 It tells the trainee what need to do,
when and how to do it and what
the teacher expects from him/her
to know and be able to do once the
learning activities are completed.
 One Learning Guide is prepared
for one learning outcome.
 E.g if 1 Learning module has 5
LOs, their will be 5 LGs.
 Simply
 Instruction Sheet
 Information Sheet

 Self check
 Operation Sheet

 LAP test (Learning Activity

Performance test)
 References
Learning guide provides the following
information –
Cover page Presents
Name of institution and its logo

The title and qualification level

Unit title

Module title

LG code

TTLM code
Learning guide provides the following information –

Instruction Sheet
Tells the trainee the objectives of the LG.

The steps to follow in order to complete the

learning activities.
Provides relation to what has already been
learned, the pre-requisite KSA the trainee
must have before using the LG.
How the KSA will be evaluated and what
level of performance is expected.
Information Sheet
 Contains the background
information (knowledge) necessary
to understand the subject/topic or task.
 Presents information such as facts,
explanations, examples, discussions,
concepts or principles.
 Can be supplemented with audio, video,
text, illustrations, drawings, etc
____1. Working on a car radio.
____2. Adding signed numbers correctly
____3. Practicing the violin
____4. Playing basketball
____5. Using a microscope
____6. Identifying an amoeba
____7. Naming the seven parts of speech
____8. Punctuating an essay correctly
 It is a set of notes in logical
order for the teacher to follow to
ensure that he/she heads towards
meeting the objectives of the
 It enable the teacher to check in
advance if the sequencing of the
lesson is correct, the content
relevant, and the training methods

 It also serves as a checklist of the

resources required for the lesson
 Outlines the content of the lesson
prepared for a specific learning
outcome/a learning guide
1 Element=1 LO=1LG=1SP
 It is a blueprint that identifies the
basic 5ws (who, what, where, when
and why).
1. The why questions =objectives
2. The what questions = contents
3. The how questions = methods
4. To whom questions = nature of the students
5. By what questions= Materials and resources
6. Where questions =place
7. When questions = time and
8. To what extent?= evaluation
 support teachers to produce well – organized
teaching and learning process

 Reduce wastage of time, money, material and

energy by making lessons systematic, orderly,
purposeful, direct and economical

 Avoid unnecessary repetition in the learning

 help the teacher to select the appropriate methods
of teaching .
 provide opportunities to set assignments,
practices, projects, etc easily.
 make the evaluation and summary of lessons
Sections of a Session Plan

• Lesson Approach
• Lesson Development
• Lesson Summary
A. Lesson Approach
• Introduction part
• orient the learners about objective
of the lesson
“Lesson Approach”

Unit of Competency Prepare Technical Drawings

Module-1 Title : Preparing Technical Drawings

LO 1 : Collect information for drawings

At the end of this session the students
Session Objectives:
shall be able to:
 Apply OHS requirements associated with
preparing basic building drawings
 Recognize quality requirements of the
company operations
 Select functional tools and equipment
 Select type of drawings
 Identify key features, site dimensions and
orientation and building services
B. Lesson Development
• Content or subject matter
- content outline
• Teaching/learning methods or techniques
- lecture - discussion
- demonstration, etc
• Learning experiences for trainees / learners
• Resources and materials – LG,
Videos,illustrations,audio-visuals, etc.
 Teaching delivery methods  Teaching delivery modes
- Lecture/Oral presentation - Cooperative Training
- Demonstration - In-company Training
- Brainstorming - On/Off-the-Job Training
- Case Study - Self-paced Learning
- Simulation - Distance Delivery
- Fish Bowl - Community Training
- Games
- Role Playing
- Group Work/Discussion
C . Lesson Summary
It is important for; -
Summarizing the lesson
 drawing conclusions
 evolving generalizations
 reiterating major concepts
 pulling the loose ends together
• Evaluation
• tools to determine if the
learners meet the objectives
- based on the objectives the
learners are trying to achieve
Session Plan Answers Lead to Each Step has Specific
Answers Four Four Steps in Parts to make the Session
Questions Planning Plan

Q1: Where are we -Present situation

now? -Topic & Objectives
Q2: Where are Needed
we going?
Q3: What steps Presentation
do we take -Aids & Materials
to get there?
Application -Practice or apply the
Q4: How do we What & How based
know when on the Why
we’ve arrived? Evaluation -Practical, Written, Oral
 Match session plan objectives with assessment criteria
in curriculum
 Sequence the learning
 Try to arrange the topics into a logical teaching sequence or
learning process by allocating numbers against them. What will
you teach first, second, etc. After finalizing the sequence of topics,
rearrange also your sequence in the session plan.

 Learning guide topics and session plan topics must be the

same in sequence and title. And they must be presented in the
Learning Guide as sequenced in the session plan.
 Draw out the teaching methods based on
 definition, facts and explanation

 safety points (attitudes)

 underpinning skills and knowledge

 diagrams, graphics, illustrations, etc.

 procedures, methods or steps

 Develop learning activities
 vary learning activities to keep trainees interested
and to cater for different learning styles
 Develop assessment tasks
 Assemble all learning resources called for in
the learning steps.
 Check to make sure that the external resources,
such as books are referred to accurately. Make sure
that instruction sheets and self-checks referred to in
the guide are included.
 Assign nominal duration per teaching, learning,
evaluation and feedback activity
1.Identify correct match between basic components of instructional
A/ whom do I teach? Setting the objective
B/ why do I teach? Knowing the learner
C/ what do I teach? Selection of appropriate contents
D/ A&B
2.Identify wrong match between basic components of instructional
A/ whom do I teach? Knowing the learner
B/ why do I teach? Setting the objective
C/ what do I teach? Selection of appropriate method
D/ A&B
Activity 4 Write the letter of the word or phrase from column B that best
matches with a statement in column A on the space provided in the separate
answer sheet.

No. A B
1. Helps to identify instructional A. What to teach?
2. Refers to the contents to be offered B. When to teach?
3. Relates to selection of the methods C. Where to teach?
of instruction
4. Concerns with the time necessary D. Whom to teach?
for instruction
5. Relates to the conditions of the E. Why to teach?
place of instruction
6. Refers to the conditions of the F. How much to
learners teach?
7. Concerns with the amount of the G. How to assess?
H. How to teach?
 The Teacher’s Guide is a document that
guides the teacher in facilitating the
learning activities in accordance with the
curriculum design.
 It must contain information and activities
intended as designed by the curriculum.
 There is only one teacher’s guide for every
TVET program and
The information provided in this document
includes the following –

 Cover page –
• Presents the title and qualification level
of the TVET program that the guide
addresses and
• institute logo and title,
• TTLM Code.
 Introduction– gives the teacher the overview
of the TTLM and general introductory
information about what the trainees are going to
learn and the activities they have to perform, the
mechanics of the training and how to administer
the learning guides.
 . Matrix of Competence - provide the
list of competences that the trainee have
to acquire at the end of the training
program with their corresponding learning
module title and learning outcomes
 Learning Methods/Training
explains the flow of training and learning
activities or events, the learning
methodologies and strategies that will be
used or applied for the attainment of the
overall goal of the program.
 Session Plan– detail the
delivery of content coverage by
learning outcome as defined in the
learning module and link learning
guides to the session
• Teacher Evaluation Guide; key to correction on
the self Assessment

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