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Introduction to

Business Environment
Muhammad Shahmeer Hashmi BE-17-17
 Each business operates in some sort of an environment
 It may be internal or external
 It has a direct impact on the output of business
 Business interacts with its environment for mutual benefit
What to purpose
Know?  Interaction differs with different businesses for intensity and
effectiveness, which determine business’s performance
 Thus, identification of the environment and the benefits or threats
to expect from it is vital for businesses
 Environments may be political, economic, social, technological,
Environment cultural and legal
as an object  The different nature brings different policies and thus different
ways to interact for business
and a subject  The businesses react by making their own policies to get the
of policy desired maximum advantage from the environment (any type)
 Environments are not static; they keep evolving with time. For
making example, the technological environment
 Environment has customers who are important stakeholders
Environment  Customers have needs which they complete through businesses
as determinant  Identification and completion of these needs is the objective
of  Environment serve to maximize resources which serve to expand
organizational the business
 Showing concern for the environment is a modern perspective,
strategy and it has big implications for large corporations
Types of International
Business Environment
Salman Abbas BE-17-66
Types of 1. Internal Environment-
Environment o Value system
  o Vision, Mission and Objectives
o Management Structure and Nature
o Internal Power Relationship
o Human Resources
o Company Image and Brand
o Physical assets, R&D and Financial strengths
2. External Environment
Types of
Environment i. Micro Environment- Suppliers, Customers, Competitors,
- Continue ii.
Financiers, Publics, Marketing intermediaries
Macro Environment.
o Social Factors
o Economic Factors
Types of o Cultural Factors

Environment- o Geographical Factors

o Technological Factors
o Political Factors
o Legal Factors
 Population.

ENVIROMEN  Occupational.
 Income Level.
 Family.
 Nature of the economy.
Economic  Structure of the economy.

Environment  Economic Policies.

 Economic conditions.
Topic:International business environment
 Significant deelopment in large Indian consumer market

Domestic  Encourage many froeigen brand to enter into trade with Indian
developments  Retail got the particular intension as it is the second largest sector
in trad: in India
 India has undergone a profound shift in the economic
 Since the mid 1980: successive reform have progressively moved
the indian economy towards the toward the MBS
Recent  State intervention and control over economic activity has been
Economic and reduced
Financial  Role of Private Sector entrepreneurship has increade

environment  Reform had major beneficial impact on the economy

 The annual growth in GDP per capita has accelerated and
estimated to be 8% annually
Continued  Helped to reduce povety

incread in  Significan poblem still remained un resolve

 Fundamental development flaw facing the country that would
economic required a marked improvement in the ifrastructural
growth development.

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