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Presented By
Miss. Vaishali Kashiram Sarkate
Guided By
Dr. Ranu Tuteja

 Introduction
 Literature Survey
 System Analysis
 system Design
 Conclusion
 References

 Cloud computing and cloud storage have become hot

topics in recent decades.
 Due to limited storage resources and the requirement for
convenient access, we prefer to store all types of data in
cloud servers
 provides an open and convenient storage platform
 it also introduces security problems

 A key agreement protocol is used to generate a common

conference key to ensure the security

 fundamental cryptographic primitives.


The key agreement protocol is applicable to support data
sharing in cloud computing for the following reasons.
The generation of a common conference key is performed
in a public channel
The key agreement protocol can support and provide
secure data sharing for multiple data owners within a group.
The key agreement protocol is based on a decentralized


 Study different techniques for block design based key

agreement in group data sharing
 Investigate different techniques for key agreement
 Implement key agreement protocol algorithm in our existing
system to provide security.
Author Title Findings
F. Chen, T. Xiang, Y. “Secure cloud storage had designed a general
Yang, and S. S. M. meets with secure network construction of secure cloud
Chow coding,” storage protocol based
on any secure network
coding protocol.

D. He, S. Zeadally, “Certificate less public they proposed a CLPA

and L. Wu auditing scheme for cloud- scheme. CLPA scheme not
assisted wireless body area only can address the
networks” security problems in TPKC-
based public auditing
schemes and ID-based
public auditing schemes but
also yields better
Author Title Findings

W. Diffie and M. E. “New directions The basic version of the Diffie-

Hellman IEEE in cryptography” Hellman protocol provides an
Transactions on efficient solution to the problem of
Information Theory creating a common secret
key between two participants.

L. Law, A. Menezes, “An efficient shows the comparison includes the

M. Qu, J. Solinas, and protocol for basic two-pass protocols. The
S. Vanstone authenticated key computational requirement are
agreement,” indicated by counting the number of
exponentiations computed by each
principal in protocol run and this is
the complexity.
Author Title Findings

J. Shen, S. Moh, and I. “Identity-based key An identity-based

Chung agreement protocol authenticated key
employing a symmetric agreement protocol was
balanced incomplete block proposed

R. Curtmola, J. Garay, “Searchable symmetric several schemes were

S. Kamara, and R. encryption: Improved proposed to enable
Ostrovsky, definitions and efficient efficient encryption of the
constructions,” outsourced data.
Author Title Findings

N. Cao, C. “Privacy-preserving several schemes were proposed to enable

Wang, M. Li, multi-keyword efficient encryption of the outsourced
K. Ren, and ranked search over data. However, encryption keys should be
W. Lou, encrypted cloud transmitted in a secure channel, which is
data,” not possible in practice, particularly in
the open cloud environment.

J. Yu, K. Ren, “Enabling cloud it was introduced that resistance to

C. Wang, and storage auditing with compromised keys has been taken into
V. key-exposure consideration.
Varadharajan, resistance,”
Author Title Findings

J. Yu, K. Ren, “Enabling cloud cloud storage auditing with verifiable

and C. Wang, storage auditing with outsourcing of key updates paradigm
verifiable was proposed
outsourcing of key

S. D. C. D. “Encryption policies A key agreement algorithm was

Vimercati, S. for regulating access exploited to achieve data access when
Foresti, S. to outsourced data,” data are controlled by multiple owners.
Jajodia, S.
Paraboschi, and
P. Samarati,
Author Title Findings

H. Guo, Z. Li, “Cryptanalysis of a public key infrastructure (PKI) is used

Y. Mu, and X. simple three-party to circumvent man-in-the-middle
Zhang, key exchange attacks.

Z. Tan, “An enhanced three- Key agreement protocols that use elliptic
party authentication curve cryptography (ECC) have been
key exchange proposed
protocol for mobile
Author Title Findings

Y. M. Tseng, “An efficient two- Key agreement protocols that use

party identity-based elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) have
key exchange been proposed

A. Shamir, “Identity-based To avoid the requirement of the public

cryptosystems and key certificate, in 1984, identity-based
signature schemes,” cryptography (IBC) was proposed.

 Existing System

This research introduced a web base platform for group data

sharing in cloud computing. In our existing system there are
multiple departments in single organization. Suppose two
departments wants to do the conversation or exchange
messages or files with each other. Then first of all they have
to do the key agreement. These all activities are done under
the watch of TPA. In case if the privacy breaks then TPA
sends warning message to the user as well as cloud server.

 Key Agreement Protocol

 Two or more parties can agree on a key
 This precludes undesired third parties from forcing a key
choice on the agreeing parties.
 Useful in practice also do not reveal to any eavesdropping
 Many key exchange systems have one party generate the key
 Protocol avoids some of the key distribution problem
 Only way to implement perfect forward secrecy.

 Hardware and Software Requirements

 Minimum Hardware Requirement
 System :Core i5 1.80 GHz Processor
 Hard Disk : 500 GB.
 Ram : 4 GB.
 Software Requirement
 Operating System : Windows 7
 Technology Used: PHP
 Database Used : Mysql

 Flowchart
 Algorithm: 3-KEY Triple DES
The encryption-decryption process is as follows −
 Encrypt the plaintext blocks using single DES with key K1.

 Now decrypt the output of step 1 using single DES with key
 Finally, encrypt the output of step 2 using single DES with
key K3.
 The output of step 3 is the ciphertext.
 Decryption of a ciphertext is a reverse process. User first
decrypt using K3, then encrypt with K2, and finally decrypt
with K1.

 In this research, we developed a web base platform for group

data , group data sharing in cloud computing has opened up a
new area of usefulness to computer networks. With the help
of the key agreement protocol, the security and efficiency of
group data sharing in cloud computing can be greatly
improved. Specifically, the outsourced data of the data owners
encrypted by the common conference key are protected from
the attacks of adversaries.
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