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Compare the ways poets present the impact of conflict 8th January 2019 Her father embarked at sunrise

on families in ‘Kamikaze’ and in ‘Poppies’. with a flask of water, a samurai sword

in the cockpit, a shaven head
full of powerful incantations
What is the impact of conflict What is the impact of conflict and enough fuel for a one-way
Three days before Armistice Sunday on families in ‘Poppies’? on families in ‘Kamikaze’? journey into history
and poppies had already been placed
but half way there, she thought,
on individual war graves. Before you left, recounting it later to her children,
I pinned one onto your lapel, crimped petals, he must have looked far down
at the little fishing boats
spasms of paper red, disrupting a blockade strung out like bunting
of yellow bias binding around your blazer. on a green-blue translucent sea
How is this shown? How is this shown?
and beneath them, arcing in swathes
Select two key quotations: Select two key quotations:
Sellotape bandaged around my hand, like a huge flag waved first one way
then the other in a figure of eight,
I rounded up as many white cat hairs the dark shoals of fishes
as I could, smoothed down your shirt's flashing silver as their bellies
swivelled towards the sun
upturned collar, steeled the softening
of my face. I wanted to graze my nose and remembered how he
and his brothers waiting on the shore
across the tip of your nose, play at built cairns of pearl-grey pebbles
being Eskimos like we did when What language methods does What language methods does to see whose withstood longest
the turbulent inrush of breakers
you were little. I resisted the impulse the poet use to convey the the poet use to convey the bringing their father’s boat safe
to run my fingers through the gelled impact of conflict? impact of conflict?
blackthorns of your hair. All my words – yes, grandfather’s boat – safe
flattened, rolled, turned into felt, to the shore, salt-sodden, awash
with cloud-marked mackerel,
black crabs, feathery prawns,
slowly melting. I was brave, as I walked the loose silver of whitebait and once
a tuna, the dark prince, muscular, dangerous.
with you, to the front door, threw
it open, the world overflowing How is the conflict shown How is the conflict shown
And though he came back
my mother never spoke again
like a treasure chest. A split second through the form/structure through the form/structure in his presence, nor did she meet his eyes
and you were away, intoxicated. that is used? that is used? and the neighbours too, they treated him
as though he no longer existed,
After you'd gone I went into your bedroom, only we children still chattered and laughed
released a song bird from its cage.
till gradually we too learned
Later a single dove flew from the pear tree, to be silent, to live as though
and this is where it has led me, he had never returned, that this
was no longer the father we loved.
skirting the church yard walls, my stomach busy And sometimes, she said, he must have wondered
making tucks, darts, pleats, hat-less, without which had been the better way to die.
a winter coat or reinforcements of scarf, gloves.

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