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Drugs: Their Sources,

Effects and Legal

“Some drugs are illegal, and so taking
or possessing them is a crime”
• A chemical substance that
brings about physical,
physiological, behavioral
Drug defined and/or psychological
change in a person taking
Are all drugs
• Any drugs may be harmful when abuse. The fact
that many drugs will produce beneficial results led
some people to fell that drugs solve all problems.
Medicines Vs. Drugs

• All medicines are drugs, but not all drugs are medicine
Medical Drugs

• Substance which when taken into the human body cures

illness and/or relieve signs/symptoms of disease.
Dangerous Drugs

• Substance affecting the central nervous system (CNS)

which when taken into the human body brings about
physical, emotional, behavioral changes in a person
taking it.
Drug abuse
• A non medica use of drugs that cause physical,
psychological, legal, economic, or social
damage ,to the user or people affected by the
user’s behavior.
• Abuse usually refer to illegal drugs but may also
applicable to drugs that are available legally
(prescribed medications and certain over-the-
counter medications.
• Active ingredients,
secondary metabolic
products of plants and
A. Natural other living systems that
Drugs may be isolated by
• Examples: Raw opium,
Marijuana, Coca bush
• Artificially produced
substances, synthesized in
the laboratory for the illicit
market, which are almost
B. Synthetic wholly manufactured from
Drugs chemical compounds in
illicit laboratories.
• Examples:
• Comprehensive Drug Act of
• Gives single definition to
dangerous drugs, removing the
distinction between prohibited
A. RA 9135 and regulated drugs.
• Old law defines the term
“dangerous drugs” as
pertaining to either
“prohibited drug” or
“regulated drug”.
B. PD 1619 • Volatile Substances
• Classified as : Regulated and
Prohibited Drugs
• Prohibited Drugs- other
drugs and chemical
preparations, whether
C. RA 6425 natural or synthetic, with the
physiological effects of a
narcotic or a hallucinogenic
• Regulated drug- self inducing
• Any drug that produces
sleep or stupor and also
A. Narcotic relieves pain
Substance • Depress the CNS
• Natural or synthetic
substance or any natural
material that have a high
B. potential for dependence
Psychotropic and abuse.
Substances • Highly addictive but
despite the risk, they
remain in medical use.
• Substances chemically
related to but slightly
different from controlled
C. Designer • Designed by clandestine
Drugs chemists with the aim to
manufacture compounds
that produce “the high”
or euphoria.
• Drugs which increase
alertness of physical
• Reduces appetite, relieves
mental depression, comfort
A. Stimulants: fatigue and sleepiness
Amphetamine • Effects: Wakefulness,
restlessness to coma and
• Effects: anxiety, irritability,
A. Stimulants: irrational behavior,
psychosis or similar to
Methampheta schizophrenia, difficult in
mine HCl concentrating, loss of
(Shabu) interest in sex.
• Effects: exaggerated
emotions, makes HR and
BP hike up, dries mouth,
B. stiffens arms, legs, jaws;
Hallucinogens: dilated pupil of the eyes,
Ecstacy causes faintness, chills
sweating and nausea.
• Effects: vivid
B. confusions, blurring and
Hallucinogens: distinction between
Marijuana conscious and
unconscious thought
• Drugs which depress or
lower the functions of CNS.
• Types
1. Narcotics-induces sleep
(Hypnotics) or stupor
C. Depressant and relieve pain
2. Tranquilizers- reduces
anxiety, ease tension
and relax muscles.
• Any liquid , solid or mixed
substance that has
property of releasing toxic
(psychoactive) vapors or
D. Inhalant fumes.
• Example: heroin,
Morphine, Alcohol
What are considered
dangerous drugs?
• Dangerous drug is a substance affecting the CNS.
• It alters mood, perception, feelings and behavior.
Under RA 6425, otherwise known as the Dangerous Drug Act of
1972, dangerous drugs are classified into three (3) main categories,

• Prohibited Drugs
• Regulated Drugs
• Volatile Substances
• Natural or synthetic, with
the physiological effects of
A. Prohibited a narcotic or a
Drug hallucinogenic drug.
• Self inducing sedatives
• Produces a physiological
B. Regulated action similar to
drug amphetamine, and
hypnotic drugs.
• Liquid, solid or mixed substances
having the property of releasing toxic
vapors or fumes or chemical substance
which when sniffed, smelled, inhaled
C. Volatile introduced into the physiological
Substances system of the body produce/induce a.
condition of intoxication, inebriation
excitement, stupefaction, etc.
RA 9165- Dangerous Drug Act of 2002

• gives a single definition for prohibited and

regulated drugs. The old law defines the term
"dangerous drug as pertaining to either prohibited
drug" or "regulated drug".
"Drug Dependence"

• means a state of psychic or physical dependence, or both, on a
dangerous drug, arising in a person following administration
or use of that drug on a periodic or continuous basis.
• Physical Dependence
• Mental or Psychological
of Drug Dependence
Dependency • Idiosyncrasy or Side Effect
1. Physical dependence

the body's physical system changes until the body needs that
particular drug in order to function.
2. Mental or psychological dependence

a need of drug in order to feel good, to get by or feel normal.

3. Idiosyncrasy or side effect

Idiosyncracy refers to a behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar

to an individual; mannerism
• refers to the act of injecting,
intravenously or intramuscularly, or of
consuming, either by chewing.
“USE” smoking. sniffing eating, swallowing,
drinking, or otherwise introducing into
the physiological system of the body,
any of the dangerous

• Drugs and alcohol responsiveness. often actually reduce sexual Babies born of drug
dependent mothers are often born tair dependent and require special care, some are
mentally and physically impaired as harmed during fetus development. ir a substance
abuser's drug of choice is unavailable, in order to maintain their high and to avoid
withdrawal symptoms, they will use other controlled substance which is available.
Sometimes they are multi-user since they take several different drugs at one or at
different times. Multi use means multi-risk

• A severely low breathing rate and stupor or coma is indicative of

overdose. Get medical help and make sure he gets plenty of air. Remain
calm since overdosed person may become frightened, suspicious and
may fear harm from others. Sometimes they are completely panic if the
people trying to help are extremely calm and collected.

• Drug addiction or dependence is a need for a particular

controlled substance which comes from continuous and
sometimes periodic use of that drug.
What is "Sell"

• Under Republic Act 9165, "Sell" means the act of giving

a dangerous drug, whether for money or any other
material consideration.

• It refers to the improper utilization of controlled substan, prescribed

by the physicians to the patient under treatments with medical
problem. Any drug not used according to directions whether
prescribed by a physician or over medication, can be substance abuse.
Using a prescription in manner not prescribed, for using another's
prescription is illegal

• Any non-medical use of drugs that cause physical psychological,

legal; economic, or social damage to the user to people affected by
the user's behavior. Abuse usually refers to illegal drugs but may
also be applicable to drugs that are available legally, such as
prescribed medications and certain over the counter medications.
Question: What happens to confiscated, seized and
surrendered dangerous drugs, plant sources of
dangerous drugs, controlled precursors and
essential chemicals, instruments/paraphernalis
and/or laboratory equipment?
Answer: The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) shall have custody of all dangerous drugs,
plant sources of dangerous drugs, controlled precursors and essential chemicals as well as
instruments/paraphernalia and/or laboratory equipment that art confiscated, seized and/or surrendered
The apprehending team or the group in custody of the confiscated drugs shall immediately prepare an
inventory and photograph the items in the presence of the accused or his counsel, a representative
from the media and the Department of Justice (DOJ) and any elected public official. The items will then be
submitted to the PDEA Forensic Laboratory for examination. within 24 hours after receipt of the items, the
Forensic Laboratory examiner shall issue a certification of the laboratory results The court shall conduct an ocular
inspection of the confiscated items within 72 hours after the filing of the criminal case. The PDEA shall then
destroy or burn the items in the presence of the accused, a representative from media and DOJ, civil society
groups and any elected official. However, a representative sample shall be retained. After the judgment has been
rendered in the criminal case, the trial prosecutor shall inform the Dangerous Drugs Board that the case has been
terminated and ask permission from the court to turn over the representative sample to the PDEA

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