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HSE Challenges &


HSE (Safety Policy) in any organizatin is

implemented with the help of
2.Factories Act 1948
3.OISD (Oil and Gas Industries)
• After reading this unit, you will be able to
understand :

• The most effective model of HSE


• To know the latest regulatory requirements in

the area of health, safety and environment
pertaining to petroleum operations.

• To know various regulatory agencies involved

in framing HSE rules and regulations and
other organizations working in HSE area
Industrilization has brought several problems and one of
the such problem is industrial accidents.

Industrial Hazards are :

a)Mechanical b) Electrical c) Chemical
d) Construction, e) Fire and Radiation Hazard.

Fundamental of Safety:
Industrial work is full of hazards. It is necessary to ensure
safety of plants, machineries and human being.

1.Human error : 88% due to Unsafe Practice

2.Mechanical Failure : 10% due to plant condition,
equipment and tool failure
3.Act of Nature : 2 % i.e flood, cyclone etc.
Why Safety is important ?
Accident causes pain and suffering.
Accident are very costly.
Accident lower morale and decrease productivity.
Cost of prevention of accident is lower than cost of
Accident reflect poor management system

Unsafe Condition and Unsafe Acts causes :

1.Loss of production / project
2. Loss of employees earning
3. Damage to plant and machinery
4. Premature death of employee
5. Expenses on medical aid
6. Expenses on recruitment and training to the employees
Safety : Safety is denoted as the condition or state of being
safe, freedom from the danger or hazard, exemption from
hurt, injury and loss.

Accidents : Are unplanned, unwanted and uncontrolled event

in which an action or reaction of an object, substances, person
or radiation results:
- injury, harm to employee
-Damage to property
-Loss / Contamination to the Envt.
98 % Accidents caused by unsafe act or unsafe condition.

Risk : Any situation that has probability to cause Injury/ harm to human,
damage to property, loss/ contamination to the environment.

Industrial Safety: Refer protection of worker from the danger of

industrial accidents.
Hazards: Any situation that has potential / capabilities
to cause injury/ harm to the worker, damage to
property, loss / contamination to the environment.

Injury : It is an inherent property of substance or an

occurrence which has the potential to cause loss/ harm
to the person.

Near Miss : An accident has not happened, but it may

happen. Unsafe conditions lead to major accident.

Fatal Injury : Due to injury causes death or Disability

that cause loss earning of an employee.

Fail Shape : Even if machine fails atleast it fail safely

so that least injury occur.
Hazard Identification

Risk Assessment

Safety Stages:
Earlier safety was implemented only by safety
Rules, Act, Compliances
Latter it extended to the environmental impact
which effect community, environment, property, life.
Now manufacturer is responsible for the safety of
the product.
- It means quality of product should be maintained.
-Equipment, machineries which are used in industries
should be tested for high level of safety.
-Safety is incorporated in designing part.
Need of Safety :
Cost Saving
Productivity Increases
Morale ( is state of mind)
Image increases
Avoid statutory actions
Avoid unique action eg. Bhopal Gas Tragedy
Ethical Management

Petroleum industry, by its nature is a hazardous


It involve
Processing, handling , storage and
transportation of large volumes of hazardous
petroleum products.

The processing chemicals present inherent risks of

fires, explosions,

toxic releases and environmental pollution

if adequate precautions are not taken during the

design and operation of petroleum installations.
All this has increased the potential of major risks. Major accidents
Bhopal Gas Tragedy (1984)
 Chernobyl disaster (1986), Deep Water Horizon
Piper alpha, Mexico city ,Seveso ,
Flexiobro and Fukoshima Diasater

In the last two decades have shaken the confidence of general

public about the safety of the people, property and environment.

Some companies have been closed down on account of poor

safety and environmental performance.

After these major disaster government authorities, human activist

groups and corporate houses in many countries including India
have taken a number of steps to control such major mishaps/
accidents in the installations which have the potential to

cause loss of human life,

property and environmental damage.
Integrated Safety and Environmental Management

HSE is an integrated management function comprising

discipline of occupational, health and environment and fire

Safety Issues :

When an industrial hazards leads to an immediate or sudden

accidents like an injury, fire, explosion or toxic release.

It becomes a safety issues and safety management comes in the


Occupational Health Problem

When the hazards have chronic health effects like stress,

musco-skeltal disorders and other industrial diseases, it
becomes occupational health problems.
Environmental Problem

On the other hand, when the effect on the unsafe situations is

long term and spread over larger areas beyond the boundary
limit it becomes an environmental problem.

No doubt, HSE efforts of many organizations are driven by

statutory requirements and they do whatever minimum is
required to avoid litigation and fines.

Now days efficient and enlightened corporate implement good

HSE performance .

They are committed to improve their health, safety and

environment and fire protection performance on a continuous
basis and on the sustainable way, i.e. meeting the needs of
present without compromising the ability of future generations
to meet their needs.
Consider the following direct or indirect costs of
major accidents/ incidents:

Injury/ loss of life to self or co-workers

Workman compensation

Cost of injury/ investigation

Loss of property and material

Loss of profits

Punitive sanctions (includes a sanction of

imprisonment or damage) and fines
Closure/ shutdown of the installation

Public litigation

Environmental pollution

Ecological damage

Loss of business

Shareholders wrath
The above does not include the cost of psychological
and social factors associated with major accidents.
Considering all these it is sensible to integrate HSE as
an important management functions like production,
maintenance, finance marketing and human resources

As said earlier, many organizations try

to meet only the minimum regulatory

But this is not enough in today’s

business and social requirement.

Regulations alone can not guarantee

the safety of petroleum installations.

Most of the regulatory agencies lay

down rules and regulations, which are
the minimum basic requirements for
the safe design and operation of an

Sound and safe engineering practices

are equally important.

Important features of an effective and efficient HSE Management
System are:

HSE Policy

Every organization must have a written policy on health, safety and

environment signed by the Head of the organization with date.

The copies of this policy should be displayed at prominent places in

the organization so that everybody is familiar with its

Some organizations ensure that every employee receives a copy of its

HSE policy.

HSE policy spells out the

values, beliefs and commitments of the organization towards health,

safety of its employees, community and at the macro level of the
What does ‘HSE POLICY’ Contain?

1. Health and safety of personnel and protection of environment .

2. Production and HSE are complementary to each other.

3. Safety and environment protection is everybody's business in the


4. All statutory requirements must be complied with at all times.

5. All person must use approved safe working procedures

(SOP)without making any risky short cuts.

6. All personnel - owner or contractors - must be given relevant

training before assigning them work
What does ‘HSE POLICY’ Contain? (Cont…..)
7. All plants, facilities and work procedures/ systems must be
audited periodically by in-house teams as well as external
8. Plant and ambient environment as well as various effluents must
be monitored continuously to maintain a clean and safe
environment in and around the plants.
9. A very high standard of house keeping must be maintained at all
places of work-plants, offices and facilities.
10. Every employee must be subjected to medical check-up for early
identification and treatment of any occupational health hazard.
11. All employees must keep abreast with the latest codes,
standards and practices on health, safety and environment.

12. All accidents, however small, must be investigated and followed

up. The lessons learnt from these accidents should be
disseminated to all levels of workforce
What does ‘HSE POLICY’ Contain? (Cont…..)

13. No modifications in plant, facilities will be done without proper

scrutiny and approval by an authorized person(s)
14. No contractor will be engaged without ascertaining his safety
performance / record

15. Non-compliance of this policy will attract severe disciplinary

Hazard Control
Administrative Engineering

Protective Equipment/Clothing
1. ENGINEERING CONTROLS - engineered safeguards to:
1. protect employees 2. prevent exposure to hazards
– Examples: machine guards, safety controls, isolation of hazardous areas,
monitoring devices
2. ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS - use of procedures to 1. monitor safe
practices and environments
– 2. identify & correct new hazards 3. Safety Committee
– Examples: periodic inspections, equipment operating procedures ,
maintenance procedures, JSA
• selection & assignment of personal protective equipment, TRAINING

3. Training Controls - used to ensure employees are fully and adequately trained to
safely perform
• all tasks to which they are assigned 1. Safety Training is mandatory 2. No
employee is to attempt any task without
• proper training in the equipment used, required personal protective equipment,
specific hazards and control &
• emergency procedures.
• periodic refresher training

4. PROTECTIVE CLOTHING/EQUIPMENT - Used when Engineering &

Administrative controls not adequate protection.
HSE Management Profile

Regulations alone are not enough to maintain a very high

level of safety in petroleum and allied industries, which
have many inherent hazards.
In order to prevent major accidents and mishaps and to
win confidence of general public, management leadership
and commitment is very essential.
Even for implementing and compliance of regulatory
measures, a committed leadership is necessary.
This can be achieved by establishing an effective and
efficient Health, Safety and Environment (HSE)
Management System.
Regulatory agencies do not have adequate infrastructure and
manpower to exercise superintendence and control of industrial
safety performance on a continuous basis.

For example, number of safety inspectors, boiler inspectors and

environmental specialist are far less than that would be required
to undertake meaningful inspection visits to a large number of
installations under their jurisdiction.

In many factory workers there are some are some restriction for
checking basic amenities –

- like first aid facilities,

-guards for the machines,
-personal protective equipment,
-potable water and canteen facilities etc.

They probably don’t have right training and aptitude for

identifying the many process hazards which are not so obvious.

Following is the list of various regulatory/statutory agencies

having jurisdiction over the petroleum industry.

Central Pollution Control Board ( CPCB) under the Ministry of

Environment and Forest

Respective State Pollution Control Board under the Ministry of

Environment and Forest of The State

Chief Controller of Factories Of The Respective State (CIF)

Under The Ministry Of Labor

Chief Controller Of Explosives (CCE) , Ministry of Heavy

Industry, Dept of Explosives

Director General of Civil Aviation ( DGCA) under The Ministry of

Civil Aviation, National Air Port Authority Of India
Tariff Advisory Committee (TAC) Under the Association of Indian

Bhaba Atomic Energy Commission (BARC) Under Ministry of

Atomic Energy

Director General Mines Safety (DGMS) under the Ministry of


Regional Transport Authority (RTA) under the Ministry of Surface


Director General Of Dock Safety (DGDS) under The Ministry of


International Maritime Organization (IMO) under United Nations

Oil industry safety directorate (OISD) under the ministry of
petroleum and natural gas
OSHA’s establishment
OSHA stands for the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration, an agency of the U.S. Department of
The U.S. Congress, led by U.S. Senator Harrison A.
Williams Jr. and U.S. Representative William A. Steiger,
passed the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970
(the OSH Act)1
•“…to assure so far as possible every working
man and woman in the nation safe and healthful
working conditions and to preserve our human
OSHA ‘s responsibility is to provide worker safety and
health protection.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(U.S. Department of Labor)
More than three decades ago, the Occupational Safety
and Health Act of 1970 created the Occupational Safety
and Health Administration to help employers and
employees reduce injuries, illnesses, and deaths on the
job in America.

Since then, workplace fatalities have been cut by

62 percent and occupational injury and illness
rates have declined 40 percent.
•OSHA provides national leadership in occupational
safety and health.
•Every workplace is a community.
•Safety and health add value to workplaces by increasing
morale, improving productivity, and reducing turnover
• The agency seeks to find and share the most
effective ways to get results—to save lives and
prevent injuries and illnesses.

• The message is simple—Safety and health add

• To your business.
• To your workplace.
• To your life.
Why OSHA is necessary
•Until 1970, no uniform or comprehensive provisions
existed to protect against workplace safety and health

At that time
Job-related accidents accounted for more than
14,000 worker deaths,
• Nearly 2.5 million workers were disabled by
workplace accidents and injuries,
• Ten times as many workdays were lost from job-
related disabilities as from labor strikes, and
• The estimated new cases of occupational diseases
totaled 300,000.
OSHA’s impact
•Since OSHA’s creation in 1970, the nation has made
substantial progress in occupational safety and
•OSHA and its many partners in the public and
•private sectors have:
• Cut the work-related fatality rate by 62 percent,
• Reduced overall injury and illness rates by 42

•Virtually eliminated brown lung disease in the textile

industry, and

•Reduced trenching and excavation fatalities by 35

• Hazards addressed
• OSHA issues standards for a wide variety of workplace
hazards including:

• Toxic substances,
• Harmful physical agents,
• Electrical hazards,
• Fall hazards,
• Trenching hazards,
• Hazardous waste,
• Infectious diseases,
• Fire and explosion hazards,
• Dangerous atmospheres, and
• Machine hazards.
The different agencies of listed above framed various regulations
under their purview.

These agencies have played a significant role in promoting

industrial safety and environmental protection in the hydrocarbon

Important regulations are briefly discussed below.


The statutory requirements of the petroleum are governed by

Petroleum Act, 1934 and Petroleum Rules 1976 under the
jurisdiction of Chief Controller of Explosives.

These rules deal with the Safety Guidelines/ Regulations for

import, transport,

storage, refining blending and

testing of petroleum and its fractions/ hydrocarbons.

• Under the Petroleum Act, the petroleum products
are classified into
Class-A having flash point below 23oC,
Class-B with flash point between 23oC to 65oC
Class-C having flash point between 65oC to 93oC

• The petroleum rules, 1976 detail the procedures

and Safety Norms to be observed for

 approval of containers, import, delivery

 and dispatch, loading, transport, storage, refining
and blending of petroleum and
 testing and maintenance of pipelines,
 electrical apparatus and degree of safety and
license/ approval procedures, under these rules.
license is required for

Import, storage and refueling

Transport by ships/vessels in bulk

Decanting from tank trucks in unlicensed premises

Transport by pipelines

Refining and blending

Fabrication of tank trucks

Manufacture of safety fittings

Construction of tanks

Design of containers

The Compressed or Liquefied gas filled in containers

under pressure are notified by the Government of India as
explosives and brought under the purview of Explosive
Act., 1884 in 1938.

The Explosives used for various purposes like mines/ rock

blasting, crackers etc.

Various rules are framed under this act are contained in :

a)Indian Explosive Rules 1981

a)The Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels, SMPV Rules


a)Gas Cylinder Rules , 1981


These rules stipulate various safety guidelines for the storage and
transport of Compressed and Liquefied gases filled in pressure
vessels (exceeding 1000 liters capacity) at a pressure exceeding 1.5
kg/cm2 at 15 degrees celcius.

Under these rules the storage and transport vessel should be

designed for the specific gas, maximum operating temperature and
working pressure, proper material of construction, capacity shape,
sizes etc.

The vessel should be fabricated by an approved fabricator and installed

as per the safety distances stipulated in the rules.

The rules call for periodic re-examination/testing of the pressure vessel

and its fittings.
Indian Explosive Rules, 1981

These rules regulate the manufacturer, possession, use,

sale , transport and export / import of all types of
explosives used for various puposes like mines / rock
blasting, crackers.

The Gas Cylinder Rules, 1981

The provision of these Rules pertain to the filling, storage,

handling and transportatin of gases in gas cylinders
exceeding pressure of 1.5 kg/cm2 at 15 degree celciuos .

The rules regulate

a) the manufacture of cylinders, valves and regulator,
b) Stamping and color coding of cylinders
c) Import of gas cylinder
d) Testing of cylinders

The provisions of this act contained in different chapters on

health, safety and welfare are administered by the Chief Inspector
of the Factories in the respective state.

Each state has its own factories rules.

The act was revised in 1987 to include hazardous chemical

factories and some other amendments brought in the factories
rules of many sates in 1995

The factories act make the occupier of a factory fully responsible

for providing and maintaining the plant and the systems of work
that are safe and without any risks to the health and safety of the
workers and general public.
General responsibilities of occupier are listed below.

1. Declaring safety policy of the organization

2. Providing the material safety data sheet (MSDS) of each hazardous


3. Every factory should have a well written on-site emergency plan,

clearly defining the role of different persons in case of an emergency.
The plan should be rehearsed every year and updated from time to

4. Disclosures of information to workers, public and authorities. This

should include declaration of dangers/ health hazards and measures
to overcome such hazards.

5. A safety committee having equal representation of workers and

management should be in place. The meeting of this committee should
be held at least every quarter.
6. To maintain the limits of exposure of chemicals and toxic
substances below the limit prescribed under the rules.

7. Medical checkup of the workers once before the employment and

once every six months for health status in case of specific health

8. Setting up of medical/ occupational health center suitably equipped

with equipment and qualified medical personnel

9. Inspection , testing, examination and certification of equipment and

vessels etc. by competent persons approved by CIF.

10. Permit to work system should be in place with approved safety and
rescue equipment.

11. All work associated with entry or work in confined spaces, working
at heights, hot works, cutting and welding excavation and other
dangerous work should have predetermined safe work procedure and
should be undertaken under a written work permit signed by a qualified
12. Provide adequate fire protection system as per rules.

13. An emergency communication system alarm siren etc. should be in

place and everybody should know what to do in case of an alarm.

14. Safety manual containing the different safety procedures applicable

to the installation should be available to the workers.

15. Providing PPE to workers depending on the nature of hazard


16. Display necessary precautionary notices and instructions (Safety

Signs and Colors) at prominent places to educate and warn the
workers and visitors against the hazard involved.

17. Appointing a qualified safety officer in the premises as per rules.

18. Providing welfare amenities like drinking water facilities, washing

facilities, mess room, toilets etc.

19. Sending any accidental report and notice of any poisoning or

occupational diseases

Sustainable development and environmental legislation are important

issues for the development of the society.

Keeping this in view, government of India enacted the various

environmental legislations related to industrial projects activities.
These include:

The water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

The water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977

The air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981

The Environment ( protection) Act, 1986

The Environment (protection) Rules , 1986

Manufacture, storage, and import of hazardous chemicals Rules, 1989

Hazardous waste management ( management and handling) rules, 1989

•Chemical accidents (emergency planning, preparedness and
response) rules, 1996

•Biomedical waste (management and handling) rules, 1998

•The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991 and the Public Liability
Insurance rules, 1991

•The critical requirements of this legislation for petroleum

industry are discussed separately.

•Environmental clearance of project notification,1994 (EIA)


•The Central government and the state government

independently, except Jammu and Kashmir where this act does
not apply, frame the act .

•1. Each state has its own boilers regulations.

2. It is an obligatory for an owner to get his boiler registered

under this act.

Chief inspector of steam boilers in the state is the registering


3. The act stipulates requirement for safety of steam boilers and

steam pipes.

4. For the purpose of the act, a boiler means any closed vessel
exceeding 22.75 liters in capacity which is used exclusively for
generating steam under pressure.
5. A steam pipe under the act means any pipe through which a steam
passes from a boiler to a prime mover or other user if the pressure at
which steam passes through such pipe exceeds 3.5 kg/cm2 above
atmosphere or such pipes exceeds 254 mm in diameter

6. These regulations covers the design, construction and

workmanship of boilers.

7. The regulations specify the stages and procedures for inspection of

new boilers and inspection frequency of boilers in operation.

8. The regulations also lay down procedure for testing and qualifying
welders who work on boilers.

9. A registered boiler is permitted for use of maximum period of one

10. A working certificate showing validity period, maximum allowable
pressure etc. is issued after every annul inspection by the boiler

11. The boiler owner is required to display the certificate so the boiler
attendants and other employees associated with boiler operation and
maintenance get familiar with the certificate.

12. As per the act the owner should provide a qualified person to take
charge of boiler.

13.A second class boiler attendant can take charge of a single boiler
or battery of three boilers, the total heating surface of which does not
exceeded 150 sq. meters.

14. A first class boiler attendant can take charge of a battery of

boilers, the total surface area of which does not exceed 700 square

15. A proficiency engineer should be appointed for boilers larger than

the above sizes.
16. The following acts/ omissions are treated as cognizable offence
under the act.

i) If it is not registered or not having the valid certificate

ii) Operating the boiler at pressure higher than that allowed in the

iii) Absence of duly qualified boiler attendant

iv) Carrying out structural alteration, addition or renewal in or to a boiler

without prior sanction of chief inspector

v) Failure to report any accident to boiler or steam pipe to inspector

within 24 hrs.

vi) Tampering with safety valves.


1. The Central Electricity Board formulated the Indian electricity rules(I.E.

rules) in 1937 followed by amendments in 1956.

2. The objective of the I.E rules is to regulate the generation,

transmission, distribution and use of electricity in a safe manner.

3. The provisions of these rules are enforced in each state by the Chief
Electrical Inspector of the State.

4. It is mandatory that all the electrical installations should confirm to

requirements of the Indian electricity rules.

5. The I.E rules do not stipulate specific requirements of electrical

equipments and lines and due to this,

- The interpretation of the rules by the Electrical Inspectors is vary from

State to State.

7. The I.E rules do not cover the special requirement for electrical
equipment in hazardous locations encountered in petroleum installations.

These regulations were framed under sections 57 read with sections

59 of the Mines Act, 1952 and enforced in the 1984 in the oil industry.

1. In All the oil and gas exploration ,

drilling production and , transport facilities

including general Safety and Health education

governed by these regulations under the competent authority of the

Director General Mines and Safety (DGMS).

2. Although the Basic Safety requirements are stipulated in Oil mines

Regulations, 1984,

the specific requirements for certain systems like

Work Permit, Fire Fighting facilities are not covered.

1. The Indian Air Craft Act, the aircraft rules were framed in 1937,
which were amended several times the latest edition was updated in

2. It is mandatory that clearance to be obtained from the National Air

Port Authority of India, under the Ministry of Civil Aviation, while
planning to any tall structure or building.

3. Air warning lights are stipulated in the rules to be complied with by

owners of such buildings.

4. The owner has to forward the layout drawings showing the

-elevation details, dimensions
-details of the structures/ buildings in the prescribed format

and submit to the nearest Aerodrome Officer.

5. Only after receipt of the approval, the construction can be taken up.

It was originally known as IMCO, Inter- Governmental Maritime

Consultive Organization established in 1948 as a specialized agency of
United Nations, which was later changed to IMO.

It primarily works for

a) development of Maritime Regulations and

b) Standards for the Promotion of Maritime Safety

c) Prevention of pollution from ships.

These regulations and standards were adopted in conferences and

published by IMO.

Some important milestones achieved are.

Convention on the safety of life at sea in 1974(SOLAS74)


The dock workers (safety, health and welfare) regulations were

framed in 1990 under the above mentioned act.

Factory inspector does not have any jurisdiction on the Ports and

Director general of Dock safety enforces, Safety requirements at

port/docks where crude and petroleum products moving through
ships are handled.


1. The atomic energy rules were framed in 1971(revised in 1996)

under the Atomic Energy Act, 1962.

2. Under these rules, Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, AERB

under Bhabha Atomic Energy Commission, regulates the use of any
radioactive source in the country.
3. Radioactive sources are used in many petroleum installation

in radiography equipment, x-ray machines,

nucleonic level gauges and smoke detectors.

4. The use of any radiation (radioactive) source including its

storage, handling transportation and disposal must comply with
the statuary

requirements of AERB.

5. Any installation using radiation sources must have an authorized

radiological safety officer ( RSO) trained, validated and certified by

radiation protection service division of Bhabha Atomic Energy


The transportation of hazardous products by road is

governed by Central Motor Vehicles Act, 1988,
salient features of the rules include:

1. Educational qualifications of the drivers of the

goods carriages carrying dangerous or hazardous

2. Every drivers of such vehicles must have passed

mandatory three days training course from a
recognized school in addition to having his heavy
vehicle driving license.
3. Every vehicle carrying hazardous goods must display
mark of the class label appropriate to the type of
dangerous goods.

4. The vehicle should be marked emergency information

panel at three places on the vehicle.

5. His panel contains products technical name, UN

identification number, HAZCHEM code. Emergency phone
number etc.

6. The vehicle must have TERM card Transport Emergency

Card available in the drivers cabin.

7. Every vehicle carrying hazardous goods must be

equipped with the prescribed safety equipment for the
preventing fire, explosion or escape of hazardous goods.

8. The vehicle should be fitted with a Spark arrester and

a Tech Graph ( an instrument to record the lapse of running of
the vehicle, time, speed maintained, acceleration/ declaration

1. Oil industry safety directorate , OISD is an advisory body

under the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural gas.

2. Set up in the 1986 after Bhopal disaster, the directorate

(OISD) advises the oil and gas industry in India on all
matters of health , safety and environment.

3. All public sector ( PSU) oil companies are members of


4. Private oil companies can also become members in case

they desire.

4. Unlike other regulatory agencies, OISD helps the member

oil and gas companies to enhance the level of safety through
self regulation.

5. OISD has published a number of standard/

recommendations practice in siting of petroleum operation ,
philosophies, inspection, maintenance, fire protection etc.
6. It is obligatory for the member companies to use these
standard and recommended practices for new installations
and installation in operations.

7. Many other statuary agencies like CCE and OISD

standards/recommended practices in their procedure and

8. OISD has also published guidelines for internal and

external safety audits.
Based on these guidelines, formal safety audits of oil/gas
installations of various PSUs under Ministry of Petroleum &
Natural Gas are conducted periodically by an external team
under the leadership of OISD.

9. Petroleum organizations can use these guidelines for their

own internal audits.

10. OISD has also made a model disaster management plan

that can be used by an installation as guidelines for
developing its own disaster/ emergency management plan.
1. Tariff advisory committee, TAC, is an advisory body
formed to regulate rates, terms and conditions of business
of general insurance companies in India.

2. TAC approves and monitors various fire fighting facilities

and electrical installations in the industry.

3. Fire fighting manual first brought out in 1903 by Calcutta

fire association was revised, updated and issued by TAC in
1982 in two parts- Part I and part II.

4. These manuals lay down guidelines for design and

operation of private fire fighting facilities to be maintained
by the industry.
5. These guidelines have been used extensively in
petroleum installations.
6. Based on the degree of compliance to the
recommendations of these manuals.
7. TAC makes periodical inspections of those installations
where rebates have been given.
Before setting up any oil or gas installations, the following
statuary approvals/permission have to be taken by the

Some of these approvals/ permission are also applicable for

undertaking a major expansions or revamp of existing


1.Permission to construct, extend or take into use any

building as a factory.
2.Approval of site and building plans

2. Approval of site ( only for hazardous process units) by

state site approval committee

3. Certificate of stability of factory building

4. Application for registration and notice of occupation
5. Application for license/ renewals f license of a factory.

•Notification of site in respect of hazardous chemicals

•Environmental impact assessment

•Environmental clearance from ministry of environment

and forests

•NOC from state pollution control board

•Consent for discharge of trade effluents

•Consent for operations of plants ( in air pollution control


•Authorization for handling hazardous waste in quantity

exceeding regulatory values.

License for manufacture, possession, use, sale, transport

and importation of explosives

License to import/store petroleum

License to carry petroleum by land license for filling and

possession of gas cylinders with compressed gases

License for transporting cylinders filled with compressed


Beside the above, permissions, approvals/clearances
consent from other agencies listed below have to be taken

Certificate of authorization for use of boilers from the

state’s chief electoral inspector

Public liability insurance by owners handling hazardous

Authorization from BARC (under the ministry of atomic
energy) for use of equipment/ instruments using radiation


No doubt, as various regulations discussed above go in a

long way to increase the industrial safety standards, which
is very important for hazardous industry like petroleum

But the regulations will be useful and bring results only

when they are implemented in the right spirit.

It is the responsibility of the owner/ occupier of an

installation and their authorized officials to ensure that the
requirements of various regulations are fully complied

Besides taking the necessary approvals, permission,

consents and clearances from the concerned authorities
In the recent past, the law has put lot of accountability
and liability on the part of senior management of an
organization in the compliance of various regulations, and
closure of installations.

The owner/occupier and other officials may even be put

behind the bars in serious violations.

Even the public awareness about the safety hazards and

environmental pollution from industrial activities has
increased significantly over time.

It is very easy these days for any person to file a PIL

( public interest litigation) suing an organization for
violation of any regulatory requirement.
The affected organization may get involved in lengthy
litigation casting lot of money harassment and loss of
image and reputation.

The management of every installation therefore should

ensue that the required regulations are fully complied
Thank You

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