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Loading Compartment Terms

Filled Trimmed – Loaded grain is at a height corresponding to the

position of closed hatch covers or underside of hatch beams.
Grain must be trimmed to the maximum extent possible (above
the hatch girder/beams) at the fore & aft of the compartment.
Filled Untrimmed – Filled to the maximum extent possible in way
of hatch opening but which has not been trimmed fore & aft.
Partly Filled – Bulk Grain is not loaded as filled compartment.

 Off center weight condition is termed a Grain Heeling Moment and

causes the ship to list.
 But if the surface of the grain is leveled, then the ship would have to roll
to an angle greater than the angle of repose before the grain would shift.
 That may require a roll in excess of 23° (Angle of Repose)

 The magnitude of grain shift depends upon the amount of open space
above the grain.
 Grain Rules recognize this by assuming 15° shift for filled compartment
and 25° shift for partly filled compartment.
Intact Stability Requirement
1. Angle of heel due to grain shifting shall not greater than 12° or angle of deck

edge immersion (< 12° )

2. Residual Area Between Righting Arm Curve & Heeling Arm Curve up to

maximum difference of two curves or 40° or angle of flooding whichever is

less > 0.075 m-radians.

3. GM shall not be less than 0.30m.

(Above 3 Stability Criteria shall be meet throughout the voyage)

4. After Loading Ship must be upright before proceeding to sea.

Grain Stability Calculation

1. Using Allowable Grain Heeling Moment.

GM ≥ 0.30m,
Actual G.H.M > Allowable G.H.M

2. Using Stability Curve

GM ≥ 0.30m,
Angle of Heel < 12°,
Residual Dynamical Stability ≥ 0.075 m-radians.
GM Calculation

From Hydrostatic Table KGv = KG + F.S.C

KG = Moment above the keel / Disp:

F.S.C. = (F.S.M x Density)/Disp:

Weight x Distance

KG calculation in two parts.

Part I - Ship & Cargo (No F.S.C)
Part II – Fuel & Water (with F.S.C) F.S.M from Sounding Table
NCB Form Part I (Ship & Cargo Calculation)
NCB Form Part II (Fuel & Water Calculation)
NCB Form Part II (GM Calculation)
Grain Heeling Moment

How do you understand Grain Heeling Moment?

Moment = Weight x Distance
Volume x Density 1/S.F

Volume (m3)x Distance (m) = Volumetric Moment (m4)

Volumetric Moment (m4)/S.F of Grain (m3/t) = Grain Heeling Moment (m/t)

Grain Heeling Moment
Actual Grain Heeling Moment

Volumetric Heeling Moment / S.F

From Table
Filled Compartment = Value from Table x 1.0
Partly filled Compartment = Value from Table x 1.12

Allowable Grain Heeling Moment Interpolate from Table

NCB Form Part III (Stability Summary)
NCB Form Part III (Stability Summary)
Grain Calculation Using Stability
 Plot GZ Curve & Heeling Arm Curve

λ0 = Volumetric Heeling Moment / (S.F x Displacement)

λ40 = 0.8 x λ0
 Determine Angle of Heel due to grain shift = first

intersection of righting arm curve and heeling arm curve.

(must less than 12°)

 Residual Dynamical Stability was calculate by Simpson’s

Rule. (must greater than 0.075 m-radians)

Stability Curve
Stability Curve
Residual Area Calculation
Any Question?

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