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Manila Convention or

STCW 2010
Major amendment to STCW 95
Why new name
1 Conference for revision of STCW was held in Manila
between 21st and 25th of June in 2010. Therefore it is
also called Manila Convention

2 As the conference was held in 2010, it is also called

STCW 2010 Amendments
3 The objective of the amendment is to ensure globally
standard training and certification of seafarers for
technologically advanced ships
When in force
4 The amendments enters into force on 1st January 2012
under tacit acceptance procedure
What are the changes
5 There are number of amendments/changes to each
chapter such as;
1 Improved methods to prevent frauds associated with
2 Revised requirement on work hours and rest
3 New requirement for the prevention of drug and
alcohol abuses
4 updated standard relating to medical fitness
standard for sea farers
5 New certification requirement for Able seamen
6 New requirement relating to training in modern
7 New requirement for marine environment awareness
8 New requirement on training in leadership and team
9 New training and certification requirement for ETO
10 Updating of competence requirement for all
personal on all type of tankers including LPG and LNG
11 New requirement for security training when comes
under attack by pirates
12 Introduction of modern training methods
including distance learning and web based training
13 New training guidance for persons operating in
Polar waters
14 New training guidance for persons operating DPS

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