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Data Science

Internship Summary Presentation

Vikas Gupta
June 2021 Internship Provided By:
❖ Introduction

➢ About CureYa
➢ Overview of the internship

❖ Projects

➢ Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) on IRIS Flower Dataset

➢ Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) on PIMA Diabetes Dataset
➢ Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) on Titanic Dataset
➢ Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) on CarPricePrediction Dataset
➢ Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) on Breast Cancer Winconsin
Diagnostic Dataset
➢ Time Series Analysis on JetRail
❖ Learning Topics
➢ Artificial Intelligence (AI)
➢ Machine Learning (ML)
➢ Data Science (DS)
➢ Python

❖ Online Industry Experts Webinars

❖ Conclusions
➢ What was achieved?

❖ Future
➢ As a Data Scientist/Data Engineer
➢ My Plans
About CureYa

★ Website:

Industry: Healthcare & Lifesciences

Founder and CEO: Shiavni Mishra

Email: [email protected]

Location: Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India

About CureYa
★ Cureya’s primary objective is “Health for All”, by reducing the medical
expenditure, eliminating the information asymmetry, promoting health
awareness and achieving inclusive and holistic approach for healthcare

★ The mission is to achieve the right to "Health for All" and improve the
healthcare indicators by dissemination of health education that focuses on
health promotion, health prevention, and self-medication.

★ The objective is to eliminate the information asymmetry, language barrier, and

emphasize to achieve global standards of healthcare delivery system based
on access , equity, affordability and quality, efficiency, sustainability.

★ Data Science Internship (Python, AI, ML, DS)

★ Duration: 2 Months (8 weeks)

★ From 26/04/2021 to 21/06/2021

★ Mode of internship: Work From Home (WFH)


Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) on

IRIS Flower Dataset
➔ Problem Statement:

◆ Create the model that can classify the different species of the Iris

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

On PIMA Diabetes Dataset
➔ Problem statement:

◆ Use the PIMA Indian Diabetes dataset to predict a person has

diabetes or not using the medical attributes provided.

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) on

Titanic Dataset
➔ Problem Statement:

◆ Use machine learning to create a model that predicts which

passengers survived the Titanic shipwreck.

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) on

CarPricePrediction Dataset

➔ Problem Statement:

◆ Predict the price of the used cars based on the given features in
the dataset.

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) on Breast Cancer

Winconsin Diagnostic Dataset

➔ Problem Statement:

◆ Predict whether the breast cancer is benign or malignant using

Winconsin Diagnostic dataset..

Time Series Analysis on JetRail

➔ Problem Statement:

◆ Forecast the number of commuters of JetRail, a new high speed

rail service by Unicorn Investors, for next 7 months using the
given data.
Learning Topics
Learning Topics

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

● Difference Between AI, ML, and DL

● AI vs ML vs DL vs DS

● AI Full Course Tutorial

● Jupyter Notebook
Learning Topics

Machine Learning (ML)

● Machine Learning Basics

● Machine Learning Algorithm And Its Applications

● ML-Type Of Tasks, Applications And Approaches

● Machine Learning Fundamentals Explanation With Diagrams And Graphs

● Machine Learning With Python

Learning Topics

Data Science (DS)

● Feature Engineering
● Machine Learning Pipelines
● Data Stacks
● Complete Deep Learning Tutorials
● PyTorch Tutorials, Data Visualization Tutorials
● Tableau Tutorials
● AI And Deep Learning Projects
Learning Topics

● Python Tutorial, Django Tutorial
● Advanced Python Tutorial
● NumPy Tutorial, Pandas Tutorial
● MongoDb Tutorial
● Data Analysis With Python
● MatPlotLib Tutorial
● Clinical Pathway Simulation With SimPy
● Machine Learning In Python With Scikit Learn
● Statistics With Python
● NLP (Natural Language Processing) Tutorial
● Healthcare End To End Projects With Deployment
Learning Topics

Mobile App Development

● Introduction To Mobile Applications

● Top 10 Mobile Application Frameworks

● Mobile App Development Tutorial

Online Industry Experts
Online Industry Expert Webinars During The Internship

★ Data and ML Learning

★ The Role of AI in Cloud Computing
★ Conversation AI Powering Intelligent Virtual Assistant
★ Smart Learning of Data Science & Industry Webinar
★ Demystifying AI-ML-DS

What Was Achieved?

❖ Motivation
➢ Awareness of Different Job Roles And Their Scopes

❖ Management
➢ Balance Life, Work And Study

❖ Multi Skills
➢ Programming Languages
➢ Problem Solving Approach

How Will The Internship Prepare Me For My Future?

➔ Inspiration
◆ The World Is One Big Data Problem
◆ Data That Is Loved Tends To Survive
◆ If You Want Data To Survive, Carve It On Rock
◆ Data Will Talk To You If You Are Willing To Listen To It
◆ Predicting The Future Is Not Magic, It’s Artificial Intelligence
◆ Machine Learning Is The Last Invention That Humanity Will Ever Need To Make
➔ Learning
◆ A Steep Learning Curve
➔ Co-Operation
◆ Cooperation With Fellow Members

What Are My Next Steps?

A future Data Science Engineer/ Data Engineer/ML Engineer

Some of My Thoughts….
Being Grateful of Selecting & Completing CureYa Internship
Being Proud of Becoming Existing CureYa Member
Continuing My Journey With CureYa For Better Future Prospects

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