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Part 1
 Sauce is a liquid served with foods to add
more flavour, colour, texture and eye
appeal to the food.
 A sauce contain liquid, aromatics,
seasoning and thickened.
 Main ingredients, typically stock
Liquid  Can be milk, cream, egg yolk, butter and
some moist vegetables
 Sauces need to be flavourful
 Salt and pepper
Aromatics and
Seasonings  Aromatic vegetables, herbs,
spices and mustard -
1. Espagnole/ brown – brown stock + roux
2. Béchamel – milk and roux
Mother /
3. Veloute – white stock + roux
Leading Sauce
4. Tomato
5. Hollandaise – clarified butter + egg yolk
 A sauce that comes from mother sauce
as the main ingredient and combine with
Derivative other seasoning / garnished with specific
Sauce flavour, colour and texture
 Also called small sauces
 3 types of brown sauce:
1. Espagnole/ brown sauce – thickened
brown stock with brown roux
2. Demi glace – simmer brown sc with an
Brown sauce equal amount brown stock until
intensely flavoured and thick enough
to coat foods
3. Jus de Veau Lie – simmer brown stock
with flavouring and aromatics.
Base Roasted veal stock
(Roasted Chicken –
modern variation)
Thickening agent Roux
Classic flavourings Mirepoix, spice sachet,
tomato puree
Espagnole Cooking time 8 – 10 hours
Derivatives Bordelaise, Robert,
Madeira, Red wine,
Chasseur, etc…
Classically served Roasted meats (beef,
chicken, lamb, salmon,
veal, duck)
Base Milk
Thickening agent White roux
Classical flavouring White onion, clove, bay
leaf, salt, pepper and

Béchamel Cooking time 35 – 40 minutes

Sauce Derivatives Cream Sc, Mornay Sc,
Aurora Sc, Mustard Sc,
Nantua Sc

Served with Egg, fish, steamed

poultry, steamed
vegetables, pasta, veal
Base White stock (classically veal
but also can use chicken
and fish)
Thickening agent Roux but sometimes liaison
in some food
Classic flavourings Spice sachet/ bouquet garni
and tomato puree
Veloute Sauce Cooking time 45 minutes
Derivatives Vin Blanc, Supreme,
Allemande, Poulette, Bercy,
Classically served Egg, fish, steamed poultry,
steamed vegetables, pasta,
Escoffier Sauce
 French Tomato Sauce
 Thickened with roux
 Consist of Salt belly of pork, onion,
bayleaves, thyme, tomato puree/ fresh,
roux, garlic, salt, sugar and pepper.
Tomato Sauce

Sugu / Italian Tomato Sauce

 Tomato sauce with no thickening sauce
 Consist of tomato concase, olive oil,
parsley, garlic, basil, salt and black pepper
 French Tomato
 Milanese
 Spanish

Derivative  Italian Tomato
Sauce  Puttanesca
 Marinara
 Arrabiata – concase + chili flakes +
 Bolognaise
Base Egg yolks and clarified
Thickening Agent Emulsification

Classic flavoring Peppercorn (black),

White wine vinegar, salt,
lemon juice, cayenne
Hollandaise pepper
Derivatives Béarnaise, maltaise,
mousseline, foyot,
choron, etc
Classically served Eggs, vegetables, light
poultry, fish, beef
Part 2
 2 types of cold sauce:
Cold Sauce 1. Vinaigrette
2. Mayonnaise
 This sauce is a temporary emulsion made
by blending oil, acid and other
ingredients until they form a
Vinaigrette homogeneous sauce (consistent)
 Ratio 3 parts oil and 1 part vinegar
 Various types of oil and acid can be used
with the addition of herbs and spices
 Used as a basic sauce as an accompaniment
to a dish.
 Made from egg yolk, oil, acid and seasoning
 Must be stored below 5 C
 Example of mayonnaise derivatives:
Mayonnaise Thousand Island – mayonnaise + tomato
ketchup + onion + bell pepper (green & red)
Calypso Sauce – mayonnaise + tomato
Cocktail Sauce – mayonnaise + brandy +
tomato ketchup
 This sauce isn’t based on a mother sauce
 Compound butter
 Softened butter blend with other
Miscellaneous  Often used on meats, pastas, vegetables
Sauce  The foods heat, melts the butter so it
coats the food
 Coulis – thick puree sauce usually made
from vegetables / fruits
 Gravy
 Usually include pan drippings
produced by meats as they roast.
 The drippings are simmered with
Miscellaneous stock/ broth and thickened with a roux
Sauce / starch slurry
 Salsa – cold sauce made from a
combination of vegetable served as a
dip or a topping for other dishes
 Relish / Chutney
 Sauce with chunky texture served with
meats/ poultry/ fish.
 Can be served hot/ cold and made from
fruits, vegetable or combination
 Speciality sauces
 Wide variety such as BBQ, apple sauce,
cocktail, tartar, etc.
 Used as an ingredients in dishes as a
topping or dip
 Horseradish
 Sauce traditionally served with roast
beef, chicken maryland or smoked trout
Sauce  Mint Sauce – traditionally served with
cold/ hot roast lamb or mutton
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