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• “A state of complete physical, mental and

social. well-being and not merely the absence
of. disease or infirmity” – WHO Constitution.7
Oct 2011
• Today, three types of definition of health seem
to be possible and are used. The first is that
health is the absence of any disease or
• The second is that health is a state that allows
the individual to adequately cope with all
demands of daily life (implying also the
absence of disease and impairment).
• The third definition states that health is a state of
balance, an equilibrium that an individual has
established within himself and between himself
and his social and physical environment.
• Broadening definitions of health has contributed
to improving understanding of the mental
dimension of health and wellbeing, and
increasing recognition of public mental health as
integral to public health. 
• An occupation
 is something that you spend time doing, eithe
r for pleasure
 or because it needs to be done.
• a person's usual or principal work or business,
especially as a means of earning a living;
• the work that a person does : a person's job or
profession · an activity that a person spends
time doing
• The Occupational Health and Safety Act
(OSHA) provides for the health, safety and
welfare of persons employed, and all persons
lawfully present at workplaces
• It is obligatory for an occupier to provide and
maintain plant and systems and procedures of
work that are safe and without risk to workers'
• Employer must ensure safety and absence of
risks to health in connection with the use,
handling, storage and transport of articles and
• Provision of such information, instruction,
training and supervision of workers as is
necessary is very crucial to maintain safe and
healthy workplace.
• All employees and employers should know
about Health and Safety Laws in the
workplace in Kenya, including occupational
health and safety, safety for workers
• It is the responsibility of every employer to
ensure the safety, health and welfare of
all employees at work working in his/her
• The Occupational Safety and Health Act, No.
15 of 2007 and revised in 2010, provides for
the safety, health and welfare of workers and
all persons lawfully present at workplaces.
• What are obligations of the employer?
• The responsibilities of the employer as per
section 6 include to:
• Provide and maintain the plant and systems
and procedures of work that are safe and
without risks to health.
• Make arrangements for ensuring safety and
the absence of risks to health in connection
with the use, handling, storage and transport
of articles and substances.
Occupational Safety and Health Act,
• Applies in any place where a person is at work
• Purpose of the Act is to:
– Secure the safety, health and welfare of persons at
– Protect persons other than persons at work from
risks risks arising out of the activities of persons
at work
• Provides for duties of occupiers (who include
employers) workers, self employed people,
suppliers, designers, importers, manufacturers
• Special provisions for health and welfare of
workers, machinery, chemical and safety,
Core functions of OSHA
• The main function of OSHA is to setting
standards and conducting workplace
inspection for ensuring whether employers
are with the standards and providing a safe
and healthful work place.
• The standard of OSHA requires reasonable and
protective practices, methods, and process of
job for the well being of the employees.
w can I, as worker, get training in case I am inexperienced in working with machines or  using a new technology in the workplac

• With the Occupational Safety and Health Act

of 1970, Congress created the Occupational
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to
ensure safe and healthful working conditions
for working men and women by setting and
enforcing standards and by providing training,
outreach, education and assistance.
• The aim of the OHS Act is to provide for the
safety and health of persons at work and in
connection with the use of plant and machinery.
• It further provides for the protection of people
other than people at work from hazards arising
out of or in connection with the activities from
people at work.
• The act is designed to ensure that workers are
protected from hazards that may affect
their safety and health, such as exposure to
toxic chemicals, damaging noise, thermal
stresses, and unsanitary conditions.
Employees - your rights and responsibilities
• provide and maintain workplaces, plant and
systems of work so that you and other
workers are not exposed to hazards;
• provide information about the hazards and
risks from your job;
• provide you with instruction, training
(including an induction) and supervision so
you are able to work safely
• Employers are responsible for safety in the
workplace according to the
Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA). But if you're a small
business owner, there are resources available
to help you ensure safety in the workplace.
• Right to be free from discrimination and
harassment of all types; Right to a
safe workplace free of dangerous conditions,
toxic substances, and other potential safety
hazards; Right to be free from retaliation for
filing a claim or complaint against an employer
(these are sometimes called
"whistleblower" rights)
• What are Safe Working Practices?
• Not taking unnecessary risks.
• Always look out for hazards.
• Always use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
• If you must smoke, do so only in designated
• Keep your work area clean and tidy.
• Enter and leave the workplace using proper
OSHA requires all employers to provide safe
work environment that is free from physical,
emotional, chemical , biological or
environmental hazards

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