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Introduction to Agricultural

Extension (AEX 211/311)


Daimon Kambewa
• Identify the sectors of extension and their
• Relate the development of extension with
present living standards in Malawi
• Definition of agricultural extension
• Diffusion of innovations
• Adoption of innovations
• Extension approaches
• Methods of agricultural
• The client
• Course work = 40%
• Exam = 60%

Extension is a program & process of helping people to help themselves,
increase their production and raise their standard of living (Ensminger,
• Extension education is a science which deals with the creation,
transmission and application of knowledge designed to bring about
planned changes in the behavior-complex of people, with the a view to
help them live better by learning ways of improving their enterprises
and institutions (Adivi Reddy, 1993).
• Extension education is an applied science consisting of content derived
from research, accumulated field experiences and relevant principles
drawn from behavioral sciences synthesized with useful technology into
a body of philosophy, principles, content and methods focused on the
problems of out-of-school education for adults and youth (Leagans,
• Extension education is a professional method of imparting non-formal
education to bring desirable changes in knowledge skills and attitude of
people for improving their socio-economic and psychological status
(Vasantha and Kiran, 2012).
• Agricultural extension is a professional method of non-
formal education aimed at inducing behavior changes in the
farmers for increasing their incomes through increased
production and productivity by establishing linkages with
research for solving farmer’s problems, ensuring adequate
and timely supply of inputs and using proven methods of
communication for speeding up the process of diffusion and
adoption of innovations (Mishra, 1990)
• It is also defined as a special branch of Extension Education
which deals with the economic and social aspects of people
engaged in or associated with agriculture
• Agricultural extension is a professional method of non-formal
education aimed at inducing behavior changes in the farmers for
increasing their incomes through increased production and
productivity by establishing linkages with research for solving
farmer’s problems, ensuring adequate and using proven methods
of communication for speeding up the process of diffusion and
adoption of innovations (Mishra, 1990)
• It is also defined as a special branch of Extension Education which
deals with the economic and social aspects of people engaged in or
associated with agriculture (the science and art of getting
information or technology to people (communication dimension) &
then assisting these people to acquire necessary knowledge, skills
& attitude to utilize information or technology effectively
(educational dimension) to improve their lives and their
• However, this is just one function of extension, which has become
dominant among others.
Definition: Agricultural Extension
• Extension is a program & process of helping people to help themselves, increase
their production and raise their standard of living (Ensminger, 1967). Drawing
from sociology (social relations), psychology (behaviour) anthropology (culture),
extension offers skills to change agents on how live & work with people in areas
– Providing information and technologies
– Teaching people management and decision-making skills as demanded by
new technologies and information
– Empowering communities to overcome their problems and build their
– Developing leadership and organizational skills, so that people can better
organize, operate and/or participate in organizations such as co-operative,
credit societies
– Encouraging people to participate in the development of their local
• It is must for that anyone intending to live & work with people has to learn
Extension as science
Extension education is an applied behavioral
science, the knowledge of which is applied to
bring about desirable changes in the behavioral
complex of human beings through various
strategies & programs of change & by applying
the latest scientific & technological innovations
Extension as science
Extension education is a full-fledged discipline with its own
Theories, Objectives, Principles, Methods, Techniques
The principles, methods & techniques are applicable not
only to agriculture but to veterinary & animal husbandry,
dairying, home science, health, family planning, etc.
Hence, various nomenclatures are given, eg. agricultural
extension, veterinary/animal husbandry extension, dairy
extension, home science extension, forestry extension,
public health extension, family planning extension etc.
Extension as an art
• As an art, agricultural extension is a means of
information delivery to farmers – thus transfer of
officially sponsored technology by a commercial firm
or a government subjects.
o A non-formal adult education for rural population
in crop husbandry, animal husbandry, home
economics, etc.
o A service or system assisting farm people, through
educational procedures, to improve farming
methods/techniques, increasing production
efficiency, bettering living, socio-economic &
educational standards of rural life.
Extension as an art
• As an art, extension reaches different groups of
people with different messages.
o It covers wide range of sectors including non-
agricultural programs such as rural health,
family planning, community development,
o Other institutional options related to
agricultural extension include rural
development projects, functional literacy,
promotion of technology, decentralization
Variants of agricultural extension
• Extension is not the same technology transfer. It is
an essential & major part of technology transfer
o Technology transfer is teaching farmers about
improved agricultural technology & how to use it
o Agricultural extension teaches farmers decision-
making skills and management because new
technologies demand these skills
o Extension helps rural people develop leadership
and organizational skills to better organize,
operate and/or participate in organizations and in
the development of their local communities.
Variants of agricultural extension
• Extension is not the same advisory services. The later
advises farmers on improved farming techniques to
increase productivity of farming enterprises.
• Extension differs in approach to famer problems:
– Extension gives priority to farmers’ wishes
– Extension teaches farmers how to overcome their
problems, achieve objectives and develop sense of
pride in their achievements.
– Extension is bottom up and demand-driven rather than
traditional top-down approaches.
– The approach in extension is client centered rather
than teacher centered

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