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Page 85

Lesson 2-
Medicine Misuse,
Abuse, and
Answer key:

Bea’s brother had an overdose

Bea realized that medicines can be
dangerous if it is misused and abused.
Medicines are made to help protect and
prevent people from getting sick. However,
if you use it in the wrong way, it can also be
Medicines Is the use of legal drug in
an improper way.
Using prescribed medicine in a way that are
different from the physician instructed, using
someone else’s prescribed medicine, and taking
medicines that are not provided by a health care
professionals are many examples of medicine
Medicine Is the deliberate use of a
medicine beyond a doctor’s
abuse prescription.
Both prescribed medicines ad OTC can be
harmful instead if they are misused and
abused. Some of these risky practices and
behaviors are:
1. Self-Medication

It is when a person chooses

and uses medicines to treat
himself or herself because they
feel symptoms of an illness.
2. Improper use

Taking more than the normal

recommended amount of the
3. Dependence
4. Addiction

Is medicine abuse because a

person has no control over the
drug that he or uses.
Potential Dangers
Associated with Medicine
Misuse and Abuse
Physical harm

 Like headache, shaking, bone pain, dizziness, and etc.

Psychological harm

It can make a person easily

irritable, easily confused,
have mood swings, etc.
Once a medicine taken, a
person cannot control its effects
on his or her body.
Answer page 89- A & B

Look for newspaper articles about the lesson. After

cutting and pasting (or printing if it is from the internet)
it on a short bond paper, then identify which medicine
misuse, abuse, and its potential dangers were described
in the article. Then explain what you learned from it
LESSON 3- Proper
Use of Medicine
Page 93
1. use under adult
Proper Use of supervision
2. Read and check the label


3. Consult with a physician
4. Follow
and medical
5. Check the
expiration date
6. Observe proper
7. Buy from a
reliable source
answer page 98 and 99
(A&B), and lets apply
Lesson 1- Making Prints in the
Doctrina Cristina

 was an early book on the Catholic Catechism, written

in 1593 by Fray Juan de Plasencia, and is believed to
be one of the earliest printed books in the Philippines.
was printed using woodblock printing
Tomas Pinpin

known for creating

woodcuts prints and printed
seveeal books
an author of Librong Pag
aaralan Nang Manga
tagalog sa uicang Castila
Estampas printing
Lithographic printing

pictures were produce

faster and our news
papers had more
Academia Dibujo y pintura

the first art school,

offered engraving

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