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EPM-1173 : MS Project and Data Analytics

it Learning Objectives

U n 2. Develop a project budget in Excel containing both

he master and transactional data.

2.1 Describe the difference between transactional
T data and master data
2.2 Demonstrate how the types of data interact with
each other
2.3 Develop a project budget demonstrating the

© Cestar College of Business, Health and Technology, North York, Toronto, ON, M2J
EPM 1173 - Courseware 1S5, Canada 1
EPM-1173 : MS Project and Data Analytics

Session Coverage

2.1 Describe the difference

between transactional
data and master data

© Cestar College of Business, Health and Technology, North

EPM 1173 - Courseware 2
York, Toronto, ON, M2J 1S5, Canada
EPM-1173 : MS Project and Data Analytics
Unit-2: Project Budget in Excel - Master and Transactional Data
Master Data; Transaction Data; Meta Data
Master Data are the data set in the database Cust ID Cust Name Cust Since
001 Santa Singh 01 Mar 2020
that change less frequently. For example, in a 002 Adel Saint 10 Mar 2019
customer database, fields such as – address, 003 Trisha Vanky 20 Apr 2020
DOB, First Name, Last Name, etc. …
Master & Txn data are linked through a key-field
Transaction Data are the data that log the
transactions detail very frequently. For Cust ID Txn Date Amount
example daily sales, payments made, amounts 001 Receipt 01 Mar 2020 1000
001 Receipt 02 Mar 2019 3500
received. Etc. 003 Payment 20 Apr 2020 2000
001 Payment 10 May 2020 1700
What is the key- 003 Receipt 10 May 2020 1200
002 Receipt 16 May 2020 1000
field here?
© Cestar College of Business, Health and Technology, North
EPM 1173 - Courseware 3
York, Toronto, ON, M2J 1S5, Canada
EPM-1173 : MS Project and Data Analytics
Unit-1: Using Data for Decision Making & Change Management
Meta Data is the data about data. This DATABASE
gives the structure of the data in master Cust IDCust Name Cust Since
or transaction databases. In the previous 001 Santa Singh 01 Mar 2020
example, the Meta Data about the 002 Adel Saint 10 Mar 2019
Master file will look like this: 003 Trisha Vanky 20 Apr 2020


Field Type length description

Cust ID Alphanumeric 4 customer ID number auto-
generated, sequentially
Cust_Name Char 30 Customer Name
Cust_SinceDate 11 In format DD MMM YYYY

© Cestar College of Business, Health and Technology, North

EPM 1173 - Courseware 4
York, Toronto, ON, M2J 1S5, Canada
EPM-1173 : MS Project and Data Analytics
Unit-1: Using Data for Decision Making & Change Management
Please create a Meta Data file for the above database
CA_No Planned Start Planned Finish Actual Start Actual Finish
SW-001-SF 1 Aug 2016 30 Sep 2017 1 Oct 2016 31 Oct 2017
SW-002-SS 1 Nov 2017 30 Nov 2018 1 Dec 201730 Oct 2018
SW-003-EW 1 Dec 201831 Mar 2019 1 Dec 20181 Apr 2019
SW-004-EL 1 Feb 2019 30 Apr 2019 1 Feb 2019 15 Apr 2019
SW-005-ES 1 Mar 2019 30 May 2019 15 Mar 2019 15 May 2019
SW-006-LF 1 Jan 2019 30 Apr 2019 15 Jan 2019 30 Apr 2019
SW-007-BT 1 Dec 201631 Mar 2019 01 Jan 2017 30 Apr 2019

© Cestar College of Business, Health and Technology, North

EPM 1173 - Courseware 5
York, Toronto, ON, M2J 1S5, Canada
EPM-1173 : MS Project and Data Analytics


Any Questions?

© Cestar College of Business, Health and Technology, North

EPM 1173 - Courseware 6
York, Toronto, ON, M2J 1S5, Canada
EPM-1173 : MS Project and Data Analytics


© Cestar College of Business, Health and Technology, North
EPM 1173 - Courseware 7
York, Toronto, ON, M2J 1S5, Canada
EPM-1173 : MS Project and Data Analytics

Session Coverage

2.2 Demonstrate how the

types of data interact with
each other (In Excel)

© Cestar College of Business, Health and Technology, North

EPM 1173 - Courseware 8
York, Toronto, ON, M2J 1S5, Canada
EPM-1173 : MS Project and Data Analytics
Unit-2: Project Budget in Excel - Master and Transactional Data
In Class exercise

Let us open an Excel File.

We will check how to:
1. Enter: numbers, characters, dates, numbers as characters
2. Cell referencing – relative referencing, absolute referencing; hybrid referencing
3. Copying : Numbers, Characters, dates through copy paste and through drag
options; copy-pasting relative and absolute values
4. Enter : Formulas and functions through relative and absolute cell referencing
5. Check : Inter-sheet referencing
6. Create : Graphs using Excel built in features
7. Check: How to see formulas and values in excel sheets
© Cestar College of Business, Health and Technology, North
EPM 1173 - Courseware 9
York, Toronto, ON, M2J 1S5, Canada
EPM-1173 : MS Project and Data Analytics

Break after exercise

© Cestar College of Business, Health and Technology, North
EPM 1173 - Courseware 10
York, Toronto, ON, M2J 1S5, Canada
EPM-1173 : MS Project and Data Analytics

Session Coverage

2.3 Develop a project budget

demonstrating the concept

© Cestar College of Business, Health and Technology, North York, Toronto, ON, M2J
EPM 1173 - Courseware 1S5, Canada 11
EPM-1173 : MS Project and Data Analytics
Unit-2: Project Budget in Excel - Master and Transactional Data

Exercise -2A- Excel Sheet

Let us see how to create a project in excel using Master Data

and Transaction Data. Open

© Cestar College of Business, Health and Technology, North

EPM 1173 - Courseware 12
York, Toronto, ON, M2J 1S5, Canada
EPM-1173 : MS Project and Data Analytics
Unit-2: Project Budget in Excel - Master and Transactional Data

Assignment -2A- 5%

Using the Exercise-2A Excel Sheet lessons, write in a new excel file validation rules for
the fields. Name the file ExcelAssmt_YourName. Name this sheet Assignment-2A

Date Txn_Type Amount Client

Validation Rules Are:

Date: Must be today
Txn_Type : Must be only Receipt or Payment
Amount: Not less than $100, not more than $7500
Client: Name must be in the client database (10 clients)

© Cestar College of Business, Health and Technology, North

EPM 1173 - Courseware 13
York, Toronto, ON, M2J 1S5, Canada
EPM-1173 : MS Project and Data Analytics
Unit-2: Project Budget in Excel - Master and Transactional Data

Assignment -2B- 10%

Using the Exercise-2B Excel Sheet, Create a High Level Project


Add this budget to file Excel_Assmt_YourName. Name this sheet


© Cestar College of Business, Health and Technology, North

EPM 1173 - Courseware 14
York, Toronto, ON, M2J 1S5, Canada
EPM-1173 : MS Project and Data Analytics

Ay Questions?

Any Questions?

© Cestar College of Business, Health and Technology, North

EPM 1173 - Courseware 15
York, Toronto, ON, M2J 1S5, Canada
EPM-1173 : MS Project and Data Analytics

Thank You

Thank You !

© Cestar College of Business, Health and Technology, North

EPM 1173 - Courseware 16
York, Toronto, ON, M2J 1S5, Canada

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