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DataStage – ETL Basics

ETL Basics
• Extraction Transformation & Load
 Extracts data from source systems
 Enforces data quality and consistency standards
 Conforms data from different sources
 Load data to target systems

• Usually a
 batch process
 Involves large volumes of data

• Scenarios
 Load a data warehouse, data mart for analytical and reporting applications
 Data Integration
 Load packaged applications, or external systems through their APIs or interface
 Data Migration

August 7, 2021 2
ETL Basics

ETL Tool or Hand Coding?

Tool-based ETL Hand-based ETL
 Simpler, faster, cheaper  Object-oriented programming
development techniques
 Integrated metadata repositories  Automated unit testing tools
 Built-in scheduler  Can develop in common and well-
 Built-in connectors for variety of known language
sources/targets  Unlimited flexibility
 Delivers good performance  In-house programmers
 Can call external routines

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ETL Basics
Advantages of Tool-based ETL
• Reusability
• Metadata repository
• Incremental load
• Managed batch loading
• Simpler connectivity
• Parallel operation
• Vendor experience

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ETL Basics

ETL Products from

• Pure-play ETL vendors
• Database vendors
• Business Intelligence vendors

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ETL Basics

• Usual features provided by ETL tools:

• Graphical data flow definition interfaces for easy development

• Native & ODBC connectivity to standard databases, packages, etc.
• Metadata maintenance components
• Metadata import & export from standard databases, packages, etc.
• Inbuilt standard functions & transformations – e.g. date, aggregate, sort, etc.
• Options for sharing or reusing developed components
• Facility to call external routines or write custom code for complex requirement
• Batch definition to handle dependencies between data flows to create the application
• ETL Engines that handle the data manipulation without depending on the database
• Run-time support for monitoring the data flow and reading message logs
• Scheduling options

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ETL Basics

Architecture of a Typical ETL Tool

Source & Target Database Source & Target Database

ETL Metadata Repository Data

ETL Engine


GUI-Based Development Run-time Environment

• Trigger ETL
• Metadata Definition/Import/Export • Monitor flow
• Data Flow & Transformation Definition • View logs
• Batch Definition
• Test & Debug
• Schedule

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IBM Information Server DataStage Overview
IBM Information Server DataStage

What is IBM Information Server DataStage?

• Design jobs for Extraction, Transformation, and Loading (ETL)

• Ideal tool for data integration projects – such as, data warehouses, data marts,
and system migrations

• Import, export, create, and manage metadata for use within jobs

• Schedule, run, and monitor jobs all within DataStage

• Administer the DataStage development and execution environments

• Create batch (controlling) jobs

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DataStage Architecture


Data Server Data

Metadata Metadata

 Repository

Sources Targets

•ETL Metadata •Assemble Jobs

•Maintained in internal format •Debug
•Compile Jobs
Director •Execute Jobs
Designer •Import & Export
•Execute Jobs component definitions
• Monitor Jobs, view job

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Some Product Flavors
• Enterprise Edition
 Includes Parallel Engine, Server Engine & MetaStage
 Supports Parallel & Server Jobs in a SMP & MPP environment

• Server Edition
 Lower-end version, much less expensive
 Includes Server Engine, supports only Server Jobs
 Sufficient for less performance critical applications
 MetaStage can also be packaged with it

• MVS Edition
 An Extension that allows generation of Cobol Code & JCL for execution on Mainframes
 Common development environment, but involves porting & compiling code on to the mainframe

• SOA Edition
 RTI component to handle real-time interface
 Allows job components to be exposed as web-services
 Multiple servers service requests routed through the RTI component
 Note that the web service client component is available even without purchasing the SOA Edition

NOTE: This material covers ONLY the Parallel Engine Component

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DataStage Architecture

DataStage Server Architecture

• Server (Parallel Engine):

• Windows - Windows Server 2003 (Standard & Enterprise) (DS 7.5.2 only),
• Unix - HP-UX, Tru64, IBM AIX,
• Linux - Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 3.0 & Linux SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9
• Solaris 2.8/2.9/2.10
• USS z/OS
 The engine runs the executable, managing data

• Repository:
• Contains all the metadata, mapping rules, etc.
• DataStage applications are organized into Projects, each server can handle multiple
• DataStage repository maintained in an internal file format & not in the database

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DataStage Architecture

DataStage Client Products

• Windows-based components
• Need to access the server at development time
• Designer: to create DataStage ‘jobs’ , compiled to create the executables,
Import & Export component definitions
• Director: validate, schedule, run, and monitor jobs
• Administrator: setting up users, creating and moving projects, and setting up
purging criteria, setting environment variables
• Designer & Director can connect to one Project at a time

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Key DataStage Components


• Usually created for each application (or version of an application, e.g. Test,
Dev, etc.)
• Multiple projects can exist on a single server box
• Associated with a specific directory with the same name as the Project: the
“Repository”, which contains all metadata associated with the project
• Consists of
 DataStage Server & Parallel Jobs
 Pre-built components (Stages, Functions, etc.)
 User-defined components
• User Roles & Privileges set at this level
• Managed through the Information Server Web console/ DS Administrative
Client tool
• Connected to through other client components

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Key DataStage Components

• Folder-structure within the Project.

• Separate “Trees” for Jobs, Table Definitions, Routines, etc.
• Managed through the DS Designer client tool
• Used for better organization of project components.

Table Definition

• Metadata: record structure with column definitions

• Can be imported or manually entered
• Not necessarily associated with a specific table or file.
• Association only made within the job (and stage) definition
• Metadata definition also possible directly through the Stage, but may not result in creation of a table
• Created using the DS Designer client tool

Schema Files

• External metadata definition for a sequential file. Specific format & syntax for a file. Associated with a data
file at run-time

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Key DataStage Components

• Executable unit of work that can be compiled & executed independently or as part
of a data flow stream
• Created using DS Designer Client (Compile & Execute also available through
• Managed (copy, rename, import, export) through DS Designer
• Executed, monitored through DS Director, Log also available through Director
• Parallel Jobs (Available with Enterprise Edition):
• have built-in functionality for Pipeline and Partitioning Parallelism
• Compiled into OSH (Orchestrate Scripting Language).
• The OSH executes “Operators” which are executable C++ class instances
• Server Jobs (Available with Enterprise as well as Server Editions):
• Compiled into Basic (interpreted pseudo-code)
• Limited functionality and parallelism
• Can accept parameters **
• Reads & writes from one or more files/tables, may include transformations
• Collection of stages & links

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Key DataStage Components

• Pre-built component to
• Perform a frequently required operation on a record or set or records, e.g.
Aggregate, Sort, Join, Transform, etc.
• Read or write into a source or target table or file

• Depicts flow of data between stages

Data Sets
• Data is internally carried through links in the form of Data Sets
• DataStage provides facility to “land” or store this data in the form of files
• Recommended for staging data as the data is partitioned & sorted data; so a fast
way of sharing/passing data between jobs
• Not recommended for back-ups or for sharing between applications as it is not
readable, except through DataStage

Shared Containers
• Reusable job elements – comprises of stages and links

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Key DataStage Components
• Pre-built & Custom built
• Two Types
• Before/After Job: Can be executed before or after a job( or some stages), multiple input
arguments, returns a single error code
• Transform: Called within a Transform Stage to process record & produce a single return
value that can be allocated to or used in computation of an output field
• Custom Built
• Written & compiled using a C++ utility. The Object File created is registered as a routine & is
invoked from within DataStage
• Note that server jobs use routines written within the DS environment using an extended version
of the BASIC language

Job Sequence
• Definition of a workflow, executing jobs (or sub sequences), routines, OS commands, etc.
• Can accept specifications for dependency, e.g.
• when file A arrives, execute Job B
• Execute Job A, On Failure of Job A Execute OS Command <<XXX>> On Completion of Job
A execute Job B & C
• Can invoke parallel as well as server jobs

• SDK functions
• Can be embedded into C++ code, invoked through the command line or from shell scripts
• Can retrieve information, compile, start, & stop jobs

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Key DataStage Components

Configuration File
• Defines the system size & configuration applicable to the job, in terms of nodes, node
pools, mapped to disk space & assigned scratch disk space
• Details maintained external to the job design
• Different files can be used according to individual job requirements

Environment Variables
• Set or defined through the Administrator at a project level
• Overridden at a job level
• Types
• Standard/Generic Variables: design and running of parallel jobs: e.g. buffering,
message logging, etc.
• User Defined Variables

DSX or XML files

• Created through export option
• Can select components by type, category & name

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Other DataStage Features
• Source & Target data supported:
• Text files
• Complex data structures in XML
• Enterprise application systems such as SAP, PeopleSoft, Siebel and Oracle Applications
• Almost any database - including partitioned databases, such as Oracle, IBM DB2 EE/EEE/ESE (with
and without DPF), Informix, Sybase, Teradata, SQL Server, and the list goes on including access
using ODBC
• Web services
• Messaging and EAI including WebSphereMQ and SeeBeyond

• DataStage is National Language Support (NLS) enabled using Unicode.

• 400 pre-built functions and routines

• Job templates & wizards

• DataStage uses the OS-level security for restricting access to projects.

 Only root/admin user can administer the server
 Roles can be assigned to users & groups to control access to projects

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• We Saw:
• What, Why & How ETL
• DataStage
• Architecture
• Flavors
• Components & Other Features

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A Quick Demo Job
• Input File contains Sales Data with attribute including <Region ID, Zone, Total Sales>
• Note that
• Region ID is the Unique
• The file contains attributes other than the 3 mentioned above
• The required calculation is to
• compute the Regional Total as a percentage of the Zonal Total
• Compute the Rupee equivalent of the Regional Total by multiplying it with the exchange rate which should
be a parameter Region ID City Zone ID Regional Sales

1 City 1 Z1 10
2 City 2 Z1 10
If input is
3 City 3 Z1 20
4 City 4 Z2 20
5 City 5 Z2 30

• And conversion rate is 40

Region ID City ID Regional Sales Rs_Sales PCT
1 City 1 Z1 10 400 25
• Expected Output is 2 City 2 Z1 10 400 25

3 City 3 Z1 20 800 50
4 City 4 Z2 20 800 40

5 City 5 Z2 30 1200 60

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A Quick Demo Job
• Step 0
• Project has been created
• User groups have been assigned appropriate roles
• Source Data is available
• ODBC connection DSNs to the source & target databases have been created <Not required for
this particular example>

• Step 1 : Connect to the DataStage Project

• Open Designer, connecting to the appropriate server & the specific project
• Note that the OS-level User ID & Password of the server box are used

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A Quick Demo Job
• Step 2 : Define Metadata of source and/or target files

• Menu Option: Import > Table Definitions > Sequential File Definitions
• Browse to the directory & select source file.
• Select category under which to save the table definition & the name of the table definition
• Click on Import

Path & file w.r.t DS server

not the client!

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A Quick Demo Job

• Step 2 …

• Define formatting (e.g. fixed width/delimited, what end of line character has been used, does
the first line contain column names, etc.)
• Set Column Names (if file does not already contain them), & widths

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Designer Interface

• Step 3: Create the job

• Open Designer
• Directly through Desktop or through tools menu in Director OR
• Create a new “Parallel Job”
• Save within the chosen ‘Category’ or folder

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Designer Interface


Design pane


• Step 4 – Design the job

• Drag & drop icons & links from the palette as shown in the next slide

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A Quick Demo Job

Aggregate Stage: Group by Zone,

Sequential File Stage: Read Sum( Sales Total)
Source File

Join Stage: Join aggregated &

un-aggregated data by Zone

Transform Stage: Compute PCT

at the record level

Sequential File Stage: Write

Copy Stage: to use the data into Target File, metadata
stream twice defined through the job

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A Quick Demo Job

• Step 4 Contd.

• Define Job Parameters

Default value optional

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A Quick Demo Job

• Step 4 Contd. - Design the job..

• Double-Click icons to open stages for settings & options.

• Note that individual stage options will be discussed shortly
• Stage & link names will have defaults, These must be changed to meaningful tags

• Step 5 – Save & Compile the job

• Compile the job: Designer menu/icon

• Step 6 – Run

• Designer menu/icon (or Director menu/icon)

• View Log: Director menu/icon

• Table definitions can also be created through the DataStage Designer

• Always import table definitions from the database to ensure that datatypes are consistent
• Ensure data definition is a project-level controlled activity to avoid proliferation of metadata with
redundancies and inconsistencies

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Director Interface
Director view …

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A Quick Demo Job

• View sample records in the output

• Designer: option available on Right-click on stage icon or within stage dialog box

• Demo Job Completed

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Sequential File Stage

• Features
• Normally executes in sequential mode**
• Can read from multiple files with same metadata
• Can accept wild-card path & names.
• The stage needs to be told:
• How file is divided into rows (record format)
• How row is divided into columns (column format)

• Stage Rules
• Accepts 1 input link OR 1 stream output link
• Rejects record(s) that have metadata mismatch. Options on reject
• Continue: ignore record
• Fail: Job aborts
• Output: Reject link metadata a single column, not alterable, can be written into a

** - parallelization options to be discussed shortly

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Sequential File Stage

Add a reject link

Dotted line for reject link

Options for output link: Reject Mode =


Options for Reject link – none

Column Format is raw. Not editable

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Sequential File Stage
Sequential File Stage properties …

Load from Table Definitions or

Enter manually & “Save” as a
Table definition

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Copy Stage
• Features of Copy Stage
• Copies single input link dataset to a number of output datasets
• Records can be copied with or without some modifications
• Modifications can be:
• Drop columns
• Change the order of columns
• Note that this functionality also provided by the Transform Stage but Copy is faster

Separate settings for

each output link

Drop columns,
Change the order of
columns, rename columns

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Transformer Stage
• Single input
• One or more output links
• Optional Reject link
• Column mappings – for each output link, selection of columns & creation of new derived columns
also possible
• Derivations
• Expressions written in Basic
• Final compiled code is C++ generated object code (Specified compiler must be available on the
DS Server)
• Powerful but expensive stage in terms of performance
• Stage variables
• For readability & for performance when same complex expression is used in multiple derivations
• Be aware that
• The values are retained across rows & order of definition of stage variables will matter.
• The values are retained across rows but only within a each partition
• Expressions for constraints and derivations can reference
• Input columns
• Job parameters
• Functions (built-in or user-defined)
• System variables and constants
• Stage variables – be aware that the variables are within each partition
• External routines
• Link Ordering - to use derivations from previous links

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Transformer Stage
Inside Transformer Stage … Link

Input Links


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Transformer Stage
Properties Section for each
output link

Column Mappings
Not all input columns Stage Variable
need to be used Derivation,

Metadata defined
for derived

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Transformer Stage
• Constraints
• Filter data
• Direct data down different output links
• For different processing or storage
• Output links may also be set to be “Otherwise/Log” to catch records that have not passed through
any of the links processed so far (link ordering is critical)
• Optional Reject link to catch records that failed to be written into any output because of write
errors or NULL

Do not output if
Region_ID is NULL

Output records where all previous

constraints have failed i.e. Region_ID

Abort job if 10 rows have Region_Id =


August 7, 2021 40
Join Stage

• Four types:
• Inner
• Left outer
• Right outer
• Full outer

• Follow the RDBMS-style relational model

• Cross-products in case of duplicates
• Matching entries are reusable for multiple matches
• Non-matching entries can be captured (Left, Right, Full)

• Join keys must have same name, can modify if required in a previous stage

• 2 or more input links, 1 output link

• No fail/reject option for missed matches

• All input link data is pre-sorted & partitioned** on the join key
• By default
• Sort inserted by DataStage
• If data is pre-sorted (by a previous stage), does not pre-sort

** - to be discussed shortly

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Join Stage
Join Stage Implementation Can have multiple

Candidates listed in drop

box, i.e. fields with
common names

Join Types

Option for case-

sensitive or
insensitive joins

• Important: In case outer joins are specified

• the left & right links must be specified & the downstream checks must consider this
• Non-null joining fields must be made nullable on output to allow detection of join failures

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Aggregator Stage

• Performs data aggregations

• Specify zero or more key columns
that define the aggregation units
(or groups)
• Aggregation functions available
• Count (nulls/non-nulls)
• Sum
• Max/Min/Range/Mean
• Missing/Non-missing value cnt
• % coefficient of variation
• Output link has “Mapping” tab to
select, reorder & rename fields
• Input key-partitioned** on grouping

** - to be discussed shortly

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Aggregator Stage

• Grouping methods available are:

• Hash
• Intermediate results for each group are stored in a hash table
• Final results are written out after all input has been processed
• No sort required
• Use when number of unique groups is small
• Running tally for each group’s aggregate calculations needs to fit
into memory. Requires about 1K RAM / group
• Sort
• Only a single aggregation group is kept in memory
• When new group is seen, current group is written out

• Requires input to be sorted by grouping keys

• Can handle unlimited numbers of groups
• Example: average daily balance by credit card

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Using Job Parameters

• Defining through Job Properties > Parameters

• Used to pass business & control parameters to the jobs

Default value optional

Direct usage for expression evaluation
Usage as stage parameter for string substitution

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Job Parameters

• Setting Parameter Values

• Provided at run-time
• Use default value used if not reset
• If no default value, the value must be provided at run-time

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• We Saw:
• Table Definition
• Job
• Stages
• Sequential File as source & target
• Aggregator
• Join
• Transform
• Job Parameters

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Case Study 1

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