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Corporate Social

Responsibility by
Prepared For:
Md. Monir Hossain Prepared By:
Sr. Lecturer
Department Of Business Tasfiha Islam Inny
Administration (BBA) ID:183020101007
Prime University Batch :49th
Department Of Business
Administration (BBA)
Prime University
SQUARE Pharmaceuticals
Limited is the largest
pharmaceutical company in
Bangladesh and it has been
continuously in the 1st position
among all national and
multinational companies since
It was established in 1958 by Samson H. Chowdhury along with
three of his friends as a partnership and converted into a public
limited company in 1991.
Products of Square
SQUARE has latest technologies for production of a wide varieties of dosage
forms including Tablet, Sustained Release formulation, Capsule, Metered Dose
Inhaler (MDI), Injectable, Syrup (liquid and dry), Suspension (liquid and dry),
Pediatric Drops, Nasal & Ophthalmic formulations, Topical
Gel/Ointment/Cream, and oral care formulations.
What is corporate social
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a broad business
concept. It usually describes a company's commitment to
carry out their business in an ethical way.
This means managing their business processes while taking
account of their social, economic and environmental impact,
and considering human rights.
CSR activities of
 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the continuing
commitment by business to behave ethically and
contribute to economic development while improving
the quality of life of the workforce and their families as
well as of the local community and society at large.

 SQUARE recognizes that progressive labor

policies are good business practices, they do
not allow any female employees during night
shift operations & they strictly prohibit any
form of forced labor. SQUARE actively
pursue the policy of “No child labor in
 SQUARE helps many NGO's in their effort to make available healthcare to the
disadvantage population of the country. It sponsors programs to build awareness on the
healthcare need. SQUARE is also a major sponsor of sporting events in the country.

Continual Medical Education (CME) program

 SQUARE's activity goes well beyond the sphere of business. As
socially conscious and responsible corporate body SQUARE is
committed to the improvement of the society as a whole. Meril-
Prothom Alo festival sponsored by SQUARE, has become a
national calendar event.
SQUARE is partnering one of the projects of CARE - “APARAJITA

Through this project we ensure empowerment of rural women as they

can earn money by purchasing our products at Trade Price & by
selling those products to rural households at Maximum Retail Price
(MRP) and also ensure basic health & hygiene to the rural area by the
sales women in explaining the necessity of using sanitary napkin and
health soaps and making these products available at their doorsteps.

Fund raising program with Acid

Survivors Foundation. With this fund
SQUARE conducts awareness
program and stand along with these
Acid survivors
Awareness against cervical cancer Ensuring a healthy future for 1.6 million girls

Ensuring a healthy future for 3.3 million

babies Road safety campaign & road side shade
Other CSR activities performed by
Committed to support precautionary approach to environmental challenges & to
promote greater environmental responsibility- such as, Effluent Treatment Plant
(ETP) in manufacturing plants, Green Belt at Plant Surrounding, Maintaining
biodiversity .
Providing loan facility i.e. “Shohoj Kisti Reen Prokalpa” , Support to education i.e.
SQUARE Kindergarten & SQUARE High School at Pabna
Fund raising program with Acid Survivors Foundation. With this fund SQUARE
conducts awareness program and stand along with these Acid survivors
 Medical campaign program for poor people

 Donation to hospitals, medical colleges, local community & underprivileged people

Fighting against Pandemic

To fight against pandemic

CORONAVIRUS disease, in order to curb
down the no. of infected doctors & nurses
in Bangladesh, SQUARE Pharmaceuticals
ltd. extended its hand of co-operation by
providing Personal Protective Equipment
through Directorate General of Drug
Administration under the Ministry of
Health & Family Welfare and Essential
Medicines through Directorate General of
Medicine Service under the Ministry of
Defense, Government of the People's
Republic of Bangladesh.
Reward or recognition received by
“SQUARE” regarding CSR activities
Highest TAX payer of the
country award
SQUARE is reputed and
recognized as highest TAX paying
organization on a regular basis.
Honorable Chairman of SQUARE
group is awarded as highest TAX
payer of the country by the
Since SQUARE group has many subsidies , and as they already has a well-
reputed brand name ,SQUARE group should spread their business by come
up with new innovation in the market by positively using their brand image.
 Square Pharmaceuticals should engage in more exporting of medicine
product world-wide which will ultimately strengthen the economy of the
 Since SQUARE group have participate in many environmental, societal
concern activities but they were not recognized as much as they contribute. So
the government should encourage SQUARE to perform more. This can be by
giving award for special activities.
Therefore, we can say that SQUARE Corporate Group of
Bangladeshis playing a very vital role in the economy development,
social development, creating employment, working for the disaster
affected people, and many other useful activities for the nation.
They are looking after the environment by following certain rules
and regulations of the government. So, instate of their little
limitations SQUARE Corporate Group is still playing a major role
to serve the society and the nation.

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