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Awards Day!
Prepared by: Jaya V. Cajalne, RPm
 It is the highest level of personal development.
 Once you graduate from college, attaining self-actualization
is not guaranteed. In fact, your quest for self-actualization
may just be starting after you are granted academic degree.
 Surely, you will still feel that something is lacking because
you want to get a job and build a career around it.
 Once you get a job, focus relentlessly on improving your
ways and habits of working, as well as your ways of dealing
with people.
 Develop a good work ethic. Continuously enhance your
personal habits.
 Form good relationships with people.
 In the process, advance your emotional maturity for this is
important when you start your own family.

“Achieving Self-Actualization
is a lifelong process”
Goal-Setting and Success
 King (2004), Success is relative, and
the term means different things to
various people.

 Success means not only being able to

achieve or fulfill one’s goals, but also
having positive feelings of happiness,
joy, love, peace of mind, self-respect,
greatness, and freedom from worry,
anxiety, guilt, or failure.
Success is defined as the state of
accomplishment or achievement resulting
from an endeavor.
Three Important Questions (King, 2004)
1. What is my life for?

2. What do I want to happen

to my life?

3. How can I achieve it?

Personal Mission Statement

 It presents one’s own personal philosophy

or belief that states his/her objectives in
life and how he/she want to accomplish
 It focuses on what one wants to be and to
do, and on the values or principles upon
which they are based (Covey, 2004).
What is a Goal?

 It is a result towards which

effort is directed, or a point,
end, or place that one is striving
to reach.
 It must be realistic but, at the
same time, attractive so as to
excite one into achieving them.
King (2004) Specific Goals = one big goal called SUCCESS

“Big things comes from a bunch of little

1. Mental/Emotional Success
2. Spiritual Success
3. Personal Success
4. Career Success
5. Finances Success
6. Social Success
7. Physical Success
8. Family Success
King (2004) Setting Specific Goals
1. Know the timeframe of your goals.
2. Set expensive goals
3. Prioritize your goals
4. Base your goals on performance
5. Set specific goals
6. Make your goals realistic
7. Think beyond your goals

William Gracian (2005)

Advice in Pursuing One’s Goal
1. Have a clear purpose
2. Be totally committed
3. Reiterate your goals
4. Write down your goals
5. Record your achievement
6. Create a well-defined plan
7. Work on your goal, step by step, day by day
8. Review and Evaluate
King (2004) Making Mind the Repository of Knowledge

1. Desire for nothing but knowledge

2. Assess the information you really need
3. Know where to get the best information
4. Create mental databases which you can utilize for practical recall
5. Recall the specific information periodically.
6. Do not spare time on managing your knowledge
7. Develop your writing skills.

King (2004) Develop a Positive Attitude

1. Always be teachable
2. Self-development, not self-fulfillment
3. Be a consistent learner.
4. Develop a plan of growth.
 It is the inability to achieve one’s goals.
 It is said that an experience of failure makes one
stronger, provided that he/she knows how to apply the
lessons gained from that episode. Thus, you should not
avoid failure rather, embrace it and look at it as a
learning experience
The Need for Spirituality
Have  It refers to an individual practice related to a sense of peace
and purpose.

Faith!  It is also associated with the process of developing beliefs

around the meaning of life.

 Higher Force: God, Allah, Yahweh, Enlightened One, Higher

Being, etc. – but the fact remains that when you are aware of
that force, you realize that it is the main source of your
inspiration to excel or succeed.

 It is a firm belief or conviction not based on external evidence
or proof.
 It is the confidence on what you do not see, but rather feel.
King (2004) & Gracian (2005) Spiritual Succes
• Minimize materialistic thoughts • Find a spiritual role model
• Generate peaceful, serene thoughts • Think of your world as a battle between good and evil.
• Create a spiritual image • Realize that your presence or influence will outlast your life.
• Face reality with faith • Emphasize rejoicing in life rather than surviving in life.
• Live for a higher purpose • Read inspiring literature.

The role of Prayer: Communicating with the Source

 It is the highest form of channeling power
to one’s soul.
 You recharged your body and feel relaxed.
 It is a companionship, a walk in the park, or
watching the lovely sunset.
Reflection for the Course.

How do you see yourself

5 years from now?

Content 10 points
Creativity 10 points
TOTAL: 20 points

Make a decoupage of your SELF that contains the following topics we’ve
discussed in this course Understanding the Self.

1. Physical Self
2. Intelligent Behaviors
3. Emotional Self
4. Social Self
5. Moral Self
6. Concept of the Self
7. Responsible Self
8. Self-Improvement
9. The Best of Me
“Understanding the Self”
Jaya V. Cajalne
Social Self
Message to Self:
Go spread your wings and
Learn how to fly.

Physical Self Concept of the Self
I am
petite, full lips and
brown complexion
Responsible Self

Moral Self
“Nothing worth having
comes easy- it takes a lot of
Discipline, Determination Interpersonal Skills:
Feeling Happy! 
Intelligent Behaviors and Dedication.” I am a Mental Health
#AlwaysBeGrateFul Self-Improvement

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