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Movement Skills
What are fundamental
movement skills?

movement skills are
movements that have
specific observable
Body Management Skills
Body management skills require
balance, maintaining equilibrium
and gaining and maintaining
postural control. These would be
used in various life experiences
such as gymnastics, dance, yoga
and martial arts.
 These are the following skills which would be
learnt and mastered. 

1. Rolling
2. Stopping
3. Bending
4. Twisting
5. Landing
6. Stretching
7. Climbing
8. Static and Dynamic Balancing
9. Turning
Locomotor skills
Locomotor skills are the basic ways to
move, the building blocks of
coordination. Help the students practice
these important skills: walking,
galloping, jumping, hopping, side-
sliding, leaping and skipping. Start
gradually with walking (the easiest) and
steadily advance to skipping (the most
Manipulative Skills
A manipulative skill is one in
which a child handles an
object with the hands, feet, or
other body parts. Manipulative
skills are basic to the
development of sport skills.
Object Control Skills
Object control is the handling
or manipulation skills, students
will utilize these skills in various
ball games such as basketball,
netball, soccer etc and other
sports and life experiences.
 Theseare the following skills
which would be learnt and

1. Throwing
2. Catching
3. Striking
4. Bouncing
5. Dribbling
6. Kicking
Object control skills can be defined
as those abilities that an athlete displays
that move or receive an item with
accuracy and control. Manipulative
skills are related and can be defined as
the ability to move an object with the
feet, hands, or even the body.
Stability Skills
Stability skills are a type of gross motor
skills involving balance and weight transfer. To
master these skills, children must be able to
maintain various body positions, as well as
adjust them, without falling. It takes muscle
strength and body awareness (or
proprioception) to be able to gain balance and
hold it while moving around, or even staying

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