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What are the
different types of
What are the different
properties of the
normal probability
In the previous lesson, you
learned the basic concepts about
normal distribution and its
importance in statistical
inference. You further learned its
properties and calculated
probabilities using the normal
curve table.
In this lesson, you will
learn how to relate the
concept of the normal
curve to a random
variable distribution.
Check your
readiness for this
lesson by
answering the
following activities.

- Determine whether the

statement is True or False.
If false, modify the
statement to make it true.
1. The normal curve
is a bell-shaped
Answer: True
2. At the base of a
normal curve, there are
six standard deviations
expressed as Z.
Answer: True
3. The tails of the curve
touches the baseline so
that the curve can cover
100% of the area under it.

Answer: False
4. The skewness of
the normal curve is
Answer: True
5. The probability that a
random score occurs
between z=1 and z=0 is

Answer: True
6. The probability that
a random score occurs
between z=1 and z=0 is
Answer: False
7. The Z-Score is, in
fact, a standard
deviation value.

Answer: True
8. The mean and the
standard deviation of a
normal distribution is 0
and 1, respectively.

Answer: True
We discussed the z-score
briefly in the previous lesson.
It is stated to be a measure of
relative standing. These
scores represent distances
from the center measured in
standard deviation units.
There are six z-scores at the
base line of the normal
curve: three Z-scores to the
left of the mean and three z-
scores to the right of the
mean. You will learn more
about it in this lesson.


Read the following notes

about the z-scores. Note
the computing formula.
•The areas under the normal
curve are given in terms of z-
values or scores. Either the z-
score locates X within a sample
or within a population .
What is the
importance of the
Raw scores maybe composed of
large values, but large values
cannot be accommodated at the
baseline of the normal curve. So,
they have to be transformed into
scores for convenience without
sacrificing meanings associated
with the raw scores.
Recall that in the
previous chapter, the
graph of random
variables locates the X
scores on the x-axis.
In mathematics,
the locations are
called zeroes.
We connect this
concept to the normal
curve concept and we
call our standard
deviations z (for zero)
For any population, the
mean and standard
deviation are fixed. Thus,
the z formula matches the
z-values one-to-one with
the X values (raw scores).
That is, for every X value
there correspond a
z-value and for each z-
value there is exactly one
X value.
The z values are matched with
specific areas under the
normal curve in a normal
distribution table. Therefore,
if we wish to find the
percentage associated with X,
we must find its matched z-
value using the z-formula.
The z-value leads to the
area under the curve found
in the normal curve table,
which is a probability, and
that probability gives the
desired percentage for X.
Examples :
1. Reading Scores

Given the mean, µ=50 and the

standard deviation, Ơ=4 of a
population of reading scores.

Find the z-value that

corresponds to a score X=58.
Steps Solution
1. Use the computing formula z= (X-µ )/Ơ
for finding z-scores of
population data.

2. Check the given values. Since µ=50, Ơ=4, and X=58.

these are population values,
the z-score locates X within
a population.
3. Substitute the given values z=58-50/ 4
in the computing formula.
4. Compute the z-value. z=8/4=2
Thus, the z-value that
corresponds to the raw score
58 is 2 in a population
This conversation from raw score to z-score is shown
graphically in figure 2.4.

Figure 2.4. Normal Curve showing z-scores and Raw Scores.

From the diagram, we see that a score
X=58 corresponds to z=2. It is above
the mean. So we can say that, with
respect to the mean, the score of 58 is
above average.
Note that in figure 2.4, because z=0 is
the center of the distribution, the
negative z-values simply indicate that
these values are found at the left of the
2. Score in P.E.

- Locate the z-value that

corresponds to a PE
score of 39 given that
µ=45 and Ơ=6.
Steps Solution

1. Use the computing formula

for finding z-scores of z= (X-µ )/Ơ
population data.

2. Check the given values. The

z-score in question locates X µ=45, Ơ=6, and X=39.
in a population.

3. Substitute the given values in z=39-45/ 6

the computing formula.
Thus, the z-value that
4. Compute the z-value. corresponds to the raw score
39 is -1 in a population
With respect to the
mean, the score 39 is
below the population
mean. We can also say
that the score 39 is
below average.
3. Scores in a Science Test
A.) State whether the
z-score locates the raw
score X within a
sample or within a
Answer: SAMPLE


Answer: SAMPLE

Answer: SAMPLE

B. From the Exercise
A, state whether
each raw score lies
below or above the
Answer: ABOVE

Answer: BELOW

Answer: ABOVE

Answer: ABOVE

Answer: ABOVE
Answer: z=1
Answer: z=2
Answer: z=2.5
Answer: z=-1.5
Answer: z=-2.5
D.) Suppose you have the
population values 50 and 80 and
that their corresponding z-scores
are -1 and 2, respectively. Is it
possible to determine the
population’s mean and standard
deviation? If so, what are these
values? If not, explain why it is
E.) There are three grades in a report
card that you want to interpret in
terms of performance: Mathematics
(75), English (85), and Science (90). The
means are 72, 83, and 88, respectively.
The standard deviations are 3, 10, and
15, respectively. Is the information
sufficient for you to compare the
grades? If so, discuss your processes. If
not, explain why it is impossible.

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