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The beauty of female reproductive system

Hi there! To discuss
the female
reproductive system
and there functions So lets start our
discussion by knowing
the main internal
structures of the female
That’s right here’s
reproductive system
the picture of the because some of you do Ok!! Lets start
female not know this
system .
i know… ok
let’s move
Fertilization Fallopian tube in the
Uterus other parts

Wow that’s
do you know that
The female reproductive
Implantation Ovary system is designed to
carry out several
functions. It produces
the female egg cells
necessary for
reproduction, called the
ova or oocytes. The
Vagina system is designed to
transport the ova to the
site of fertilization.
In this
part we

There are two ovaries, one on

either side of the uterus.
Ovaries make eggs and hormones
like estrogen and progesterone.
These hormones help girls
So The ovaries are small,
Ovary develop, and make it possible for
oval-shaped glands that
a woman to have a baby. The
are located on either side
ovaries release an egg as part of
of the uterus. The ovaries
a woman's cycle.
produce eggs and
Also in this is, The vagina is a muscular
canal lined with nerves and mucus
membranes. It connects the uterus and
cervix to the outside of the body,
allowing for menstruation, intercourse,
and childbirth..

in this part The cervix is the

lower portion of the uterus, an
organ of the female
reproductive tract. It connects
the vagina with the main body of Cervix
the uterus, acting as a gateway Vagina
between them. Anatomically and
histologically, the cervix is
distinct from the uterus, and
hence we consider it as a
separate anatomical structure.
Fallopian tubes These are narrow tubes
that are attached to the upper part of
the uterus and serve as tunnels for the
ova (egg cells) to travel from the
ovaries to the uterus. conception, the
fertilization of an egg by a sperm,
normally occurs in the fallopian tubes.
The fertilized egg then moves to the
uterus, where it implants into the lining
Fallopian tube of the uterine wall.

The uterus or womb is a hollow, pear-shaped

organ that is the home to a developing
fetus. The uterus is divided into two parts:
the cervix, which is the lower part that
opens into the vagina, and the main body of Your text here
the uterus, called the corpus. The corpus
can easily expand to hold a developing baby.
A channel through the cervix allows sperm
to enter and menstrual blood to exit.
The Vulva is on either side is
bound by two longitudinal folds or
elevations composed of
subcutaneous adipose tissue and
fat called Labia majora. il e
er ect
h i g h l y w th e
i s is a d belo labia o
o r te f t
Clit n loca ining o logous
a o
o r g r i o r j o i s h om . I t i s
ant ra. It males nis in les
o n e a
min penis i rom p n fem om
f i r
the erent ethra rate f
r a
diff the u ly sep
t e
tha mplet
is c ris
And The size is highly
variable in individuals. On
the surface they are made
up of skin consisting of
squamous epithelium, hair
follicles, sebaceous glands,
and sweat glands.
Also They are located on On the either side within the labia majora, two
folds of thick skin, devoid of hair follicles are
the posterior part of present called labia minora or nymphae. And they
vestibular bulb in the are made up of skin, connective tissues,
sebaceous glands, erectile muscle fibers, nerve
superficial perineal pouch endings, and blood vessels. They are exposed only
and open on either side of when the labia majora are separated, though this
the posterior part of the is not the case with parous women. And in the
upper part, the clitoris is enclosed by the labia
vestibule above the hymen. minora in front and behind to form the prepuce
and frenulum, respectively.

The labia minora’s lower part

fuses to the skin to form the
fourchette which is a fold of
skin in the midline. The fossa
navicularis is present between
the fourchette and vaginal
The greater vestibular orifice. The labia minora are
or Bartholin’s gland are similar to the ventral aspect
responsible for of the penis in males.
lubricating the vagina by
their alkaline secretion
during sexual
What are the importance
of the reproductive system
in our daily life?

I know It's important to know how

humans can “reproduce” or make
babies so that you can either plan
to have children or avoid an
unwanted pregnancy.
The reproductive system includes
all of the organs on the inside and
outside of both men and women
that are involved in making a baby.

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