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• The first Coca-Cola recipe was invented in a
drugstore in Atlanta, Georgia by John Pemberton
• Pemberton developed Coca-Cola, as essentially a
non-alcoholic version of French Wine Cola
• The first sales were at Jacob's Pharmacy in
Atlanta, Georgia, on May 8, 1886 & initially sold
as a patent medicine for five cents
• 1887-Asa Candler, another pharmacist bought the
coca-cola formula from Dr Pemberton $2300
• 1890-1900, Sales increased by over 4000%
• 1894- Joseph A. Biedenharn began bottling coca-
cola to sell
• From a humble beginning in 1886, it is now flagship brand
of largest manufacturer, marketer & distributer of non-
alcoholic beverages in world
• The Coca ‑ Cola Company operates in more than 200
countries and markets nearly 500 brands and more than
3,000 beverage products
• In India, Coca Cola was the leading soft drink till 1977
when govt. policies necessitated its departure
• Has invested more than US$ 1 billion in India over the
past decade
• In 2003, Coca-Cola India pledged to invest a further US$
100 million in its operations.
• Coke’s acquisition of local popular India brands including
Thums Up, Limca, Maaza, Citra etc.: a strategic step &
• It has also been instrumental in giving an exponential
growth to the country’s job listings
• The Indian operations comprises of 50 bottling operations,
25 owned by the Company, with another 25 being owned
by franchisees
• Connecting with the passions of Indians like Cricket,
Food, movies, music etc
Soft Drinks Industry In India
• Its Rs 3500cr industry in India
• Comprised of consumers throughout the country,
& are of all ages
• From 1976-1989 the industry only comprised of
Indian brands such as Parle, Compa-Cola & Dukes
• Due to govt. policies of liberalization in 1993,
Coca-Cola came back to India after it left in 1976
• Coca-Cola and Pepsi are the main competitors in
India in the soft drinks industry
Product portfolio
• Coca-Cola is a carbonated soft drink sold
in stores, restaurants, and vending machines
internationally & nationally
• Colour - Caramel E-150d
Few Important Facts
• There are 27 different varieties of coke made by
• Coca-Cola is recognized by 94% of the world’s
• Approximately 10,450 Coca-Cola brand drinks are
consumed around the world each second of every day
• Coke comes in a variety of sizes worldwide so you
can use it for a crowd or as a personal snack drink
• As one of the largest and most global
companies in the world, Coca-Cola took
seriously its ability and responsibility to
positively affect the communities in which
it operated.
• The company’s mission statement, called
the Coca-Cola Promise, stated: “The Coca-
ColaCompany exists to benefit and refresh
everyone who is touched by our business.”
• Their activities also included The Coca-
Cola Africa Foundation created to combat
the spread of HIV/AIDS through
partnership with governments, UNAIDS,
and other NGOs, and The Coca-Cola
• Foundation, focused on higher education as
a vehicle to build strong communities and
enhance individual opportunity
• Coke India’s Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) initiatives were both
community and environment-focused.
• Coca-Cola’s footprint in India was
significant as well. The Company employed
7000 citizens and believed that for every
direct job, 30-40 more were created in the
supply chain.
• Priorities included education, where
primary education projects had been set up
to benefit children in slums and villages,
• water conservation, where the Company
supported community-based rainwater
harvesting projects to restore water levels
and promote conservation education, and
health, where Coke India
• Coca-Cola India partnered with NGOs and
governments to provide medical access to
poor people through regular health camps.
• Coca-Cola India Won Golden Peacock Global Award for
Corporate Social Responsibility
• The Company has installed 320 Rain Water Harvesting
(RWH) structures in 17 states and has restored several
traditional water bodies
• Launched the “Elixir of life” project
• Donated $10 million to tsunami relief efforts in Asia
• The Company has undertaken these Citizenship initiatives
in partnership with government, NGOs, educational
institutions and local communities
•  Coca-Cola unveiled an ad campaign urging
• Coca-Cola is also taking green steps on
their packaging, with the release of the
“PlantBottle,” which is comprised of 30%
renewable materials from feed-stock resin.
Thank you


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