Imagery in Sinners in The Hands of An Angry God: by Swapnanil Deb, Mohammed Mannan, and Pratik Mishra

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Imagery in Sinners in the

Hands of an Angry God

By Swapnanil Deb, Mohammed Mannan, and Pratik
What is Imagery?
Imagery is a technique used by writers and speakers to
help the reader imagine a situation
Imagery is used in almost every text to engage the
Examples of works that depend on its imagery a lot are
A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams and
Hamlet by Shakespeare
Visual Imagery
Visual Imagery is imagery that helps the reader see.
This is the most prevalent form of imagery in
Jonathan Edward’s “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry
Visual Imagery Examples
“…and the fiery floods of the fierceness…”
Fiery refers to red-orange, helping the reader see a color
“… a wide and bottomless pit.”
Wide and bottomless help the reader visualize the
dimensions of the pit.
“The bow of God’s wrath is bent.”
The word bent helps the reader see a crooked bow
Tactile Imagery
Tactile imagery refers to what one can visualize
touching or feeling.
Tactile Imagery Examples
“…were as heavy as lead.”
The reader can imagine feeling something really heavy
“…ten thousand times greater than the strength of the
stoutest sturdiest devil in hell, it would be nothing to
withstand or endure it…”
A reader can imagine what such great force would feel
like, especially if they visualize pushing it.
Olfactory Imagery
Olfactory imagery refers to imagery related to smell.
Olfactory Imagery Examples
“There is the dreadful pit of the glowing flames of the
wrath of God.”
A reader can imagine smelling smoke.
“His wrath towards you burns like fire.”
A reader can imagine smelling smoke.
Gustatory Imagery
Gustatory imagery refers to tasting things, gusta-
being a Latin root word for food.
Gustatory Imagery Examples
“…and would fain lay hold on them, and swallow them
A reader can imagine swallowing, an action that is
related to eating. They could also imagine a person
being eaten in hell.
“…being made drunk with your blood.”
A reader can imagine the disgusting taste of blood when
it is drank.
Auditory Imagery
Auditory imagery has to do with listening, with –audi
being a root word for sound.
Auditory Imagery Examples
“His wrath towards you burns like fire.”
People can imagine burning
“…the fiery floods of the wrath of the fierceness and
wrath of God would rush forth.”
A reader can imagine the fairly recognizable sounds of
waves crashing.
Edwards, in his sermon, used loads of imagery, and he
did this because it would make the reader who does
not believe in God or does not take religion seriously
to imagine horrific imagines, trying to make them
scared. All of his most vivid descriptions are of
torturous events like burning in hell.
Imagery Statistics
The imagery used the most was visual, which was used
about 15 times.
The imagery used the least was gustatory and
auditory, which were used about 2 times each.
This was mostly because imagery was better in
conveying how bad the flames and floods of God are.
People are more scared of what they see because they
see better than they hear, smell, touch, or even taste.
This sermon was easily a scare tactic, and imagery
works best in these cases.
The End

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