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Master in Educational Management

Western Philippines University

College of Education
Graduate School – Rio Tuba Campus

MEM 601
Educational Laws
And Legislation
A. Republic Act No. 7743
B. Republic Act No. 7784
C. Republic Act No. 8292 or
Education Modernization Act of 1997
D. Republic Act No. 8545
E. Republic Act No. 9155
Learning Outcomes

1. Define the assigned republic acts;

2. Explain and discuss the articles and
sections of the republic acts; and
3. Demonstrate full understanding of the
republic acts through giving an explanation
and examples in the discussion.

Republic Act defines as a piece of legislation used

to create policy in order to carry out the principles of
the constitution. It is crafted and passed by the
Congress of the Philippines and approved by the
President of Philippines. It can only be repealed by a
similar act of Congress.
Having enough knowledge or background regarding
the approved Republic Acts is very important for us to
be free and safe from any consequences brought by
violating its laws or rules. Arundhati (n.d.) quoted that
“If you violate laws of God, you’re a sinner. If you
violate laws of men, you’re a criminal. If you violate
your own laws, you’re pathetic.” So, violating laws could
bring negative impact on us, as a person and as a
member of the community. Toba (n.d.) added that Laws
are made not to be broken. They are made to curb our


*An act providing for the establishment of
congressional, city and municipal libraries and
barangay reading centers throughout the Philippines.

*June 17, 1994

Section 1. Declaration of Policy.

*To promote the moral and intellectual well-

being of the people:

*Elevate the literacy level of every Filipino; and

*Recognize the vital role of knowledge and

information in nation-building
Sec. 2. Establishment of Public Libraries and Reading

*The National Library coordinates with the Department of

the Interior and Local Government (DILG)

Sec. 3. Role of the National Library.

*The National Library shall provide the standard set of

reference books and other materials.
Sec. 4. Site.

*Shall be an integral part of the development plan of each

local government unit.

Sec. 5. Period of Implementation.

*Five (5) years

*National Library, DILG, and DPWH
Sec. 6. Functions of the Public Libraries and Barangay
Reading Centers.

a) to make available to the members of the

b) to be used as a venue for audio-visual presentation
in the community and other kinds of exhibitions and
activities; and
c) to offer such other related services in the
furtherance of this Act.
Sec. 7. Appropriations.

*The amount necessary to carry out the provisions of this

Act shall be included in the General Appropriations Act of
the year following its enactment into law and for the next
five (5) years

Sec. 8. Submission of Reports.

*Within ninety (90) days

Sec. 9. Rules and Regulations.

*Within sixty (60) days

Sec. 10. Repealing Clause.

Sec. 11. Separability Clause.

Sec. 12. Effectivity Clause.

*Fifteen (15) days

*An act to strengthen teacher education in the Philippines
by establishing centers of excellence, creating a teacher
education council for the purpose.

*August 4, 1994.
SECTION 1. Declaration of Policy

*To protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality

education at all levels.
*Teacher is the key to the effectiveness of the teaching-
learning process by drawing out and nurturing the best in
the learner as a human being and a worthy member of
*To provide and ensure quality education by
strengthening the education and training of teachers
SEC. 2. Definition of Terms.

(a) “Teacher”
(b) “Teacher education”
(c) “Excellence”
(d) “Center of excellence”
SEC. 3. Teacher Education Centers of Excellence.

*Criteria :
(a) highly educated, professionally qualified and
experienced faculty dedicated to the philosophy, mission,
vision and goals of the institution and education;
(b) well-selected students;
(c) adequate library, research and study facilities;
(d) competent administrative and support staff;
(e) well-planned and relevant instructional programs;
(f) adequate student development programs;
(g) adequate student services;
(h) relevant extension service and outreach programs;
(i) percentage of graduates who become teachers; and
(j) such other criteria as may be established and
operationalized by the Teacher Education Council.

SEC. 4: Objectives and Functions of a Center of Excellence.

(a) Experiment and try out relevant and innovative pre-

service/in-service teacher education/training programs;
(b) Organize and coordinate collaborative research on
identified areas for systematic investigation in teacher
education as basis for improving teacher education
(c) Serve as teacher resource center for
curricular/instructional materials development;
(d) Serve as the central node for networking specific
disciplines in teacher education in the region;
(e) Provide professional assistance to Teacher Education
Institutions (TEIs) that have expressed the need for such
(f) Encourage mutual support among TEIs in the region for
upgrading and improving their programs; and
(g) Facilitate and help expedite accreditation among TEIs.
SEC. 5. Creation of the Teacher Education Council.

*Teacher Education Council composed of eleven (11)

members with the Secretary of Education, Culture and
Sports as ex officio chairman, and three (3) other ex officio
members, namely: a Commissioner of the Commission on
Higher Education (CHED), a representative of the National
Commission on Culture and Arts (NCCA), and the Chairman
of the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC).
The seven (7) regular members of the Council who shall be
appointed by the President :

(a) Three (3) representatives of centers of teacher

education: one (1) from Luzon, one (1) from the Visayas,
and one (1) from Mindanao;
One (1) representative of science teachers;
One (1) representative of mathematics teachers;
One (1) representative of social studies teachers; and
One (1) representative of language teachers.
SEC 6. Criteria for the Selection of Regular Council

(a) Integrity;

(b) Expertise and experience in teacher education;

(c) Recognized as an expert, nationally or internationally;


(d) Willingness to serve.

SEC. 7. Powers and Functions of the Council.

(a) To identify and designate teacher education

institutions as Centers of Excellence for Teacher Education,
at the national, regional, and provincial levels;
(b) To formulate policies and standards that shall
strengthen and improve the system of teacher education in
all existing public and private schools;
(c) Initiate a periodic review of curricula and programs for
teacher education and training through participatory
methods, such as self-assessment by institutions;
(d) To adopt an adequate and effective system of
incentives in order to attract and encourage outstanding
high school graduates to pursue teacher education;
(e) To encourage the establishment of consortia and other
cooperative arrangements for greater efficiency and
economy in the use of resources;
(f) Design collaborative programs or projects that will
enhance pre-service teacher training, in-service training, re
training, orientation, and teacher development;
(g) To direct the conduct of relevant studies as may be
needed in the formulation of policies and in the planning
and successful implementation of plans, programs and
projects required in attaining the purposes of this Act;
(h) To review existing and recommend new legislation and
policies of the government in order to improve teacher
education and promote the welfare of teachers;
(i) To recommend appropriate measures to the President,
Congress, and heads of other government offices and
agencies to improve, enhance and strengthen teacher
education; and
(j) To call upon any department, bureau, office, or
government corporation, local government unit and other
concerned agencies for assistance in areas falling within
their mandate.
SEC. 8. Secretariat.

*The Council shall organize and appoint a secretariat

headed by an executive director

SEC. 9. Active Participation of Local Government Units.

*Local government units shall include in their plans,

programs, and projects the development and’ improvement
of teacher education through the centers of excellence in
their respective regions.
SEC. 10. Appropriation.

SEC. 11. Implementing Rules and Guidelines.

*Sixty (60) days.

SEC. 12. Repealing Clause.

SEC 13. Effectivity Clause.

ACT OF 1997

An act providing for the uniform composition

and powers of the governing boards, the
manners of appointment and term of office of
the President of chartered state universities
and colleges.
Section 1. Short title.
*Higher Education Modernization Act of 1997.
Section 2. Declaration of Policy.
Section 3. Governing Boards; manner of
*An act amending republic act no. 6728,
otherwise known as “an act providing
government assistance to students and teachers
in private education and appropriating funds
therefore,” establishing a fund for the purpose
of subsidizing salaries of private school
teachers, and appropriating funds therefore.
*February 24, 1998.
SEC. 1. Title.

‘Expanded Government Assistance to

Students and Teachers in Private Education
SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy.
*To promote and make quality education
accessible to all Filipino citizens.
*Recognizes the complementary roles of
public and private educational institutions.
*Shall provide the mechanisms to improve
quality in private education
*Elementary education is the first six (6) years
of basic education

* Secondary education is the next four (4)

years of basic education

*Post-secondary education
SEC. 3. Criteria for Assistance.
*Tuition fees charged by the schools,
*The socioeconomic needs of each region
giving priority to the Social Reform Agenda (SRA)
*Overall performance of the schools,
*The academic qualifications and
*The financial needs of the students and the
teachers and the financial needs of the schools,
*The geographic spread and size of student
*Student grantees under the Private Education
Student Financial Assistance Program shall be
enrolled in schools which have accredited
programs or are applying for accreditation as
may be recognized by the respective State
Assistance Council.
*Preference shall be given to students whose
family income is not more than Seventy-two
thousand pesos (P72,000.00) or such amounts as
may be determined by the respective councils,
as defined hereinafter.
*The programs of assistance under this
Act shall be extended only to students
who are citizens of the Philippines.
SEC. 4. Forms of Assistance.
(1) Tuition fee supplements;
(2) High School Textbook Assistance Fund
(3) Expansion of the existing Educational
Service Contracting (ESC) Scheme;
(4) The voucher system of the Private Education
Student Financial Assistance Program (PESFA);
(5) Scholarship grants to students graduating as
valedictorians and salutatorians from
secondary schools
(6) Tuition fee supplements to students in
private colleges and universities; and
(7) Education Loan Fund.

The following are forms of assistance to teachers

and faculty in private education:
(1) In-service training fund for teachers in
private high schools; and
(2) College Faculty Development Fund.
SEC. 5. Tuition Fee Supplements for Students in
Private High Schools.

(a) For students enrolled in schools charging an

amount as may be determined by the State
Assistance Council, the government shall provide
them with a voucher in such an amount as may
be determined by the council
SEC. 6. High School Textbook Assistance Fund.
That the textbook assistance per student in
private high schools shall be determined by the
council and shall not exceed what students in
public high schools are provided on a per student
basis: Provided, further, That the textbook
assistance shall be granted only to beneficiaries
of tuition fee supplements and educational
service contracting scheme provided in this Act.
SEC. 7. Expansion of the Existing Educational
Service Contracting (ESC) Scheme.

(a) The Department of Education, Culture and

Sports (DECS) shall continue to enter into
contracts with private schools whereby the
government shall shoulder the tuition and other
fees of high school students who shall enroll in
private high schools under this program.
(b) The Department shall also enter into
contracts with private schools in communities
where there are no public high schools, in which
case the Department shall shoulder the tuition
and other fees of students who shall enroll in
said private schools.
(c) The amount of assistance to be given by the
government under this section shall not exceed
that determined as the per student cost in public
high schools.
(d) The Department shall fully pay the
subsidized amount to participating schools not
later than one hundred eighty (180) days from
the close of the registration period.
(e) The amount of assistance shall be allocated
and distributed among the sixteen (16) regions in
proportion to the total population as well as the
high school age population for the first school
(f) The amount of assistance to private high
schools participating in the program shall be
guaranteed for a number of slots as of the
effectivity of this Act as the number of students
availing of educational service contracting
assistance for school year 1997-1998: Provided,
That the State Assistance Council may, in
subsequent years determine additional slots
and/or additional participating private high
schools as may be deemed necessary.
SEC. 8. Assistance to College Freshmen.
*Such financial assistance shall be granted to
deserving underprivileged students, who shall be
selected on the basis of family income,
geographic spread and results of competitive
examinations to be given by the CHED for degree
courses and the TESDA for non-degree
vocational/technical courses in all secondary
schools in coordination with the DECS.
*The program shall be equitably allocated to
provinces and cities in accordance with regional
and national plans to priority courses as
determined by the CHED and the TESDA.
“For purposes of this Act, an underprivileged
student shall refer to a student whose gross
income, if any, and that of the combined annual
gross income of his/her parents do not exceed
Seventy-two thousand pesos (P72,000.00).
Tuition Waiver. Private post-secondary
vocational and technical institutions and higher
educational institutions shall provide for full or
half tuition waivers for five percent (5%) of the
entering freshmen, which shall include among
others, valedictorians and salutatorians of both
public high schools and private high schools:
Provided, That those valedictorians and
salutatorians meet admission tests of the schools
*Allowance for Valedictorians.
*Allowance for other Honorees.

SEC. 9. Further Assistance to Students in Private

Colleges and Universities.
*The government shall provide the student
with a voucher for the amount of tuition fee
supplement determined by the State Assistance
SEC. 10. Education Loan Fund.

*‘Study Now, Pay Later Plan.’

*Students’ Loan Fund
*Republic Act No. 6014
*Social Security Fund. The Social Security
System shall make available low interest
educational loans to its members and to private
educational institutions for school buildings
and/or improvement of their plants and
SEC. 11. The right of any student to avail
himself/herself of the benefits under this Act
shall not apply if he/she fails.
(1) school year in the majority of the academic
subjects in which he/she has enrolled during the
course of his/her study unless such failure is due
to some valid cause beyond his/her control.

SEC. 12. In-service Training Fund (Inset Fund).

SEC. 13. College Faculty Development Fund.

SEC. 14. Teachers’ Salary Subsidy Fund.

*Total monthly salary which includes the

subsidy to be received by such private high
school teachers shall not be more than eighty
percent (80%) of the salary of his counterpart in
the public sector.
SEC. 15. Program Administration/Rules and
SEC. 16. Appropriations.
SEC. 17. Penalties.
SEC. 18. Repealing Clause.
SEC. 19. Separability Clause.
SEC. 20. Effectivity Clause.
*An act instituting a framework of governance
for basic education, establishing authority and
accountability, renaming the Department of
Education, Culture and Sports as the Department
of Education.
*August 11, 2001.
SECTION 1. Short Title.
“Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001.”
SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy.
It is hereby declared the policy of the State to
protect and promote the right of all citizens to
quality basic education and to make such
education accessible to all by providing all
Filipino children a free and compulsory
education in the elementary level and free
education in the high school level
*include alternative learning systems

*The school shall be the heart of the formal

education system.

*The State shall encourage local initiatives for

improving the quality of basic education.
SEC. 3. Purposes and Objectives.
(a) To provide the framework for the
governance of basic education which shall set
the general directions for educational policies
and standards and establish authority,
accountability and responsibility for achieving
higher learning outcomes;
(b) To define the roles and responsibilities of,
and provide resources to, the field offices which
shall implement educational programs, projects
and services in communities they serve;
(c) To make schools and learning centers the
most important vehicle for the teaching and
learning of national values and for developing in
the Filipino learners love of country and pride in
its rich heritage;
(d) To ensure that schools and learning
centers receive the kind of focused attention
they deserve and that educational programs,
projects and services take into account the
interests of all members of the community;
(e) To enable the schools and learning centers to reflect the
values of the community by allowing teachers/learning facilitators and
other staff to have the flexibility to serve the needs of all learners;

(f) To encourage local initiatives for the improvement of schools

and learning centers and to provide the means by which these
improvements may be achieved and sustained; and

(g) To establish schools and learning centers as facilities where

schoolchildren are able to learn a range of core competencies
prescribed for elementary and high school education programs or
where the out-of-school youth and adult learners are provided
alternative learning programs and receive accreditation for at least
the equivalent of a high school education.
Sec. 4. Definition of Terms.
(a) Alternative Learning System
(b) Basic Education
(c) Cluster of Schools
(d) Formal Education
(e) Informal Education
(f) Integrated Schools
(g) Learner
(h) Learning
(i) Learning Facilitator
(j) Non-Formal Education
(k) Quality Education
(l) School
(m) School Head
Governance of Basic Education

Sec. 5. Principles of Shared Governance.

(a) Shared governance is a principle which
recognizes that every unit in the education
bureaucracy has a particular role, task and
responsibility inherent in the office and for which it is
principally accountable for outcomes;
(b) The process of democratic consultation shall be
observed in the decision-making process at
appropriate levels.
(c) The principles of accountability and
transparency shall be operationalized in the
performance of functions and responsibilities at all
levels; and
(d) The communication channels of field offices
shall be strengthened
Sec. 6. Governance.

The Department of Education, Culture and Sports shall

henceforth be called the Department of Education. It
shall be vested with authority, accountability and
responsibility for ensuring access to, promoting equity
in, and improving the quality of basic education. Arts,
culture and sports shall be as provided for in Sections
8 and 9 hereof.
Sec. 7. Powers, Duties and Functions.
*Secretary of the Department of Education
A. National Level
(1) Formulating national educational policies;
(2) Formulating a national basic education plan;
(3) Promulgating national educational standards;
(4) Monitoring and assessing national learning
(5) Undertaking national educational research and
(6) Enhancing the employment status, professional
competence, welfare and working conditions of all
personnel of the Department; and
(7) Enhancing the total development of learners
through local and national programs and/or projects.
The Secretary of Education shall be assisted by not
more than four (4) undersecretaries and not more
than four (4) assistant secretaries whose assignments,
duties and responsibilities shall be governed by law.
B. Regional Level
(1) Defining a regional educational policy framework
which reflects the values, needs and expectations of
the communities they serve;
(2) Developing a regional basic education plan;
(3) Developing regional educational standards with a
view towards benchmarking for international
(4) Monitoring, evaluating and assessing regional
learning outcomes;
(5) Undertaking research projects and developing
and managing regionwide projects which may be
funded through official development assistance and/or
other funding agencies;
(6) Ensuring strict compliance with prescribed
national criteria for the recruitment, selection and
training of all staff in the region and divisions;
(7) Formulating, in coordination with the regional
development council, the budget to support the
regional educational plan which shall take into
account the educational plans of the divisions and
(8) Determining the organization component of the divisions and districts and
approving the proposed staffing pattern of all employees in the divisions and
(9) Hiring, placing and evaluating all employees in the regional office, except for
the position of assistant director;
(10) Evaluating all schools division superintendents and assistant division
superintendents in the region;
(11) Planning and managing the effective and efficient use of all personnel,
physical and fiscal resources of the regional office, including professional staff
(12) Managing the database and management information system of the region;
(13) Approving the establishment of public and private elementary and high
schools and learning centers; and
(14) Performing such other functions as may be assigned by proper authorities.
C. Division Level
(1) Developing and implementing division education
development plans;
(2) Planning and managing the effective and efficient
use of all personnel, physical and fiscal resources of
the division, including professional staff development;
(3) Hiring, placing and evaluating all division
supervisors and schools district supervisors as well as
all employees in the division, both teaching and non-
teaching personnel, including school heads, except for
the assistant division superintendent;
(4) Monitoring the utilization of funds provided by the national
government and the local government units to the schools and
learning centers;
(5) Ensuring compliance of quality standards for basic education
programs and for this purpose strengthening the role of division
supervisors as subject area specialists;
(6) Promoting awareness of and adherence by all schools and
learning centers to accreditation standards prescribed by the
Secretary of Education;
(7) Supervising the operations of all public and private
elementary, secondary and integrated schools, and learning
centers; and
(8) Performing such other functions as may be assigned by proper
D. Schools District Level

(1) Providing professional and instructional advice and

support to the school heads and teachers/facilitators of
schools and learning centers in the district or cluster
(2) Curricula supervision; and
(3) Performing such other functions as may be assigned by
proper authorities.
E. School Level
(1) Setting the mission, vision, goals and objectives of the
(2) Creating an environment within the school that is
conducive to teaching and learning;
(3) Implementing the school curriculum and being
accountable for higher learning outcomes;
(4) Developing the school education program and school
improvement plan;
(5) Offering educational programs, projects and services
which provide equitable opportunities for all learners in the
(6) Introducing new and innovative modes of instruction to
achieve higher learning outcomes;
(7) Administering and managing all personnel, physical and
fiscal resources of the school;
(8) Recommending the staffing complement of the school
based on its needs;
(9) Encouraging staff development;
(10) Establishing school and community networks and
encouraging the active participation of teachers
organizations, non-academic personnel of public schools, and
parents-teachers-community associations;
(11) Accepting donations, gifts, bequests and grants for the
purpose of upgrading teachers’/learning facilitators’
competencies, improving and expanding school facilities and
providing instructional materials and equipment. Such
donations or grants must be reported to the appropriate
district supervisors and division superintendents; and
(12) Performing such other functions as may be assigned by
proper authorities.
Transfer of Cultural Agencies

Sec. 8. Cultural Agencies.

The Komisyon ng Wikang Pilipino, National Historical
Institute, Record Management and Archives Office and the
National Library shall now be administratively attached to
the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) and
no longer with the Department of Education. The program
for school arts and culture shall remain part of the school
Abolition of the Bureau of Physical Education and School

Sec. 9. Abolition of BPESS.

All functions, programs and activities of the Department of
Education related to sports competition shall be transferred
to the Philippine Sports Commission (PSC). The program for
school sports and physical fitness shall remain part of the
basic education curriculum.
Latin well-known principle states that ignorantia legis
neminem excusat which is translated as Ignorance of the
Law excuses no one. Essentially, it means that if someone
breaks the law, he or she is still liable even if they had no
knowledge of the law being broken. So, the best solution to
prevent being punish is to make ourselves well equipped
with knowledge regarding to all the administered laws and
regulations in our country.
List of References






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