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Module 5

Comparative Analysis of Judaism ,

Christianity and Islam
After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. To identify the origin or traces of Abrahamic

2. To discover the moral attributes;
3. To determine the purpose of life;
4. To understand the concept of Destiny;
5. Analyze the similarities and differences of Judaism,
Christianity, and Islam.
Comparative Analysis of Judaism,
Lesson 1 Christianity, and Islam focuses on
Abraham was the first of the three prophets and revered by the three
Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) as the prophet of
God. Both the Jews and the Christian believe that he was ordered by
God to leave the land of Ur in Mesopotamia and establish a new nation
which was later called Canaan. He would eventually be considered as
the ‘’Father of Many Nations’’ both by the Jews and Christiana.
Muslims view Abraham as a prophet of God and patriarch of many
people, and father of Ishmael, known in Islam as a prophet of God and
ancestor to Muhammad. Abraham is also the father of Isaac, considered
as the physical and spiritual ancestor of Judaism, together with his son
Jacob. These three monotheistic religions clearly trace their common
roots from the patriarch Abraham, hence label Abrahamic religion.
The three Abrahamic religion was originated from a region we
now call Southwest Asia. They also called Semitic religions since
they came from an era where people speak the Semitic languages,
particularly Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic. Judaism originated from a
land called Canaan. Christianity began in Palestine while Islam
developed in Arabia.

Activity 1. Recognize the Pic

Let’s begin the activity by recognizing the symbol below. The
symbol has to do with the previous topic that connects to the
Abrahamic religion that will lead you to open the door for the
lesson in this module.
List information as many as you can. What have you notice?
Let’s do the priming!

Origin of Abrahamic Religion

Is the oldest among the three Abrahamic religions,
beginning at around 3, 500 B.C.E. According to the Old Testament
or Hebrew Bible, the ancient Israelites traces the origin of their
nation and their religion as well to one family distinct from other
groups of people in Southwest Asia by Virtue of belief in one God.

The patriarch of this family was Abraham, a nomadic

shepherd who entered into a covenant with God- that being the
Father of All Nations’’ and heir to the Promised Land, which was
Canaan. Patriarchy is a system of society wherein the father or
eldest male I considered the head of the family and lineage is
traced through the male line.
According to the narratives, Abraham and his wife Sarah rook a
long time before having a child, who was Isaac. Before Isaac was
born Abraham had a son with Sarah’s lady-in-waiting, Hagar. They
named their child Ishmael. Isaac married Rebecca and they had two
children, Esau and Jacob, and from Jacob who later become Israel
where the 12 tribes of Israel.

Ishmael on the other hand, became the ancestor the

ancestor of the Arabs who later became Muslims. The
Hebrew Bible further narrates how 12 tribes of Israel
founded the nation of Israel and Jacob, being the heir to
the covenant, made a pact with God that they will be
liberated from Egyptian enslavement if they will continue
to follow God’s commandments.
The second oldest religion and was formed around 33 C.E.
in an area called Palestine. Christians trace their origin.
Christians trace their origins to Jesus Christ, born around
4B.C.E. while the area was under the Roman Empire. It was a
time characterized by social disorder, political turmoil, uprising,
poverty, heavy taxation, food shortage, and epidemics. To quell
the rebellion and implement a semblance of order, those who
participated in armed uprisings were crucified, which
incidentally was how Jesus Christ was punished as well in the
midst of these sufferings. The Jewish people were secretly
hoping and waiting for God to fulfill His promise- that of
sending His Son to redeem them from their oppressive state.
It was the context that Jesus Christ was born and in his late
twenties, started to preach about the coming of the Kingdom of
God. He was baptized by another prophet, John the Baptist, and
had 12 men as disciples. His public ministry was considered a
threat to Roman authority and so he was arrested, whipped, and
crucified as a penalty for what he did. According to the New
Testament, Jesus was resurrected after three days and ascended to
the heavens but promised to the disciples that he will come back in
the same way that his disciples saw him go into heaven.

The youngest of the Abrahamic religions, started around 622 C.E.,
considered as the beginning of the Islamic calendar.
The word Islam is an Arabic word which means’’
submission’’ or ‘’surrender’’ and is also related to salaam the
Arabic word for ‘’peace’’.it originated from Mecca, which is
found in the Arabian Peninsula, with Muhammad, considered the
last prophet or ‘’Seal of the Prophet’’. It was in Mecca,
Muhammad is born and raised by his uncle Abu Talib, worked as
an assistant to a rich widow Khadija whom he later married, and
mediated on certain social issues such as unequal distribution of
wealth, leading to a great divide between the rich and the poor,
as well as the possession of slaves. It was during one of his
visits to a cave the angel Gabriel appeared before him, delivering
the message of Allah that he was chosen to found a new religion
and preach that Allah is the only God that should be worshipped.
At first he thought he was just having a hallucination, but later on
he was convinced that he was indeed chosen by God to spread his
words so he began preaching in Mecca when he won some converts.

But his teachings of equality and brotherhood threatened the power

of the rich Quraysh tribe so he was forces to escape to Medina to
avoid persecution. This happened I 622 C.E. and was known as
Hegira. From then on Islam gained followers and became one of the
dominant religions in the world.
Activity 2. Visualize me
You have learned so much after reading the origin of the
Abrahamic religions. In his activity we will check your
understanding by visualizing your summary these religions in
terms or their origin. Put some creativity in your work.
If we compare the origins of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, we
can see that they share more commonalities than differences. For
one, they all developed during a time of political turmoil and
social inequalities. The conditions in the society were ripe for the
birth of religions which would serve as the liberating force that
would provide the people with hope for a better life. It is also
noteworthy that all three religions developed belief in one God,
or monotheism, with Judaism the first monotheistic religion in
the world.
Judaism and Christianity emphasized the importance of having a
covenant with God,, and in a what we can say that it is also true
with Islam because of Quran, even though Adam and his wife
were banished from paradise, Allah that they have no reason to
feel fear or grief if they will just follow God’s will. Foremost of
which was worship only one God, Allah.
The role of angels as messengers of God was also evident
among the three religions, especially in Christianity when angel
Gabriel sent to the Virgin Marry to tell her that she would bear the
Messiah, and in Islam when Allah send Gabriel to Muhammad
that he was chosen to be the last prophet.

The story of creation was also shared by the three religions,

with the universe and first man and woman being created by God,
but then were tempted by evil and were banished from paradise,
hence the need to follow God’s commandment to restore
humanity’s relationship with God.
Lastly, the most important commonalities is the belief in
Abraham as the patriarch of the three religions—the Father of
Many Nations’’ for Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
He was the ideal follower of God for the three religions, for he followed God’s will
unconditionally, even to the extent of sacrificing his own son when God ordered him
to do so. These three religion traces their roots to their common

After we have discussed the origin of the three

Abrahamic religion, present this concept by using the
given information above and create a personalize
comparison of f these religion draw symbols on it.
Can you tell which concept they are similar or

Activity 3: Compare the Three

What I Have Learned

In the next activity, you are asked to complete each

statement as to the insights you have gained from the

1. I learned that Abrahamic religions are

2. Their origin makes me understand that
3. They are similar in
4. They differ in

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