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“Guidelines on the

Preparation of Workload

• With the aid of the OPCR and Work Program, review the
deliverables of the Division/Office.

• Using PW Form 2A, the team shall identify and discuss all of its
projects/activities/processes for the year. Also include in the list
the AdHoc engagements (and/or participation in special bodies in
PSA and other agencies) of the team and its members. Determine
whether these lead or contribute to the performance of their
mandates and of PSA.

• Fill in the form as appropriate.

• Allow all staff to work on their individual workload analysis using

the PW Form 2A of the office/division (with identified PAP) to be
consolidated to form the final output of the office/division.

Note: Each staff should work on lines with identified PAPs in which
they are involved in.
Strategic Performanc Timetable Total Standard Mandays Personnel
Goals, e Measure Start End Workload Output Required Responsible/
Thrusts and (3) (4) Position
Activities/ (2) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Total Workload (Column 6)

IMPORTANT: Workload should be consistent with and based on the

Performance Measure.
PAP Performance Timetable TOTAL WORKLOAD
Measure Start (4) End (5)
(2) (3) (6)

WS of Retail Prices of Petroleum Jan ‘20 Dec ‘20

Collection and No. of price Every Friday of the 832
Encoding of Prices quotations week
Submission of files to RS files Friday of reference 52
PSO week
Total Workload (Column 6)

WRONG Practice

Identified PAP: Building Permit

Performance Measure: No. of Approved Building Permit
Total Workload: Based on No. of Municipalities
Standard Output (Column 7)

This refers to expected output that can be completed per day if the personnel
assigned is only to focus on the specific PAP.
PAP Performance Timetable Total Workload STANDARD
Measure Start End OUTPUT PER DAY
(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

WS of Retail Prices of Jan ‘20 Dec ‘20

Petroleum Products
Collection and No. of price Every Friday of 832 32
Encoding of Prices quotations the week
Submission of files to RS files Friday of 52 8
PSO reference week
Standard Output Per Day (Column 7)

Standard Output per day can also be computed as follows:

Computed as:

Standard Output = Total Workload (6)

Per Day Mandays Required (8)

Note: This formula can be used in instances where the Total Mandays
Required (8) is easier to determine than the Standard Output Per Day (6).
Mandays Required (Column 8)

This refers to the total mandays required to accomplish a PAP.

Performance Timetable Total Standard MANDAYS

PAP Measure Start End Workload Output Per REQUIRED
(4) (5) Day
(2) (3) (6) (7) (8)

WS of Retail Prices of Jan Dec

Petroleum Products ‘20 ‘20
Collection and No. of price Every Friday 832 32 26
Encoding of Prices quotations of the week
Submission of files RS files Friday of 52 8 6.5
to PSO reference
Mandays Required (Column 8)

This can be computed as follows:

Total Workload (6)

Mandays Required =
Standard Output per Day (7)

Note: This formula can be used when the Standard Output per Day (7) is
already identified.
Mandays Required (Column 8)

If Mandays Required (8) is identified prior to determining the Standard Output per Day (7),
the former shall be converted to “day/s” where one day is equivalent to 8 hours:

1. Conversion of minutes  hours  days

(Note: As base, this should equal to the amount of time needed to complete ONE (1) output)

Minutes to Hours: No. of minutes / 60

Hours to a Day: No. of hours / 8

2. Conversion to Mandays: No. of days x Total Workload (6)


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