Expression: Aguiling, Saonoy, Tibayan

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Aguiling, Saonoy, Tibayan
“Art enables us to find ourselves and
lose ourselves at the same time.”

—Thomas Merton
What you’ll about to find out
Types of art
expression Examples
The traditional categories of How a specific art form is
art. done.

Art Artist’s
Expression Creativity
Elaboration of the art shown. Connecting with the artist’s
meaning of art.
Architecture Examples:

Tower Bridge
The Colosseum London
This ancient Roman Amphitheatre is
considered one of the greatest The symbol of London and a pearl
achievements of Roman of the 19th century architecture,
architecture. It was constructed in Tower Bridge was built as a
70-80 AD, and it’s one of the first combination of bascule bridge and
buildings in history where concrete
suspension bridge in 1886 – 1894.
was used for construction.
Art as Expression

How Architecture How does this unmask

is expressed? the artist’s creativity?

Visualizing imaginative constructions and The Architects used their visual

buildings deep inside their imagination’s experiences, understanding of human
recesses and teasing them out in paint or nature, and understanding of physics to
pencil. Only then could they begin the bring wondrous places to fruition: places
laborious process of drawing how, through an that influenced not only the way we lived
elaborative collaboration with craftsmen and our everyday lives, but our culture’s very
allied artists, the building could be assembled creation, and ultimately our civilization.
and brought to life
Literary Arts
Literary Arts Examples:

Florante at Laura Noli Me Tangere

Florante at Laura, written by Noli Me Tángere, Latin for "Touch
Francisco Balagtas, is me not", is an 1887 novel by
considered one of the José Rizal during the colonization
masterpieces of Philippine of the Philippines by Spain to
literature. Balagtas wrote the epic describe perceived inequities of
during his imprisonment. He
the Spanish Catholic friars and
dedicated it to his sweetheart
María Asuncion Rivera the ruling government.
Art as Expression

How Literary Art is How does this unmask

expressed? the artist’s creativity?

It concentrates on writing in a single style that

does not follow a particular format or pattern.
That gives the writers a chance to introduce Artists who can perform literary arts use
their culture, beliefs and ideas to others in a words to convey their feelings to readers
way that is not confrontational and that may and express themselves
even attract the reader enough to learn about
Applied Arts
Applied Arts Examples:

Coille Hooven The Elisabeth Kley,

Howl, 1991 Tulip, 2016

Kley has developed a following

She harnesses the strength and
for her festive, hand-built vessels
beauty of clay to make figurative
sculptures, dioramic works, inspired by the decorative
teapots, and other vessels. traditions of Islamic, Byzantine,
and Asian art and design, as well
as the patterning of the Wiener
Werkstätte, a Vienna production
community of the early 1900s
Art as Expression

How Applied Art is How does this unmask

expressed? the artist’s creativity?

Applying design and aesthetics to practical By offering limitless possibilities for

and everyday objects. Whereas fine arts serve originality, these arts enrich our everyday
as intellectual stimulation, as well as created lives with their truly enormous reach of
or intended primarily for beauty, to the influence and can make even the dullest
spectator or academic sensibilities. utensil a delight for the eyes in our home.
Visual Arts
Visual Arts Examples:

Mosaic is the decorative art of The word was coined early in the last century to distinguish the
creating pictures and patterns on a artistic use of the medium from its more common commercial
surface by setting small coloured
purpose. Silkscreening is familiar to us in countless ways. It is
pieces of glass, marble or other
materials in a bed of cement, plaster used for everything from t-shirt logos to posters. The medium’s
or adhesive. roots lie deep in ancient history, originating in China and Japan as
a technique for applying stencils to fabrics and screens.
Art as Expression

How Visual Art is How does this unmask

expressed? the artist’s creativity?
The fact that creation takes place in different art Visual arts can contribute to positive self-expression
mediums is a plain reality. But once this is given, and help create trust. When art is motivated by
nothing has yet been said about expression, and the personal desires, thoughts, feelings, needs or
expressionist might argue that the above assertion expectations, achievements are most rewarding and
about creation is too mild to cover what needs to be self-esteem is enhanced. Research shows that when
said about the phase of artistic creation. The people have the ability to discover and articulate who
creative process, the expressionist wants to say is they are, they develop trust that translates into
an expressive process, and something more is achievement, both in adolescence and in adulthood.
required for expression than for the artist to make
Theater Examples:

This style of theater is a holdover from the days of The origins of this type of theater stretch as
Spanish colonization. The dramatic action in a far back as the sixth century, from ancient
Sarsuwela moves forward with words being customs using masks and dummies during
alternately spoken and sung in operatic and popular festivals. Materials have evolved from
styles. It also incorporates vocal ensemble numbers simple hand puppets to wood and metal
like trios or duets, and folk music and dance. puppets, to the more intricate marionnettes
National hero Jose Rizal was reportedly fond of today.
Art as Expression

How Theater is How does this unmask

expressed? the artist’s creativity?
Theater is a collaborative art form that incorporates The dramatic action goes forward, with words spoken
phrases, speech, movement and visuals. Objects to and sung alternately in operatic and traditional styles.
convey meaning. The area of theater includes not It also contains vocal ensemble numbers such as trios
only improvised live shows, but also Scripted or duets, folk music and dance. Performance trends
works, but also dramatic forms, such as film, have also grown to include silhouette-based shadow
television and other electronic media. Due to the plays.
increasingly widespread reach of contemporary
theatrical media, theater has immense potential.
Importance in the lives of men.
Poetry Performance Examples:

Poetry can be differentiated most of the time from It’s generally accepted as "great" poetry is
prose, which is language meant to convey meaning debatable in many cases. "Great" poetry
in a more expansive and less condensed way, usually follows the characteristics listed
frequently using more complete logical or narrative above, but it is also set apart by its
structures than poetry does. complexity and sophistication.
Art as Expression

How Poetry Performance is How does this unmask

expressed? the artist’s creativity?
Poetry performance enables one to express oneself Experiment with different forms of poetry and literary jargon
through a written word. This is a perfect way to and laws. Amazingly inventive technique, the art of writing
relieve your feelings, practice your imagination, poetry sharpens every aspect of your creative writing method,
and share your thoughts and ideas with others. from inventing out-of-the-box symbolism and metaphors to
Even if you never wrote creatively before, you will conjuring images and description, valuable benefits for fiction
enjoy the feeling of writing about your life. and non-fiction authors as well. Applying some of the
techniques learned from poetry writing would make any writer
a better writer.
Film Examples:

Example of film art is documentary and movie. Documentary films are

based on factual materials and scenery to educate or entertain viewers.
Documentaries have helped in developing realism in films. Movies on the
other hand serves as a form of entertainment for those film enthusiasts who
are accustomed to attending cinemas to watch the latest blockbuster movies.
Art as Expression

How is Film How does this unmask

expressed? the artist’s creativity?

Film is expressed through the emotions the script writers Artist must express what is written with their own take of
have written on the script are expressed by the artist through the characters written in the script. This are the factors that
the director’s direction of the film. The director’s goal is to make an artist credible, being able to express emotions so
have the viewers invest in the characters of the movie so realistically that makes movies so believable that viewers
that they have an emotional reaction to the things that affect get invested. Veteran actors tend to add things that are out
the characters. of script that gives the film more life.
Performance Arts Examples:

The best examples of performance arts are dance, theater, opera, music, and
magic. This are live performances are performed in front of an audience
Art as Expression

How is Performance How does this unmask

Art expressed? the artist’s creativity?

Performance arts has ways of expressing opinion, emotion, It shows the diligence of each performer and shoes how much
feeling, or taste through dance, music, theatre, and many work they put in to make a perfect performance for the
more. Performance arts is basically performing in front of a audience. It also shows the creativity put in in their acts, for

public audience. example the costumes that they use, their props and lastly the
stage they are in. It is a whole effort as the success of a
performance is not based only on the performance but on how
well it comes together as a whole.
Dance Examples:

The best examples for dance arts are waltz, tango, samba, folk dance, etc.
These are choreographed movements that are performed in front of a large
Art as Expression

How is Dance How does this unmask

expressed? the artist’s creativity?

Dance is expressing elegance through each step with a Dance are choreographed till perfection before they are
continuous answering of steps back and forth. But not every performed. This shows the performers crafts and how well
dance is expressed with partners. There are dances where they can express their creativity using their body. One does
you express how good you can control your body, like hip not just dance, you have to work for it, practice for hours
hop or a concert dance. and hours until you get the right form.

Aguiling, Vince Saonoy, Rodel Tibayan, Jan

Researcher Designer/Researcher/ Designer/Researcher/
Editor Editor

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