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Global Divides:

The North and The South

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 Western Policy Makers – date back of Cold War. They talked about
the world has three(3) distinct Political and Economic Blocs.
 SECOND WORLD – SOVIET UNION (socialist) (Eastern European)
 THIRD WORLD - NON-ALLIANCE COUNTRIES (Asia, Africa, Latin America)
 After Cold War, First and Third World remains in the public consciousness.
 Currently, many countries labeled as part of the First and Second Worlds during the
Cold War are now part of the Global North, while most of the Third World still belongs
to Global South.
 First World – generally understood as referring to the developed countries.
 Third World – the underdeveloped and developing countries (non-industrialized or
 They brought by differences in definitions of poverty, wealth and development.
 The terms Global North and South are way for countries in the south to make a
stand about the common issues, problems, and even causes to have equality all
throughout the world.
 The difference between the Global North and Global South are shaped by
migration and globalization.
 Nevertheless, the economic differences between the wealthy Global North and
poor Global South have always possessed a racial character.
 The term also used to refer to the two halves of the current global system.
 Countriessuch as United States, Canada, Europe, Japan,
Singapore, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand.
 It refers to the rich and developed parts of the world.
 Most of the countries have GDP per capita that is above the
world’s GDP per capita.
 Politically, they are more powerful as an entity.
 Monopolizes technological advances.
 Countries such as Africa, Latin America, Developing
countries of Asia (Southwest Asia or Middle East).
 It refers to the poor and developing half of it.
 Mostof the nations have a GDP per capita below the world’s
GDP per capita.
 Condemned to economic dependency.
 Process of closer economic integration of countries within a region
(often times, culturally and geographically linked countries
 The process of dividing an area into smaller segments called regions.
 Businesses also use regionalization as a management tool and a way to
make certain that needs unique to particular areas are met.
 One of the more obvious examples of regionalization is the division of
a nation into states or provinces.
Regionalization vs Globalization
 The processes of globalization and regionalization reemerged during the 1980s
and heightened after the end of the Cold War in the 1990s.
 The two are contradicting the very nature of globalization is by definition, global
while regionalization is naturally regional.
 Globalization promotes the integration of economies across state borders all
around the world while Regionalization is precisely the opposite because it is
dividing an area into smaller segments.
 Globalization allows many company to trade on international level so it allows
free market while in Regionalization, monopolies are more likely to develop
Regionalization vs Globalization
 Globalization acceleration to multiculturalism by free and inexpensive movement
of people while regionalization does not support this.
 Globalized international community is also more willing to come to the aid of a
country stricken by a natural disaster while regionalized system not get involved
in the affairs of others area.
 Globalization has driven great advances in technology while in regionalization
advanced in technology is rarely available in one country or region only.

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