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By Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
About the Author

◦ Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings was an American author who lived in

rural Florida and wrote novels with rural themes and settings. Her
best known work, The Yearling, about a boy who adopts an
orphaned fawn, won a Pulitzer prize for fiction in 1939 and was
later made into a movie of the same name. This lesson is a small
extract of this book.
Summary of the lesson
In this story, Jody’s father is bitten by a rattlesnake. He quickly kills a doe and uses its heart and liver to
draw out the poison. Jody wonders what will happen to the little fawn left without its mother.
Jody cannot not forget the incident. He loves the little fawn. His father, Penny lay in bed. Jody enquires
about his health. Penny says he has escaped death narrowly. He feels proud of his son for his help. He
owes his life to the doe whom he killed to press out the snake poison from his body.
Jody is worried about the little fawn. He wants to find the fawn and bring it home. Penny allows the boy to
save the little animal. It would be ungrateful to leave the fawn to starve. Doc Wilson also supports Jody.
So Jody sets out to the forest.
Mill wheel accompanies him but Jody sends him back as he doesn’t want anyone to share the private
moment between him and the fawn. He finally finds it and is overjoyed and relieved. He carries it for
sometime and it starts following him after he leaves it on the ground. He feeds the fawn his share of milk
back home.
Conclusion of the lesson
◦The story is a great lesson that teaches us
about human consciousness and how
sensitive children are with their pure hearts
and loving nature.
Quiz Time
◦ “We took its mother, and it wasn’t to blame.”
◦ Who said this to whom and why?
◦ Fill in the blanks
◦ _____________has gone thieving elsewhere. But wasn’t it a close shave?!
Boy, you’ve got me _____________ in.
◦ Thoughts to ponder
Animal organs are used as medicines to save human lives.
◦ Do you think Jody’s father could have thought of some other remedy instead of killing the doe?
◦ If you were in Jody’s place, how would you feel once you find the fawn in the forest?
◦ 1. Jody said this to Penny Baxter, his father, as he was asking permission
from his father to raise the fawn at home.
◦ 2. Old Death
◦ 4. hemmed
◦ 5. According to me, Penny Baxter could have thought an alternative, but they
didn’t have any time to think as his life was in danger and this could have also
been the only cure for snake bites at that time.
◦ I would feel extremely excited, relieved, and fortunate if I was in his place.
New words in the lesson
◦ Acorns- small brown nuts
◦ Delirious- extremely excited
◦ Convulsion- shiver
◦ Sleek- smooth and shiny
◦ Hoist- pull up higher
◦ Light headed- unable to think clearly
◦ Balk / Baulk- unwilling to do something
◦ Romp- play
◦ Gourd- a roughly shaped bottle

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