Marc Platt

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Marc E Platt

Producer of Cruella
Early Life:

• Marc was born in Maryland in

• He studied law at the University
of Pennsylvania.
• He got his juris doctor degree in
• He was also a part of the
Pennsylvania Glee Club while
studying there.
Entertainment Attorney • He started work as an
Entertainment Lawyer or
Media Lawyer.
• As an Entertainment Lawyer
you basically work for talent.
• Make sure they are getting
paid the right amount.
• Sort out work for them.
• Basically, working as a
second agent.
• This was Platt’s first path into
the business.
• After a few years he got bored so
tried his hand at producing.
• He started off in theatre as an
associate producer, which means
he works under the main
• His first work was on a show
called “Total Abandon”, which
stared Richard Dreyfuss in 1983.
• After a few theatre shows he got
his first shot at producing in
More Producing

His first credit as an executive producer

was a film called “Campus Man.”

It was an awful movie and was credited

with 2 stars.
Better Producing

• From the 2000s onwards, Platt’s career

really got moving.
• He started the new century off with
producing the Broadway musical,
• After this he moved back to the big screen
with Legally Blonde 1 and 2.
• He’s best work came in 2016 when he
worked on “La la land”. A film that has
been awarded with 14 Oscar nominations,
a record tied with “All about Eve” and
•That’s Marc getting the Oscar for
best picture with La La Land just
before they took it off him and gave
it to Moonlight instead.
Length in the
• Platt started producing in 1983 and is still going
today. This makes it 38 years in the business for
him. (42 if you include his time as an entertainment
• His most recent film, “Cruella”, has received 4 stars.
• He is currently working on Legally Blonde 3 which is
coming out in 2022.
Genre of films
• Platt’s work varies, he doesn’t
really have one genre.
• He has however worked on
various Disney films, including the
live action version of ”The Little
Mermaid”, coming out in 2023,
”Mary Poppins Returns”, the 2019
“Aladdin”, and of course “Cruella”
to name a few.
• He has served as president of
production for three movie
studios. Orion Pictures, TriStar
Pictures, and Universal Studios.
• Platt has since formed his own
production company, Marc Platt
Productions, within the Universal
realm and continues to pursue
creative projects.
• Platt was also the main man
behind the musical hit, Wicked,
still showing in theatres today.
Platt’s views on
• Marc Platt has worked on both musicals and
films. When asked what the difference was
the first thing he said was, “Telling the story
is telling the story”. He goes on to talk about
struggles with both but when it comes to the
actual producing your main point is to make
the story fun and interesting for the viewers,
whether that be live or on screen.
• He also talks about how the box office
weekend is the most important thing for a
film. If the box office is a failure the film loses
a lot of its audience. A musical will be on
Broadway for a while, giving it time to find
the audience it deserves.
When asked about producing La La Land, he said:
“There are ideas that instantly say to me, This is a story
I want to tell. Sometimes there’s a director whose work
is compelling to me—the same for an actor. What I
produce comes in through a variety of different doors”.
He was then asked what a producer does. Platt
responded with:
More views “It’s like being the captain of the team. Finding the
story you want to tell, finding the way you want to tell
it, and having taste to decide what will make a good
film or play or television program”.
He then goes on to speak about finding the right
“players”. The best director, actor, team. The most
important part is to get the crew that share the same
vision as you do.
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“The producer's job is to make sure

the vision is on course”

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