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Expert Teaching:

Understanding IT
General Controls

Lecturer: Mr.
Mr. McLein
McLein Bagunu,
• Understand the IT Environment
• Define and Identify IT General
• Develop an understanding for the IT
Objectives audit process
• Conduct an IT General Controls
• Example Tests of IT Controls
• Conclude and Document our Results

ICTE 1053
• Understand the IT Environment
• Purpose:
– Identify all significant applications and
– Relationship between process and
IT applications
Environment – Relationship between applications and
– Indicate where we might want to rely on
audit evidence
– Identify areas on which to focus our

ICTE 1053
IT General Control Approach

ICTE 1053
• Effective IT general controls:
– Help make sure that application controls
function effectively over time
Effect of ITGC
on Application • Ineffective IT general controls:
Controls – Application controls might still operate
– Affects both financial statement and
internal control audit strategy, such as the
nature, timing, and extent of tests of
application controls

ICTE 1053
• Change Management:
– Only appropriately authorized, tested and
approved changes are made

IT General • Logical Access:

– Only authorized persons have access to the
Control system, and they can only perform specifically
Objectives authorized functions

• Other IT General Controls (including IT

– Process to determining that IT resources and
applications continue to function as intended
over time.
ICTE 1053
• General system security settings are
• Password settings are appropriate.
• Access to privileged IT functions is limited
Logical to appropriate individuals.
• Access to system resources and utilities is
Access limited to appropriate individuals.
• User access is authorized and appropriately
Controls established.
• Physical access to computer hardware is
limited to appropriate individuals.
• Logical access process is monitored.
• Segregation of incompatible duties exists
within logical access environment.
ICTE 1053
• Financial data has been backed‐up
and is recoverable.
Other IT • Deviations from scheduled processing
General are identified and resolved in a timely
Controls manner.
• IT Operations problems or incidents
are identified, resolved, reviewed, and
analyzed in a timely manner.

ICTE 1053
• What is the manage change scope?
– New system implementations (SDLC)
– Upgrade of existing system
– Addition of new functionality to an
Manage existing system
Change – New or changed interfaces
connecting different applications
– Minor enhancement
– Patch to an existing system
– Emergency changes
– Configuration changes
ICTE 1053
• Changes are authorized.
Manage • Changes are tested.
• Changes are approved.
Change • Changes are monitored.
Controls • Segregation of incompatible
duties exists within the manage
change environment.

ICTE 1053
Logical Access Process Components

ICTE 1053
Why do we perform walkthroughs?

• To confirm:
– Our understanding of the processing
Purpose of procedures
Walkthroughs – Our understanding of the relevant
– That relevant controls have been
placed in operation and are operating
– Our documentation
ICTE 1053
• Methods of gathering evidence during
– Inquiring of a client to corroborate our
– Selecting an item over which the controls
Methods in are designed to operate and inspecting
evidence of the operation of the controls on
Walkthroughs that item
– Examining the client’s documentation of
the control’s design
– Examining reports used to monitor the
– Observing whether the process owner or
others act upon the results of the controls
ICTE 1053
• Following the walkthrough, we
Result of make a preliminary evaluation
Walkthroughs of the effectiveness of controls
• The preliminary evaluation is
made for each IT general control

ICTE 1053
• Determine whether the controls:

– Operated as we understood they

would operate
Test of – Were applied throughout the period
Controls of intended reliance
– Were applied on a timely basis
– Encompassed applicable transactions
– Were based on reliable information
– Resulted in the timely correction of
any errors identified
ICTE 1053
Any Questions? Gora na! 😊

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