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Power Point for Optoelectronics and

Photonics: Principles and Practices

Second Edition
A Complete Course in Power Point
Chapter 2

ISBN-10: 0133081753
Second Edition Version 1.0571 [8 February 2015]
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This Power Point presentation is a copyrighted supplemental material to the textbook
Optoelectronics and Photonics: Principles & Practices, Second Edition, S. O. Kasap,
Pearson Education (USA), ISBN-10: 0132151499, ISBN-13: 9780132151498. © 2013
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This Power Point presentation is a copyrighted supplemental material to the textbook
Optoelectronics and Photonics: Principles & Practices, Second Edition, S. O. Kasap,
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You may use color illustrations from this Power Point
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From: S.O. Kasap, Optoelectronics and Photonics: Principles
and Practices, Second Edition, © 2013 Pearson Education, USA
Chapter 2 Dielectric Waveguides
and Optical Fibers

Charles Kao, Nobel Laureate (2009)

Courtesy of the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dielectric Waveguides and Optical Fibers
“The introduction of optical fiber systems will revolutionize the communications network. The low-
transmission loss and the large bandwidth capability of the fiber systems allow signals to be transmitted for
establishing communications contacts over large distances with few or no provisions of intermediate
[Charles K. Kao (one of the pioneers of glass fibers for optical communications) Optical Fiber Systems: Technology, Design, and
Applications (McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, USA, 1982), p. 1]

Charles Kao at the naming ceremony of Minor Planet

(3463)  "Kaokuen" by Nanjing's Purple Mountain
Observatory in July 1996. Charles Kao and his
colleagues carried out the early experiments on optical
fibers at the Standard Telecommunications
Laboratories Ltd (the research center of Standard
Telephones and Cables) at Harlow in the United
Kingdom, during the 1960s. He shared the Nobel Prize
in 2009 in Physics with Willard Boyle and George
Smith for "groundbreaking achievements concerning
the transmission of light in fibers for optical
communication." In a milestone paper with George
Hockam published in the IEE Proceedings in 1966
they predicted that the intrinsic losses of glass optical
fibers could be much lower than 20 dB/km, which
would allow their use in long distance
telecommunications. Today, optical fibers are used not
only in telecommunications but also in various other
Courtesy of the Chinese University of Hong Kong technologies such as instrumentation and sensing.
From 1987 to his retirement in 1996, professor Kao
was the Vice Chancellor of the Chinese University of
Hong Kong.(Courtesy of the Chinese University of
Hong Kong.)
Jean-Daniel Colladon and the Light Guiding in a Water Jet
Light is guided along a water jet as demonstrated
by Jean-Daniel Colladon. This illustration was
published in La Nature, Revue des Sciences, in
1884 (p. 325). His first demonstration was around
1841. (Comptes Rendes, 15, 800-802, Oct. 24,
1842). A similar demonstration was done by John
Tyndall for the Royal Institution in London in his
1854 lecture. Apparently, Michael Faraday had
originally suggested the experiment to John
Tyndall though Faraday himself probably learned
about it either from another earlier
demonstration or through Jean-Daniel Colladon's
publication. Although John Tyndall is often
credited with the original discovery of a water-jet
guiding light, Tyndall, himself, does not make that
claim but neither does he attribute it to someone
else. (The fountain, courtesy of Conservatoire
Numérique des Arts et Métiers, France; Colladon's
portrait, courtesy of Musée d'histoire des
1841 sciences, Genève, Switzerland.)

Reference: Jeff Hecht, "Illuminating the Origin of Light

Guiding," Optics & Photonics News, 10, 26, 1999 and his
wonderful book The City of Light (Oxford University Press,
2004) describe the evolution of the optical fiber from the
water jet experiments of Colladon and Tyndall to modern
fibers with historical facts and references.
Narinder Singh Kapany
Narinder Singh Kapany was born in
Punjab in India, studied at the Agra
University and then obtained his PhD
from the Imperial College of Science and
Technology, University of London in 1955.
He held a number of key-positions in both
academia and industry, including a
Regents Professor at the University of
California, Berkeley, the University of
California, Santa Cruz (UCSC), the
Director of the Center for Innovation and
Entrepreneurial Development at UCSC.
He made significant contributions to
optical glass fibers starting in 1950s, and
essentially coined the term fiber optics in
the 1960s. His book Fibre Optics:
Principles and Applications, published in
1967, was the first in optical fibers.
(Courtesy of Dr. Narinder S. Kapany)
A Century and Half Later

Light has replaced copper in communications. Photons have

replaced electrons.
Will “Photonics Engineering” replace Electronics
Planar Optical Waveguide

A planar dielectric waveguide has a central rectangular region of higher

refractive index n1 than the surrounding region which has a refractive
index n2. It is assumed that the waveguide is infinitely wide and the
central region is of thickness 2a. It is illuminated at one end by a nearly
monochromatic light source.
Optical Waveguide

Light waves zigzag along the guide. Is that really what happens?
Waves Inside the Core

A light ray traveling in the guide must interfere constructively with itself to
propagate successfully. Otherwise destructive interference will destroy the
wave. E is parallel to x. (l1 and k1 are the wavelength and the propagation
constant inside the core medium n1 i.e. l1 = l/n1.)
Waves Inside the Core

Two arbitrary waves 1 and 2 that are initially in phase must remain in
phase after reflections. Otherwise the two will interfere destructively
and cancel each other.
Waveguide Condition

k1 = kn1 = 2pn1/l,
Df(AC) = k1(AB + BC) - 2f = m(2p)
BC = d/cosq and AB = BCcos(2q)
AB + BC = BCcos(2q) + BC = BC[(2cos2q -1) + 1] = 2dcosq

k1[2dcosq] - 2f = m(2p)

 2n1 ( 2a )  m = 0, 1, 2, 3 etc

  cos  m  m  m Integer

 “Mode number”
Waveguide condition
 2n1  Propagation constant along the guide
 m  k1 sin  m    sin  m
  
 2n1 
 m  k1 cos  m    cos  m Transverse Propagation constant
  
Waveguide Condition and Waveguide Modes
To get a propagating wave along a guide you must have
constructive interference. All these rays interfere with each
other. Only certain angles are allowed . Each allowed angle
represents a mode of propagation.
2 n1 (2a)
 cos m  m  m
  
Waveguide Condition
 2n1 ( 2a ) 
  cos  m  m  m
 
m = integer, n1 = core refractive index, qm is the
incidence angle, 2a is the core thickness.
Minimum qm and maximum m must still satisfy TIR.
There are only a finite number of modes.
Propagation along the guide for a mode m is
 2n1 
 m  k1 sin  m    sin  m
  
Waveguide Condition and Modes

To get a propagating wave along a guide you must have

constructive interference. All these rays interfere with each
other. Only certain angles are allowed . Each allowed angle
represents a mode of propagation.
2 n1 (2a)
 cos m  m  m
  
Modes in a Planar Waveguide

We can identify upward (A) and downward (B) traveling waves in the guide which interfere to set
up a standing wave along y and a wave that is propagating along z. Rays 2 and 2 belong to the
same wave front but 2 becomes reflected before 2. The interference of 1 and 2 determines the
field at a height y from the guide center. The field E(y, z, t) at P can be written as

E(y,z,t) = Em(y)cos(wt - bmz)

Traveling wave along z
Field pattern along y
Modes in a Planar Waveguide: Summary
2 n1 (2a)
 cos m  m  m
  
m = integer, n1 = core refractive index, q m is the incidence
angle, 2a is the core thickness.
2n1 
m  k1 sinm   sinm
  

E(y,z,t) = Em(y)cos(wt - bmz)

Traveling wave along z
Field pattern along y
Mode Field Pattern

Left: The upward and downward traveling waves have equal but opposite
wavevectors km and interfere to set up a standing electric field pattern across the
guide. Right: The electric field pattern of the lowest mode traveling wave along the
guide. This mode has m = 0 and the lowest q. It is often referred to as the glazing
incidence ray. It has the highest phase velocity along the guide
Modes in a Planar Waveguide

The electric field patterns of the first three modes (m = 0, 1, 2)

traveling wave along the guide. Notice different extents of field
penetration into the cladding
Intermode (Intermodal or Modal) Dispersion

Schematic illustration of light propagation in a slab dielectric waveguide.

Light pulse entering the waveguide breaks up into various modes which
then propagate at different group velocities down the guide. At the end of
the guide, the modes combine to constitute the output light pulse which is
broader than the input light pulse.
TE and TM Modes

E^ is along x, so that E^ = Ex B^ is along - x, so that B^ = -Bx

Possible modes can be classified in terms of (a) transverse electric field (TE)
and (b) transverse magnetic field (TM). Plane of incidence is the paper.
All waveguides are characterized by a parameter called
the V-number or normalized frequency

2a 2

n1  n 2 
2 1/ 2

V < /2, m = 0 is the only possibility and only the

fundamental mode (m = 0) propagates along the dielectric
slab waveguide: a single mode planar waveguide.

= c for V = /2 is the cut-off wavelength, and above

this wavelength, only one-mode, the fundamental mode
will propagate.
Example on Waveguide Modes
Consider a planar dielectric guide with a core thickness 20 mm, n1
= 1.455, n2 = 1.440, light wavelength of 900 nm. Find the modes
2 1/ 2
 2  n2  
TIR phase sin  m    
  n1  
change fm for tan  1     TE mode
2 m
TE mode cos  m

Waveguide  2n1 ( 2a ) 
  cos  m  m  m
condition  

Waveguide m  2ak1 cos  m  m

1/ 2
 2  n2  

sin  m    
     n1   TE
tan  ak1 cos  m  m    f ( m ) mode
 2 cos  m
1/ 2
 n  2

2n2   sin  m  1
1 2

1  n2  
 m 
m 

Mode m, incidence angle qm and penetration dm for a planar dielectric waveguide

with d = 2a = 20 mm, n1 = 1.455, n2 = 1.440 (l = 900 nm)
m 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

qm 89.2° 88.3° 87.5° 86.7° 85.9° 85.0° 84.2° 83.4° 82.6° 81.9°

dm (mm) 0.691 0.702 0.722 0.751 0.793 0.866 0.970 1.15 1.57 3.83

m=0 Highest

Critical angle qc = arcsin(n2/n1) = 81.77°

Number of Modes M

Waveguide 2 n1 (2a)

 cos m  m  m
condition   

One mode when V < /2

Multimode when V > /2

M  Int ( )  1

Mode Field Width 2wo
Ecladding(y¢) = Ecladding(0)exp(-acladdingy¢)

1/ 2
2n2 n  2

 cladding    sin i  1
1 2

  n2  
2 2 V
 ( n1  n2 ) 
2 1/ 2

 a

(V  1)
 2wo  2a
Mode Field Width 2wo
Note: The MFW definition here is semiquantitive. A more rigorous approach needs to
consider the optical power in the mode and how much of this penetrates the cladding. See
optical fibers section.
Waveguide Dispersion Curve

The slope of w vs.  is the group velocity vg

Waveguide Dispersion Curve
Slope = Group Velocity
The slope of w vs.  is the group velocity vg

 vg
d 0

Mode Group Velocities from Dispersion Diagram

Group velocity vs. frequency or wavelength behavior

is not obvious. For the first few modes, a higher
mode can travel faster than the fundamental.

The group velocity vg vs. w for a planar dielectric guide with a core thickness (2a)
= 20 mm, n1 = 1.455, n2 = 1.440. TE0, TE1 and TE4
Not in the textbook

A Planar Dielectric Waveguide with Many Modes

c / n2

m = 10
2.06 2.06x10+008 c / n1
Slower than
2.05 vg fundamental
TE1 wcutoff 2.04x10+008

m = 20
5x10+015 m = 30
 m = 40
1x10+016 1.5x10+016 m = 60
2.04 (c/n1)sinqc = cn2/n12
0 0.5×1016 1.0×1016 1.5×1016
The group velocity vg vs. w for a planar dielectric guide
Core thickness (2a) = 20 mm, n1 = 1.455, n2 = 1.440

[Calculations by the author]

Not in the textbook
Dispersion in the Planar Dielectric Waveguide with TE0 and TE1
(Near cut-off)

w1 w1
TE0 = pulse
Input Output light
light pulse
vgmax  c/n2
c / n2

vgmax vgmin  c/n1
vg TE2
L L Spread in
  

TE1 arrival times

v gmin v gmax
c / n1
vgmin vg


 n1  n 2

2x10+014  4x10+014 6x10+014 8x10+014 1x10+015

w Dispersion
Operating L c
w1 l1 = 2pc/w1
Not in the textbook

A Planar Dielectric Waveguide with Many Modes

m = 25
m = 35
c / n2 m = 45
m = 55
m = 65
2.07 frequency
2.06 c / n1
vg Range of group
2.05 velocities for 65
wcutoff modes
2.04 (c/n1)sinqc = cn2/n12
0 0.5×1016 1.0×1016 1.5×1016
Multimode operation in which many modes propagate with different group
vg vs. w for a planar dielectric guide with a core thickness (2a) = 20 mm, n1 = 1.455, n2 = 1.440
[Calculations by the author]
Not in the textbook
Dispersion in the Planar Dielectric Waveguide with Many Modes
Far from Cutoff
c / n2

Operating qc qc (c/n1)sinqc c/n1

c / n1 TEhighest

vg Range of group
velocities for
65 modes c c  n2  c
v gmin  sin  c    v gmax 
(c/n1)sinqc n1 n1  n1  n1

 1 1  n12 n1 1  ( n1  n2 )n1  ( n1  n2 )
       
L v gmin v gmax L cn2 c c  n2  c
 n1  n 2 (Since n1 and n2 are only slightly
 different.)
L c
Not in the textbook
Dispersion in the Planar Dielectric Waveguide
Many Modes
w2 Dt
qc qc
TE0 =
Very Output Broadened
short pulse pulse

 1 1  ( n1  n2 )  n1 
    
L v gmin v gmax L c  n2 

 n1  n 2

L c
(Since n1/n2  1)
Not in the textbook

How can a higher mode such as TE1 or TE2 travel

faster than the fundamental near cut-off?
Penetration depth dm

6 TE1 near cut-off

4 Fundamental
 mode

82  84 86 88 90

Incidence angle qi
The mode TE1 penetrates into the cladding where its velocity is
higher than in the core. If penetration is large, as near cut-off, TE1
group velocity along the guide can exceed that of TE0.
Group Velocity and Wavelength: Fundamental Mode

The electric field of TE0 mode extends more into the cladding as the
wavelength increases. As more of the field is carried by the cladding, the group
velocity increases.
Optical Fibers

The step index optical fiber. The central region, the core, has greater
refractive index than the outer region, the cladding. The fiber has cylindrical
symmetry. The coordinates r, f, z are used to represent any point P in the
fiber. Cladding is normally much thicker than shown.
Meridional ray enters the fiber through the fiber axis and hence also crosses the fiber
axis on each reflection as it zigzags down the fiber. It travels in a plane that contains
the fiber axis.
Skew ray enters the fiber off the fiber axis and zigzags down the fiber without
crossing the axis
Modes LPlm
Weakly guiding modes in fibers

 << 1 weakly guiding fibers

ELP = Elm(r,) expj(wt - blmz)

Field Traveling
Pattern wave

E and B are 90 o
to each other and z
Fundamental Mode is the LP01 mode: l = 0 and m = 1

The electric field distribution of the

fundamental mode, LP01, in the
transverse plane to the fiber axis z. The
light intensity is greatest at the center of
the fiber
The electric field distribution of the fundamental mode in the transverse plane to the
fiber axis z. The light intensity is greatest at the center of the fiber. Intensity patterns in
LP01, LP11 and LP21 modes. (a) The field in the fundamental mode. (b)-(d) Indicative light
intensity distributions in three modes, LP01, LP11 and LP21.
ELP = Elm(r,) expj(wt - blmz)
m = number of maxima along r starting from the core center.
Determines the reflection angle q

2l = number of maxima around a circumference

l - radial mode number

l - extent of helical propagation, i.e. the amount of skew ray
contribution to the mode.
Optical Fiber Parameters
n = (n1 + n2)/2 = average refractive index
D = normalized index difference
(n1n2)/n1  (n12n22)/2
2a 2 2a
V-number V

n1  n 2
2 1/ 2

2n1n 1/ 2

V < 2.405 only 1 mode exists. Fundamental mode

V < 2.405 or > c Single mode fiber
V > 2.405 Multimode fiber

Number of modes M
Modes in an Optical Fiber
 0.996 
b  1.1428  
Normalized V 

propagation constant
( 1.5 < V < 2.5)
2 2
( /k)  n 2
n12  n 22

k = 2p/l
Normalized propagation constant b vs.
V-number for a step-index fiber for
various LP modes
Group Velocity and Group Delay
Consider a single mode fiber with core and cladding indices of
1.4480 and 1.4400, core radius of 3 mm, operating at 1.5 mm. What
are the group velocity and group delay at this wavelength?
 0.996 
b  1.1428  1.5 < V < 2.5
V 
( / k)  n2 b = n2k[1 + bD]
n1  n2
k = 2p /l = 4,188,790 m-1 and w = 2pc/l = 1.255757×1015 rad s-

V = (2a/l)(n12 - n22 )1/2 = 1.910088

b = 0.3860859, and b = 6.044796×106 m-1.

Increase wavelength by 0.1% and recalculate. Values in the table
Group Velocity and Group Delay
Calculation  V k (m-1) w (rad s-1) b b (m-1)

l = 1.500000 mm 1.910088 4188790 1.255757×1015 0.3860859 6.044818×106

l¢ = 1.50150 mm 1.908180 4184606 1.254503×1015 0.3854382 6.038757×106

d    (1.254503  1.255757)  1015 1

vg     2. 07  108
m s
d     (6.038757  6.044818)  106

The group delay tg over 1 km is 4.83 ms

Mode Field Diameter (2w)

Maximum set
arbitrarily to 1
Intensity  vg×E(r)2
Gaussian Gaussian

E ( r )  E (0) exp[ ( r / w) 2 ] E ( r )2  E (0) 2 exp[ 2( r / w)2 ]

Mode Field Diameter
E ( r ) 2  E (0)2 exp[ 2( r / w)2 ]

Maximum set
arbitrarily to 1 Intensity  vg×E(r)2

2w = Mode Field Diameter (MFD)

Marcuse MFD Equation

2 w  2a (0.65  1.619V 3 / 2  2.879V 6 ) 0.8 < V < 2.5

2w  (2a)(2.6V) 1.6 < V < 2.4

Correction note p113
Applies to print version only; e-version is correct

Insert this 2 as superscript on e

in Figure 2.16 Insert this 2 in Equation (2.3.7)

E ( r )2  E (0)2 exp[ 2( r / w)2 ]

Not in the textbook

Mode Field Diameter (2w)

E ( r )2  E (0) 2 exp[ 2( r / w)2 ]

and Intensity  vg×E(r)2

Area of a circular thin strip (annulus) with

radius r is 2prdr. Power passing through
this strip is proportional to

 2rdr
E ( r )
Fraction of optical power 0
 0.865
= 
within MFD
 2rdr
E ( r )
E ( r ) 2  E (0)2 exp[ 2( r / w)2 ]

86% of total
Mode Field Diameter (2w)

Fraction of optical power

= 86 %
within MFD

This is the same as the fraction of optical power within a

radius w from the axis of a Gaussian beam (See Chapter 1)
Example: A multimode fiber
Calculate the number of allowed modes in a multimode step index
fiber which has a core of refractive index of 1.468 and diameter
100 m, and a cladding of refractive index of 1.447 if the source
wavelength is 850 nm.
Substitute, a = 50 m,  = 0.850 m, n1 = 1.468, n2 = 1.447 into the
expression for the V-number,
V = (2a/)(n12n22)1/2 = (250/0.850)(1.46821.4472)1/2
= 91.44.
Since V >> 2.405, the number of modes is
M  V2/2 = (91.44)2/2 = 4181
which is large.
Example: A single mode fiber
What should be the core radius of a single mode fiber which has a
core of n1 = 1.4680, cladding of n2 = 1.447 and it is to be used with
a source wavelength of 1.3 m?
For single mode propagation, V  2.405. We need,
V = (2a/)(n12n22)1/2 2.405
[2a/(1.3 m)](1.46821.4472)1/2  2.405
which gives a  2.01 m.
Rather thin for easy coupling of the fiber to a light source or to
another fiber; a is comparable to l which means that the geometric
ray picture, strictly, cannot be used to describe light propagation.

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