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YES, I can!!!

In learning you will teach and

in teaching you will learn.
• Writing
• Listening
• Reading
• Speaking
• Pronunciations & Phonic skills
• Basic Vocabulary
• Vowels, Simple verb tenses( past/present/ future)
• Easy sentence structures
• Formal/informal conversations
• Vague languages(How to avoid)
• Interactional/ Transactional conversations
• Basic Conversations
• Body language/gestures/ Physical contact in conversation( Do’s and don'ts)
• Initiate, Respond, Follow up
Ground Rules
• Respect yourself and others
• Listen carefully and attentively
• Practice, Practice new Phrases
• Read a book
• Watch English news channel
• 5 words a day, 6 days a week
Observe the mouth movements of
those who speak English and try to
imitate them
• When you are watching television, observe
the mouth movements of the speakers
• Repeat what they are saying
Activity- 1
• Think of a word in your language , look up in the
dictionary , when you find a word, write it down
• Copy a sentence from a dictionary, this will help
you know how to use the word in the sentence
• Story Compilation
Basic Pronunciations
• Alphabets: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I ,J ,K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R,
S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

• Vowels: a, e, i, o, u

• Consonants:b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y,
Usage of vowels and consonants
Silent letters
Phonics worksheet
• A word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence, and forming
the main part of the predicate of a sentence, such
as hear, become, happen.
• Examples:
• Run.
• Dance.
• Slide.
• Jump.
• Think.
• Do.
• Go.
• Stand.

The word Tense is derived from

latin word “tempus” which means
time. A verb indicates the time of
an action, event or condition by
changing its form
Based on Time frame
•The verb tenses may be categorized
according to the time frame:
•Present Tense
•Past Tense
•Future Tense
Present tense
• A tense expressing an action that is
currently going on or habitually
performed, or a state that currently or
generally exists/ That exist only now.
1. Likith is going to school now
2. Sowmya loves to read books
3. The singer is singing nicely
4. Turn off the TV
5. I like sweets
6. Open the bottle
7. The car is ready
8. I run fast
Past tense
• A tense expressing an action that has happened or
a state that previously existed.
• Past tense expresses an action or situation that was
started and finished in the past.
• I played football yesterday
• Likith woke up early in the morning
• Soumya lived in Udupi
• She spoke good English
• You went to Bangalore last year?
• I missed my college
• My friend watched a movie
Future tense
• Future tense expresses an action or situation that
will occur in the future.
• A tense expressing an action that has not yet
happened or a state that does not yet exist.
• I will give speech in the program
• Soumya will tell you something
• Your mother will love you forever
• Likith will be travelling tomorrow

Accept Accepted Accepting/ will accept

Add Added Adding/ will add

Ask Asked Will ask/ asking

bake Baked Baking/ will bake/ going to bake

Cross Crossed Crossing/ will cross

Joke Joked Joking/ will joke

Jump Jumped Will jump/ jumping

Practice questions
• Likith ___ to market yesterday.( went, is left, is going)
• At this time tomorrow, Soumya___ in Bangalore( will be, was,
• When Divya got the call, she ____ in her office.( work, will be, was
• The policeman ____ him.(rescued, was rescued, rescue)
• The judge ____his verdict. ( announced, announce, is announce)
• The climate in our city____ warmer.( become, is becoming, was
• I studied English
• I study English
• I will study English
Past tense Present tense Future tense
I spoke English. I speak English. I/You/We/He/She/It/They will speak
He/She/It spoke English. He/She/It speaks English. English
We/They/You spoke English They/We speak English.

I/He/She/It was speaking English. I am speaking English. I/She/He/It/We/You/They will be

We/You/They were speaking English. He/She/It is speaking English. speaking English.
They/We/You are speaking English.

I/She/He/We/It/You/They had I/We/They/You have Spoken English I/She/He/We/It/You/They will have

spoken English. He/She/It has spoken English. spoken English.

I/You/We/He/She/It/ I//You/We/ I/She/It/He/We/You/They/

They had been speaking English. They have been speaking English will have been speaking English.
He/She/It – Has been speaking
The Verb

Action Verbs

Helping Verbs

Modal Verbs
action words - verbs
• An action verb shows action
• it tells what the subject of the sentence does.
• Bill hit the ball.
• The Cat purred gently.
• I walk to the school.
• A Linking verb shows connection
• It links or connects the subject to the Predicate.
• Am, is, are, was, be, been, seems, feels, tastes.
Helping verbs
• Helps a main verb express action . It helps express tense and voice.
• They always need an action word with them.
• E.g. Susie will go to the store.
• Here will is the helping verb and go is the action verb
• He was eating his food.
• Common helping verbs – shall, will, should, would, had, has, do, did, is, are, was,
• Must, might, could, may, have, am, being been etc.
Try these : Go up Take care of

Ask for Suggest

Talk about Request

Come up with fix/establish clearly

Come across Examine

Look at Discover

Look after Explode

Pin down Ascend

Blow up Discuss

Chip in Help
It is a verb that cannot work without another verb.

These include can, will, must, may, would, could, 
should and shall. They are never followed by ‘to’.
If you could visit your dream place…
•If a word ends in ‑s, ‑sh, ‑ch, ‑x, or
‑z, -y
• A noun is a name of a person, place, animal or
• Ex: boy, goat, tail, house, table, pencil
Examples of nouns
• Likith Opens the Door
• She is painting a picture
• The Cat is mewing
• She is buying a book
• The plane is up in the sky
• The boy is riding a bicycle.
• Krishna is playing in the garden
• Sudhanva is playing with a dog
Here Krishna and Sudhanva are the names of
boys/girls. They are called as proper nouns. Proper
Nouns are special names we give to:
People: Soumya, Likith, Sindhu
Days and months: Monday, Friday, January
Places: Udupi, Mount Everest, Cubbon Park, Ajjarkad
Things: Amul, Lux, Bata, Camlin
Circle the proper nouns:
• Today is Tuesday
• Rahul is at the Zoo
• Can I buy a KIT Kat?
• We are going to Sudarshan Bakery
• Sindhu Lives in Bangalore
• Kapil sees Meera. He is Meera’s best friend
• I will go and tell my mother. She is at home.
• Do you see that bridge? It is very old
• Kapil, Meera and Soumya reach the river- bank. They stand near the
He= Kapil
She= mother
It= Bridge
They= Kapil, Meera and Soumya
He, She, It, They are pronouns .
We use pronoun in place of noun
• Kapil sees Meera. Kapil is Meera’s best friend
• Kapil sees Meera. He is Meera’s friend.
• Likith is at home. He is playing with his kitten
Here He= -----
• Maya is in the garden. She is flying a kite
• Here She=----
• What is Priya doing? ----- is painting a picture.
• What is Arjun doing?----- is climbing a tree.
• What are the men doing? ---- are digging a hole.
• Where is the clock?----- is on the wall.
Personal pronouns
This car belongs to us.
The matter is between Chris and me.

Only you are allowed to attend the party.

I heard him telling them about the movie.

The headmistress likes her a lot.
She asked me to review it by this evening.
It is an endangered species now.
This is the lady who helped me.
This is the book that my mother wrote.
There is the man whose horse won the race.
This is the house which belongs to my great-grandfather.
This is the person whom we met at the party.

Who is there at the door?

Which is your book?
Whom were you speaking to?
What do you mean?

Both have paid homage to their great ancestors.

All of the players we count on are out of form.
Several people were killed in the accident.
None of us had any money to buy enough food.
The Adjective

Adjectives are
words that ●
This is a strong drug.
describe nouns ●
This is a stronger drug.
and have a ●
This is the strongest drug.
degree. This helps ●
He is a tall man.
you understand ●
He is a taller man.
the extent of ●
He is the tallest man.
Find the adjectives
• The young boy helped his father to wash the dirty car.
• The pretty girl twirled in her new dress.
• The clean windows shone in the sunlight.
• Mary put her blue pencil, her red marker and her sharpener back in her pencil case.
• The green grass grows under the warm sun of summer.
• His yellow pajamas were so long that they dragged on the floor.
• The fluffy pillows covered his small bed.
• She tied her long, black hair in a ponytail.
• The nervous cat jumped when the loud children entered the room
• Mark rode his new green bicycle to the park.
• The children danced to the groovy music
• Luke organized his numerous toys on the shelf.
• The young boy helped his father to wash the dirty car.
• The pretty girl twirled in her new dress.
• The clean windows shone in the sunlight.
• Mary put her blue pencil, her red marker and her sharpener back in
her pencil case.
• The green grass grows under the warm sun of summer.
• His yellow pajamas were so long that they dragged on the floor.
• The fluffy pillows covered his small bed.
• She tied her long, black hair in a ponytail.
• The nervous cat jumped when the loud children entered the room
• Mark rode his new green bicycle to the park.
• The children danced to the groovy music
• Luke organized his numerous toys on the shelf.
Degree of comparisons
• Adverbs are used to describe adjectives, verbs or another adverb. They tell us how
where or when some thing is done. In other words, they describe the manner, place
or time of an action.
• She came yesterday.
• Of course, I looked everywhere!
• She was walking very quickly.
ADVERBS OF MANNER - explanation
• They talk about how some things are done or happen.
• E.g. Happily, angrily, slowly, quickly etc.
• 1) She walked slowly
• 2) He drove carefully
• 3) The soldiers fought bravely
Adverbs of manner – position
• Adverbs of manner normally go in end position ( end of a clause).
• She sang well.
• He talked loudly.
• He managed it skilfully.
• She speaks English well.
Adverbs of place

• They answer the question WHERE ?

• The boys are playing upstairs.

• The dog is in the garden.
• Its very sunny but cold outside.
• English and German are closely related
• His children go everywhere with him
Adverbs of frequency

• Some adverbs and adverb phrases answer the question, HOW OFTEN AN ACTION IS
• The kids always go to school by Bus.
• I will never make that mistake again.
• I clean my bedroom everyday.
• Dad polishes his shoes twice everyday.
Adverbs of time
• They answer the question WHEN ?
• The train has already left.
• We moved into our new house last week.
• I am going to my new school tomorrow.
• He called here a few minutes ago.
• We shall now begin to work.

A preposition is a word or group of words
used before a noun, pronoun, or noun
phrase to show direction, time, place,
location, spatial relationships, or to
introduce an object. Some examples of
prepositions are words like "in," "at,"
"on," "of," and "to.“
• Conjunctions are parts of speech that connect
words, phrases, clauses, or sentences.
• There are many conjunctions in the English
language, but some common ones
include and, or, but, because, for, if, and
Coordinating conjunctions
Subordinating conjunctions
Correlative conjunctions

• Get used to thinking in English rather than your first language

• Use simple and short sentences to reduce the margin of error
• Refrain from repeating words to emphasize a point
• Avoid using tag questions while speaking
• Use of double negatives is grammatically incorrect
• The subject of a sentence must agree with the verb
• Avoid offering explanation to everything that you say
• Stay away from redundancies
• Use active voice

Indianism Actual Usage

Mrs. (First name) Mrs. (Last name)
I’m not getting you I’m sorry I didn’t understand.
Come again? Could you please repeat?
Repeat it once again Could you please repeat what you just said?
Regarding? What is it regarding?
Where do you stay or put up? Where do you live?
Lot many things Many things
Wait Please wait a moment
Firstly, secondly, thirdly First, second, third
Me and my brother My brother and I
• An abrupt remark, especially as an aside or
• An interjection is a word or expression that
occurs as an utterance on its own and
expresses a spontaneous feeling or reaction. 
Use “a” before words that have a consonant sound

Use “an” before words that begin with vowel sound

‘a’ and ‘an’ are indefinite articles which introduce a noun or speaks of
a random noun.

“the” is a definite article which recalls a noun that has/ had been
previously introduced or speaks of a specific noun.

Sentence structure
How to start a conversation in English!
• Excuse me, Sir/ Madam….( Older Woman- Ma'am, younger woman-
• Sorry Sir/ Madam, Come again
• I’m sorry, I don’t remember your name. you are?
• My name is Sindhu. What’s your name?
• Good morning!
• Good afternoon!
• Good evening!
• Nice to meet you!( When you meet a person for the first time)
• Pleased to meet you!
• It’s a pleasure!
Small talks
• How are you? How are you doing? ( neutral)
Ans: I’m well. How are you?
• How’s it going? (informal)
Ans: it’s going well, thank you. How are you doing?
• How are the things? (Informal)
Ans: Fine, thanks
• What’s up? (very Informal)
Ans: I’m good. How about you?
• If you don’t understand something, for example, a word or even some
idea relating to your conversation, you could say:
• I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Could you please repeat that?
• I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Could you please explain that?
• or even…
• Do you Care to elaborate on this ?
• If you simply didn’t hear something, just say it like this:
• I’m sorry, I didn’t hear that. Could you please repeat?
• I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that. Could you please repeat?
• or even…
• Could you say that again, please?
• Come again?
(This is very informal, and it can sound rude to some people.)
When you are late
• I have to get going. / It’s time for me to go.
(This is polite and neutral.)
• I have to run—can we continue later?
(This is more informal, but also polite.)
End the conversation
• Before saying goodbye, it’s polite to say something like:
• Have a good day!
(This works in any situation.)
• Enjoy your day!
(This one’s a bit more formal.)
• Good luck!
(If the person needs it; it’ll depend on the situation.)
• Talk to you soon!
(This is neutral and doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll really talk to the person
• Great seeing you / Great talking to you!
(This is informal yet common.)
• Catch you later!
(This is very informal and fun.)
Tips for English conversation
• Listen, listen always listen ..( Imitate, copying)
• Use some audio app/ Conversation apps
• Talk to yourself ( in front of the mirror, loudly)
• Describe what you see
• Listen to and watch English media
• Try tongue twisters
• Read out loud
Tongue twisters
• Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. How many pickled peppers did Peter
Piper pick?
• Black background, brown background
Make 20 small sentences using I AM..
Self Introduction
Self introduction
• Self introduction is when we tell people about ourselves
• When you tell people who you are, what you do, what
your interests are, where are you from etc.
• It creates a good first impression on others
• It is telling about yourself to an audience, interviewer,
reader etc.
• It is a formal presentation of one person to other/ others
Self introduction for a classroom
• Read out loud:
• MY NAME IS …..
• I come from Udupi/ I am from Udupi/ I belong to Udupi
• There are four members in my family/ my parents and my
younger brother/ sister
• I have completed MBA/BED/7TH Std from Poorna prajna college
Udupi with 75%
• I am pursuing my education/ class from -----
• My ambition is to become an engineer/ singer/ teacher
Self introduction in a speech
• Good morning/afternoon/evening sir/ma’am and all my dear friends
• Today I am here to tell you about myself / I would like to introduce myself
• my name is Sindhu Guruprasad
• I come from Udupi
• I have completed my MBA from Poorna prajna college udupi with 75% marks.
• I have an overall of 6 years of teaching experience
• I am an National level Table tennis player. I have represented my college in
various sports.
• I have presented Various National level seminars.
• In my leisure time I love to read books, I love travelling and cooking.
• Thank you
Body language while speaking
• Empty your hands
• Keep your hands free
• Steepling
• Hands in the back

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