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Society: Philippine
Chapter Outline
• Pre-Spanish Period
• Spanish Colonial Period
• American Period and Post Commonwealth Era
• Marcos Era
• Fifth Republic
There are so many things we do
not want about the world. Let us
not just mourn them. Let us
change them
Ferdinand Marcos
The Philippines- as a Third World Country
The development of S & T determines the socio-
economic growth of the country.
National progress is related to the capacity of a country
to produce local industrial goods for domestic needs.
Increase the chances of foreign investors for the locally
developed products
Increase tourism to try the products.
Supporting the programs of the government gives us a
better chance to regain our status in the global arena.
Historical Background of
S & T in the Phil.
Pre-Spanish Period
• Archeological findings show that modern man from
Asian mainland 1st came over to live in Batangas &
Palawan about 48,00 B.C.
• Made simple tools & weapons of stone flakes &
developed skills like sawing & polishing stones.
• Learned to produce adzes ornament of seashells &
• Used metals as their tools & so-called Iron Age
lasted until 3rd Century B.C. to the 11th Century

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

Historical Background of S & T in
the Phil.
Pre-Spanish Period
• weaving, shipbuilding, mining & farming
led Filipinos in the creation of the finest
product of engineering, the Banaue Rice This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

• Caracoa a plank-built warship was well
suited for inter-island trade.
• Filipinos have learned the curative values of
plants through extraction
• Had an alphabet, counting method, weights,
7 measurement system. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Historical Background of S &
T in the Phil.
Spanish Colonial Period { S & T growth}
Introduced formal education & founded scientific
3R’s, writing & music were taught in schools
More advance methods in agriculture for natives
Established schools & colleges, UST as the oldest
Prioritized medicine, Biology was highlighted

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

Historical Background of S & T in the Phil.

Spanish Colonial Period { S & T growth}

Spaniards made contributions in the field of Engineering
Construction of establishments, churches, roads, bridges, & forts.
Galleon trade made a big impact in the economic growth of the Phil.
Agriculture & industrial development were neglected
Suez Canal was built
American Period & Post-Commonwealth Era
 S & T continued
Established Bureau of Laboratories in July 1, 1901
by the Phil. Commission Historical
to study tropical diseases & lab. projects Background
Bureau of Science in 1905 as the primary research
center of the country of S & T in
National Research Council was established in 1933 the Phil.
Science was inclined into agriculture, forestry,
medicine and pharmacy
 American Period & Post-Commonwealth Era
Historical  Free trade policy nurtured an economy geared towards
agriculture & trade
Background  Bureau of Science was replaced by Institute of Science
in 1946
of S & T in the  “The Science Act of 1958” to establish the National
Phil. Science Development Board due to problems in
S & T such as:
 lack of basic information,
 no support,
 minimal budget &
 low compensation
Marcos Era
 Science was given importance
S & T priority in the 1973 Constitution
The need for Science in public high school in
Historical partnership with NSDB
Background of In 1968, technology is recognized as top reason
S & T in the in economic development
Phil. Gave extra fund to science & science education
Private universities were encouraged to create
courses that focus on S & T
In 1970, there was upgrading of science
curriculum & equipment w/c are crucial to
science dev’t program
Marcos Era
 P.D.# 48 s. of 1972 was declared to support
Historical scientific research and invention
Established PAGASA to give environmental
Background protection & utilize scientific knowledge to ensure
of S & T in the safety of the nation
National Academy of Science & Technology was
the Phil. established in 1976 to have scientists in S & T
Established campuses of Philippine Science High
School in Visayas & Mindanao.
Historical Background of S & T in the Phil.
Fifth Republic ( Corazon Aquino)
NSTA was replaced into DOST
The role of S & T was highlighted in PDP 1987-92
Budget allocation in s & t was increased into 1.054 B
Filipino scientists & inventors were encouraged to be back in the Phil. Estimated
in 1998 to be 3,000 competent scientists & engineers
3,500 scholarships was provided by the government
Schools had updated & modernized equipment & facilities
R.A # 8439 in 1997 (Magna Carta for S & T Employees) was enacted to give
incentives & rewards to people who made an impact in s & t
Historical Background of S & T in the Phil.

Fifth Republic
Internet age was pushed for the advancement of schools and industry - Joseph
S & T reached its Golden age – Gloria Arroyo
Numerous laws & projects were made to push technology forward
R.A. 9367, the Biofuels Act promotes the development and usage of biofuels in
the country
Four (4) scientists were honored in 2014 by Benigno Aquino
Historical Background of S & T in the Phil.

Fifth Republic
Internet age was pushed for the advancement of schools and industry - Joseph
S & T reached its Golden age – Gloria Arroyo
Numerous laws & projects were made to push technology forward
R.A. 9367, the Biofuels Act promotes the development and usage of biofuels in
the country
Four (4) scientists were honored in 2014 by Benigno Aquino
Internal influences
S & T in the Survival
Phil. Was Economic activities
influenced by:
External influences
Foreign colonizers
Trades with foreign countries
International economic demands

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